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jordan’s Avatar
jordan May 24, 2016 1081 views

I was told that in the business management field it's hard to make a career out of it unless you obtain your masters degree. My question to you all is 1. Is that true? and 2. Is business management a field that is hard to make into a career?

I've come to this site to get my questions answered by professionals to clarify all the things told to me by family members and other resources about getting a degree in this field. Although their advice is nice I just wanted to clarify this with professionals to see if I'd have to consider a...

jordan’s Avatar
jordan May 24, 2016 577 views

Initially I planned on going to college to obtain a bachelor's degree in business management, until I realized how many different categories of business management there are. I would like to know how do I narrow my options down in this particular field?

I'm asking this question because at first to my ignorance I assumed that business management was just that with no other choices behind it. As the end of the school year is approaching and now that I've done more research on business management I just need some advice on which to choose....

Pallas-Amenah’s Avatar
Pallas-Amenah May 24, 2016 815 views

The college I will attend in the Fall wants me to be a "walk on" for track. I never requested to participate in sports.; I would like to concentrate on my studies. Should I do it, or should I concentrate on my studies?

I was the 2015 State Champion for JV Girls Cross Country (Independent Schools). I also hold my school's record for the 400 meter event. I need more scholarships, but I really want to concentrate on my studies. I do not want to lose the scholarships I already have. #college #career...

Cat’s Avatar
Cat May 24, 2016 920 views

Hobbies and Career? Or Hobbies vs Career?

I love music and I am an accomplished instrument performer, awarded at state competitions. I also like to run, I've been doing track and field for many years. However, none of these passions are part of my career goals. At college I will study physics and engineering. Can anyone share...

Cat’s Avatar
Cat May 24, 2016 702 views

How can one get the most exposure during the first year of college, in order to make an educated decision when choosing the major/minor?

At 18 I might have a target in life, but not necessarily a clear path of how to get there. When attending a technical university that has over 100 engineering majors, what can a student do to get the best exposure to such a wide variety of courses and labs, in order to make sure he didn't miss...

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha May 21, 2016 1052 views

What is growth hacking all about? Similar to marketing or completely different?

I just stumbled upon this new term and would just like a marketer's perspective on it... #marketing #busines

Pallas-Amenah’s Avatar
Pallas-Amenah May 20, 2016 1936 views

I will be starting college in the fall of 2016, should I work this summer, in hope of being able to replace work study.

I am planning to enter college as a freshman this fall. In order to keep any scholarship I receive, I need to do well.Because of this, I am afraid to accept work study. #professor #college-student #college-counseling

Camryn’s Avatar
Camryn May 19, 2016 1290 views

On average, how many years of school are required for a PhD in Psychology?

I plan to get a doctorate degree in Psychology and would like a time estimate so I can plan financially. #psychology #doctorate-degree #phd #financial-planning

Camryn’s Avatar
Camryn May 19, 2016 1393 views

How do you participate in Teach For America?

I plan to do Teach For America in between undergraduate and graduate and I would like more information on the salary and requirements. #education #teach-for-america

Marcos’s Avatar
Marcos May 19, 2016 1234 views

Does getting a degree in Photography branch out into usable skills like videography?

I am wondering what my options are with a one-dimensional degree to branch out into other fields like mass communications or the movie industry. #film #television #videography #movie-production #personal-development #career-details

Marcos’s Avatar
Marcos May 19, 2016 1086 views

How do I break into the field of Photography once I get my bachelors degree? Is there a common process for obtaining interviews? Pros and Cons of fine art vs. commercial fields?

I am close to graduating with a photography degree. I am unsure how to make the transition from student to a full time career in the field of photography. There is fine arts, and commercial. How would I go about either? #art #career-path #photography #fashion-photography #commercial-photography...

Melanie ’s Avatar
Melanie May 19, 2016 2114 views

Nurse Practitioner Clinical Sites

The nurse practitioner online program that I am enrolled in requires the student to find clinical sites and preceptors. Are there any suggestions or comments regarding finding clinical placement? Thanks!

Melanie ’s Avatar
Melanie May 19, 2016 1044 views

How do I become a nurse practitioner?

I have learned the process for employment. Can the process start following graduation but before passing the boards or do you have to wait until after passing the boards? Where should a new grad look for employment opportunities? Any tips or suggests... #nurse-practitioner #Nursing...

Rodne'y ’s Avatar
Rodne'y May 19, 2016 892 views

What is the most paying technology career salary

I want to be successful working with computers when I get older #financial-planning

Clarissa’s Avatar
Clarissa May 19, 2016 3299 views

What jobs can you get with a bachelors in psychology while your going for a masters in forensic psychology?

