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Alexa’s Avatar
Alexa Jan 22, 2018 708 views

How can I best prepare myself in my undergraduate years for medical school in the future?

Ever since I was young, I always wanted to be a oediatrican. Now that I am in college, my dreams can start to become a reality and I want to know the best tips on how to be as successful and as prepared as I can be for medical school.

#medicine #medicalschool

Joi’s Avatar
Joi Jan 21, 2018 842 views

Know what your dream job is?

As a mechanical engineer, I know that I have many options for my career choice. But I am also worried that I won't be able to find a job that I enjoy. What are the best ways or what are the right questions to ask to find out if I like a job or not? #enginnering #happiness...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jan 19, 2018 626 views

How can I get an internship in my field

I am looking for internships for Food Scientists but all I can find are companies looking for experienced scientists. #internships #foodscience

Jeancarlo’s Avatar
Jeancarlo Jan 17, 2018 905 views

What is a skill or quality most people overlook when it comes to interviewing that is actually vitally important?

As a college student, the transition to the workforce is happening really soon. Since I will have to do many interviews, what soft skill or quality should I make sure I have in order to make myself as hirable as possible? #interviews #jobs #computer-science #professional-development #stem...

Jeancarlo’s Avatar
Jeancarlo Jan 17, 2018 1613 views

How should a computer science major keep up with the constant changes in the field and with technology itself ?

I'm a computer science major and I constantly hear about new strategies, programming languages, and technologies that are supposed to be the next big thing. It would be impossible to keep up with all of them, but, in order to stay up to date, how do I tell which new thing is the best to invest...

Fathima’s Avatar
Fathima Jan 17, 2018 886 views

What should I expect when it comes to sexism and racism in the STEM field, because I know it's quite pervasive in the US?

I'm South Asian, muslim, and a woman, and so far I've not experienced a lot of sexist or racist treatment, but I expect I'll run into it eventually. Is there any ideology I should keep in mind, or any resources I should look into?

#racism #sexism #biology #biotechnology #women-in-stem

Fathima’s Avatar
Fathima Jan 17, 2018 749 views

How do I blend visual art and writing skill with my biotechnology degree for a career?

Ever since I was a kid, I was constantly stuck between wanting to be an artist, a writer, or a scientist. There must be some way to have all these things in my life, but I'm not really sure since I want to be a microbiologist or parasitologist. #biology #biotechnology #molecular-biology...

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Jan 17, 2018 410 views

The balance between School and sport/social life

I am wondering if i can keep a super busy schedule in college, while maintaining great grades? #iceskater

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Jan 17, 2018 571 views

Is it right college decision for me?

I have applied to multiple colleges with multiple scholarships. But the cost is just so expensive. I'm really in love with a college but it cost so much money. Another college gave me an almost free ride. But im stuck and I'm paying for it all on my own. So what do you recommend. #college #biology

Jeffrey’s Avatar
Jeffrey Jan 17, 2018 1110 views

What SAT score do you need to have to get into nursing programs

I'm really into nursing
#nursing #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care #college #college-admissions #sat

Jeffrey’s Avatar
Jeffrey Jan 17, 2018 994 views

What gpa do you need to have to get into a nursing program

I'm thinking about majoring in nursing
#nursing-schools #nursing #higher-education

Mike’s Avatar
Mike Jan 16, 2018 578 views

Best skill to improve your worth to a company

What is the skill that has the highest return on investment outside of going to school #engineering

Mike’s Avatar
Mike Jan 16, 2018 744 views

How do I find internships at smaller companies

I want to do service engineering at a smaller company with potential for growth, and want to find a way to contact companies #jobs #engineering

Jhonatan’s Avatar
Jhonatan Jan 16, 2018 771 views

Should I attend Graduate school after my bachelors degree or should I get some experience first?

I am graduating in approximately a year and I am having troubling deciding this. #graduate-school #technology

Jhonatan’s Avatar
Jhonatan Jan 16, 2018 634 views

What are some good scholarships for student who are Latinos majoring in Computer Science?

I am Latino majoring and Computer Science and this interest me.
#technology #latino-students

Jhonatan’s Avatar
Jhonatan Jan 16, 2018 894 views

Should I attend Graduate school after my bachelors degree? Or should I get some experience in the workforce first?

I am graduating in approximately a year and I am having troubling deciding this. #graduate-school #technology

Jhonatan’s Avatar
Jhonatan Jan 16, 2018 715 views

What are some good scholarships for student who are unrepresented majoring in Computer Science?

I am Latino majoring and Computer Science and this interest me.
#technology #latino-students

Sierra’s Avatar
Sierra Jan 16, 2018 644 views

What’s the real definition of success?

#life #standards #wondering

Marisol’s Avatar
Marisol Jan 16, 2018 651 views

How do you use time management for school home, work and family?

Working fulltime and going to school taking 2 classes per semester. How do you manage the time between school, work, home and family? Looking for better ways to manage my time with everything so nothing falls short and i am able to still do things with my family and everything else....

Marisol’s Avatar
Marisol Jan 16, 2018 823 views

What is the best advise you can give for a student who is new to college that would like to apply for scholarships.

What is the best advise you can give for a student who is new to college that would like to apply for scholarships. How do you go about it and how do you know which ones are legit or not? Where do you start?
#scholarships #college #financial-aid #college-tuition

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Jan 16, 2018 965 views

Which is the best school to choose for a career as an aerospace engineer?

I am very interested in a career as an aerospace engineer. I have visited 3 schools in the mid Atlantic area that have a good reputation in engineering. When I ask each one which makes your school standout over the other ones I got pretty vague answers. I have been told to ask questions to...

Maarij’s Avatar
Maarij Jan 15, 2018 639 views

What majors instead of pre-law are good undergraduate majors to have before law school?

I am an undergraduate legal studies major, and am deciding to change my major. #pre-law

Maarij’s Avatar
Maarij Jan 15, 2018 1977 views

How does an average workday look like for a corporate lawyer. And is it what you expected?

I am a freshman in college majoring in legal studies in business science, and hope to one day be litigation lawyer. #law #corporate-law #legal-services

Natalie’s Avatar
Natalie Jan 15, 2018 933 views

What is the best way for an undeclared student to discover options for a college major?

This fall, I will be attending a four-year #university , but I have not declared a #major yet. I have diverse interests, so I would like to #explore my options before I decide on a major. What would be the best way to discover my options and learn about new things in order to find the right...

Natalie’s Avatar
Natalie Jan 15, 2018 573 views

Is it difficult to manage dietary restrictions during college?

I was recently diagnosed with Celiac Disease, an autoimmune disease caused by eating gluten. Already finding it hard to avoid gluten at home, I am wondering if it is difficult to manage this disease and dietary restrictions during #college #diet-and-exercise #health,-wellness-and-fitness

uj’s Avatar
uj Jan 14, 2018 660 views

best colleges in east cost?

best colleges in east cost? #technology

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Jan 13, 2018 653 views

How important is the college you go to for undergrad when applying to medical school/

I have been accepted into a couple of honors programs at good colleges which included good merit scholarships. I have also applied to a couple Ivy League and schools and am wondering if I get accepted if they are really worth the extra cost when applying to medical school? I would have to...

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Jan 13, 2018 580 views

If I plan on going to med school what are some things Ishould be looking for when choosing where to go for my undergrad degree?

My ultimate goal is to become a surgeon. What are some of the things they will be looking for when I apply for medical school that I should consider when choosing? #college #college-admissions #medicine #healthcare

Kiana’s Avatar
Kiana Jan 13, 2018 630 views

How else should I save up for next term besides applying for scholarships / grants and working part-time?

I need money for the fall and right now work part-time on the weekends and attending classes during the weekdays, I simply won't have enough time to thoroughly search for scholarships and such in time. #college-advice #college-tuition

Nimit’s Avatar
Nimit Jan 05, 2018 1185 views

Seeking an internship for the summer

I am a sophomore majoring in Accounting/Finance, and I have previously studied Accounting in my high-school but with IFRS. I was awarded 2 national awards under Accounting by Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) board when I gave their examinations. GAAP is similar, and I do have a bit of...

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