I plan on working while getting my masters in forensic psychology, and I want to know what jobs to look for. #psychology #clinical-psychology #social-psychology #forensic-psychology #moral-psychology

Clarissa’s Avatar
Clarissa May 19, 2016 1184 views

How competitive is the feild of psychology.

I want to know I the psychology score of schools really matter. #clinical-psychology #psychiatry #social-psychology #child-psychology #forensic-psychology #school-psychology #moral-psychology

Adam ’s Avatar
Adam May 18, 2016 1187 views

What is the best thing I can do outside of school to prepare for college and beyond?

Right now I am a high school student and am wondering what to do with what free time that I have. #degree #working

Adam ’s Avatar
Adam May 18, 2016 582 views

Is there a benefit of getting a mechanical engineering degree outside of getting a job?

I want to get a Mechanical Engineering degree, but I am just wondering if there are other benefits besides a good job. Thanks! #engineer

Ter’s Avatar
Ter May 18, 2016 892 views

What is the best job on campus?

What kind of jobs should I apply for during my freshman year in college? #college #college-jobs

Ter’s Avatar
Ter May 18, 2016 1320 views

What is a good amount of time to work during my freshman year in college?

I don't want to be overwhelmed, especially as a full time student. Is fifteen hours to much? #college #college-jobs

Katie’s Avatar
Katie May 18, 2016 604 views

With a Music Industry degree what are my career options other then working at a record label and how do I break into the industry while still in college?

I will be a freshmen at Monmouth University this fall majoring in Music Industry and what to know more about my future career options. #music

Katie’s Avatar
Katie May 18, 2016 2305 views

How do I get an internship at a major music record label?

I will be starting Monmouth University in the fall as a Music Industry major and want to manage recording artists when I graduate. #music #in #music-industry

Minh’s Avatar
Minh May 18, 2016 1447 views

Is it possible for students adapt to new career paths that are unrelated to their major? And if so, what steps should they take?

A lot of times, people end up having a new passion that is unrelated to their degree. I have seen many professionals gain high profile jobs even though they had a degree that was unrelated to their career. I was curious to see how a student could gain experience in a different field and dive...

Minh’s Avatar
Minh May 18, 2016 1256 views

Diversity is becoming a big component for many companies. I believe that diversity should not be just stated but it should be felt. What are some ways an organization can make diversity something that is felt rather than sold?

As a student that is on the Diversity Empowerment Council at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, I would like to find out new creative ways to create initiatives that will help empower my community.
#business #consulting #diversity

Malinda’s Avatar
Malinda May 18, 2016 831 views

I am pursuing a career as a Physicans Assistant, but I am an introvert. Is anyone out there in the same boat? Did you find your introversion to be an asset or a impediment?

I honestly think that PA is the right career for me, and I have discussed my concerns about how long periods of time interacting with people drains me with a current PA. She is very introverted as well, and has found it to be an asset. I was hoping for a few other opinions, as well as differing...

Courtney’s Avatar
Courtney May 18, 2016 938 views

Will you get used to seeing gross things in the medical field?

I don't have a weak stomach perhaps but I am really caring now and if I see someone hurt bad, I don't think I could help myself but to do everything to help. I usually look away but being what I want to do, I have to get used to it. #doctor #medicine #nurse #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

Courtney’s Avatar
Courtney May 18, 2016 937 views

Is there anyway to get a doctrine degree and take undergraduate classes at the same time?

I want to be an anesthesiologist but I don't want to be in school forever :( #college #doctor #doctorate-degree #anesthesiologist #medicine #hospital-and-health-care

Malinda’s Avatar
Malinda May 18, 2016 764 views

Besides obtaining my Bachelors, what other steps can I take now to make myself more attractive to a PA program?

I am a graduating high school senior and have just determined which career path I want to follow, which is that of a Physician Assistant. I discovered that PA would be a good fit for me as a result of a career class at my local community college. However, I have no history or experience in any...

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla May 17, 2016 968 views

A career in Sports Management seems very competitive. Is there a minor in particular related to the Sports Industry that I should look into majoring in to secure me a position in today's workforce?

I do not know any people who have successfully majored in Sports Management and actually work in the field. Trying to get a feel for the other types of jobs that may be related to the field as a back up plan. #entry-level

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla May 17, 2016 1189 views

Being a Business major I find that the field is very broad. Is it smart to shoot for a job in particular when deciding on what major to choose?

I was undecided until I got accepted into the School of Business at University of New Haven. Just making sure I chose the right major or if I should continue being undecided for a while longer. #business

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha May 17, 2016 2722 views

What that best field to study in the world of tech in terms of job opportunities?

I'm torn between choosing just Computer Science, or Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Information Systems, Cyber-security, Computer Forensics...I know I want to be a tech major...but which one??

Cara-Ann’s Avatar
Cara-Ann May 16, 2016 1019 views

What are the best ways to prepare for college, and the #1 tip for a Freshman?

I start college in the Fall! My emotions consist of excitement, nervousness, a bit anxious, but mostly extremely enthusiastic! What would be the #1 tip for a freshman who wants to succeed throughout college, and feel prepared when launching off to leave? #college #studying-tips #freshman #new

Cara-Ann’s Avatar
Cara-Ann May 16, 2016 1224 views

What are some potential careers/jobs available for students with a major in Public Relations/Communications, specifically in PA?

In college, I plan to major in Public Relations this Fall in the state of Pennsylvania! I know it is difficult to find a job in today's society, and I'm aware the rate of jobs available for college graduates have been decreasing over time. However, I have hope that something can change. I'd...

Christina’s Avatar
Christina May 13, 2016 899 views

What are the different jobs social workers can have?

I know I want to be a social worker, and I know there are various jobs that they can do, and I would like to know more about them. #social-work

Christina’s Avatar
Christina May 13, 2016 1116 views

Do you feel you are making a positive impact?

I want to make a difference, and want a job where I can feel like I had a positive impact on someone's life. #social-work

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha May 10, 2016 8091 views

What are the opportunities in Event Management?

How can one become a successful event manager? What do you need to study? #career #event-management

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha May 10, 2016 2242 views

How does one get into the YouTube or Social Media Industry ?

What skills do you need and do you need a degree for this kind of industry? #career #tech #social-media #youtube

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha May 10, 2016 2259 views

As an aspiring computer scientist...what tips could one give me to make an excellent LinkedIn profile?

I am working on my LinkedIn profile and resume....what kinds of things should I include as a tech major? #computer-science #technology #programming #linkedin #linkedin-recruiter #computing

Lucia’s Avatar
Lucia May 07, 2016 956 views

How do I figure out what to choose as my major?

Everybody seems to have an idea about what they want to do. I don't seem to have any passions. #college #major

Lucia’s Avatar
Lucia May 07, 2016 897 views

How hard is it to acquire an internship the summer after the first year of college?

I am attending a very competitive college and getting an internship the first summer after my first year at the institution will give me a leg up in the competition for jobs. #college #internship

Jaylen’s Avatar
Jaylen May 07, 2016 676 views

When looking for a job, what should influence you more?

When looking for a job, what should influence your decision? Pay, schedule, distance from home, etc.? #any

Jaylen’s Avatar
Jaylen May 07, 2016 813 views

What is the most important thing to acquire in college, before having a real job?

I'm Jaylen and I am majoring in Exercise Science. Hopefully switching to the Pre-Med program after my freshmen year. Out of all the characteristics like flexibility, leadership, patience, etc. which one is the most important to acquire before having a real job? I just want to be prepared and...

Briana’s Avatar
Briana May 06, 2016 1791 views

What is the average pay for a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer?

I am beginning my classes in the fall for my Associates Degree in DMS and would like an idea of what I should be considering when pursuing a career after graduation. #hospital #radiology #ultrasound #sonographer #finance #career #career-counseling #healthcare

Briana’s Avatar
Briana May 06, 2016 1959 views

Where is the best place to practice Diagnostic Medical Sonography? Hospital, Doctor's Office, Clinic, etc?

I am pursuing a career in Diagnostic Medical Sonography and beginning my classes in the fall. #ultrasound #sonographer #medicine #healthcare #career #career-counseling

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon May 06, 2016 3493 views

how many hours do industrial designers work

Project due tomorrow #industrial-design

Cristy’s Avatar
Cristy May 05, 2016 995 views

Should I be stressing out about going in as undecided?

It's my first year, I have many scholarships but i am not devoted to a certain major. Should I just choose one or should I figure it out once I get there. #undecided

Cristy’s Avatar
Cristy May 05, 2016 1020 views

Should I apply to the business school of my college?

Should I apply to the business school of my university or remain undecided as I enter my freshmen year of college? I am not passionate about this major but i think it is one that get me further in life. #business #undecided

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha May 05, 2016 1490 views

What is the worst career mistake one can make?

Just curious what the worst possible-scenario could be... #jobs #career-paths #careers

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha May 05, 2016 8973 views

Psychology and Computer Science?

I'm pretty sure I want to study CS at university but I also have interests in other subjects such as Psychology, Economics, and Education. Is it a good idea to double major in CS and one of these subjects? Which universities, if any, allow this combination? #computer-science #psychology...

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha May 02, 2016 1040 views

How can I take meaningful trips abroad for experience on a budget?

Travelling abroad is experience that is well liked by recruiters right? #travel #study-abroad #hiring #living-abroad

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