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Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Jun 12, 2020 5958 views

Should I join the Air Force or go to College?

Hi, My name is Samantha and I am 1 of 5 siblings. None of which went to college or made a life of themselves. But I am the only one out of 5 that is super smart and has excellent grades. I am a student that have straight A's and could possibly get a scholarship. But on the other hand, I looked...

Catherine’s Avatar
Catherine Jun 10, 2020 703 views

what is the bs/md program

I am interested in the route of becoming a doctor right after high school, since it will save time and money, without requiring an MCAT. What are the differences between #hospital-and-health-care #healthcare #medical #medicine #doctor this versus the traditional route and is it easier or...

Catherine’s Avatar
Catherine Jun 09, 2020 6223 views

Should I go into bussiness or medicine

I change my mind a lot and want to do something that is I enjoy every day. I feel that business is broad and it is so much you can do with a business major, however, being a doctor is so straightforward because having a medical degree is just being a doctor. I have always wanted to be a doctor...

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Jun 01, 2020 1878 views

What volunteer opportunities would match well with STEM related majors?

I am a 10th grader and I have my eyes set on being a biochemistry major. I want to know what places or organizations I can help out! #biochemistry #college-major #biology #volunteer

Charlotte’s Avatar
Charlotte May 31, 2020 835 views

What does an ob/gyn do?

I am interested in becoming an ob/gyn, and would like some more info about what they do on a day to day basis, etc. #medicine #healthcare #medical #doctor #hospital-and-health-care #doctor

Charlotte’s Avatar
Charlotte May 31, 2020 891 views

What does a psychologist do?

I going to be a junior in high school next year, and i a m planning on going into the medical field. I am interested in psychology, however I do not know too much about what exactly they do on a day to day basis, patients they deal with, etc. #psychology #medicine #medical #medicine #doctor...

Charlotte’s Avatar
Charlotte May 31, 2020 918 views

What extracurriculars/volunteer programs should I be doing for college (medical field)?

#college #medical #medicine #doctor #premed I am going to be a junior in high school this coming school year, and i was planning on trying to volunteer at several hospitals nearby. However, with COVID-19, hospitals are no longer accepting volunteers, so I am unsure of what extracurriculars or...

jessica’s Avatar
jessica May 22, 2020 1094 views

should I take AP spanish lang?

I can speak spanish and understand, but he problem is I can't write it and I have to write a 4 paragraph essay on the Ap test which I haven't achieved. I don't know what to do. What will the colleges say about my me not taking it? #college

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer May 22, 2020 597 views

What should I major in College if I am working towards being Pre-Law?

I have always been interested in speech, debated and politics. I've known for a few years now that I want to go into Politics or become a Lawyer. English is my favorite subject in school. I have very good persuasive and writing skills as well.
#college-major #politics#law #college

Aneri’s Avatar
Aneri May 17, 2020 575 views

How do I find volunteer placements as phlebotomists/medical laboratory technician?

I live in North York. I complete my masters degree in medical laboratory technology specialist in clinical biochemistry which is equivalent to Canadian masters degree. I have 3 years experience as medical technologist including phlebotomy and 1 year experience as Genetics technician. I am...

diety’s Avatar
diety May 15, 2020 1740 views

I really want to be a veterinarian, but I struggle a lot with science and math so can anyone give me advice on how to tackle this on.

I love animals, but I hate science and math. I am bad at both and have not had good teachers to help me with my trouble in it. I don't want this to stop me from pursuing my dream and making me regret not trying so is there anyone who has been in the same boat as me? I am very intimidated...

Tricia’s Avatar
Tricia May 14, 2020 1022 views

What should high schoolers be doing right now in order to get accepting into nursing school?

Hello, I'm an upcoming junior in high school looking to better my chances at attaining a career in #nursing .

farheen’s Avatar
farheen Apr 28, 2020 583 views

Steps to becoming a doctor

I got to community college and intend on transferring to UCLA to do biochemistry as my premed degree. How can I make myself a more competitive applicant? #college #doctor #premed #medical #medicine #communitycollege

Paloma’s Avatar
Paloma Apr 27, 2020 1639 views

How has Covid-19 impacted your career?

#career-choice #career-counseling #career-path #college #planning

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Apr 25, 2020 593 views

Has COVID-19 affected the way a dermatologist is able to see their patients?

With a lot of businesses and schools closing down, everyone is pretty much trying to stay home and avoid contact with anyone from outside. I assume this has affected the way dermatologists and other doctors see their patients. #doctor #healthcare #medical #medicine #dermatology #dermatologist

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Apr 25, 2020 698 views

What is the average day in the life of a dermatologist?

I am a sophomore in high school still trying to figure out what sort of career path to take. I like to take care of others, enjoy all types of science, and enjoy drawing. Dermatology is a career choice I am interested in because I care very much about my skin and my overall well-being and also...

daniel’s Avatar
daniel Apr 24, 2020 666 views

What impact has Covid-19 done in regards to working in a fire station?

Being a fire fighter is one of my dream goals since a kid, I am currently enrolled in a fire academy and love it. I have my cpr certification and I am accomplishing a lot to meet the requirements to be part of the fire service. But what has Covid-19 done to firefighters to stay safe while...

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Apr 24, 2020 518 views

What does the normal routine of a neonatal nurse consist of ? How was the COVID-19 impacted medical facilites, for example what are the work days looking like?

I'm very interested into going into a work field where I get to work with children and also care for them, more specifically newborns. #medicine #medical #nurse #nursing #healthcare

Brayden’s Avatar
Brayden Apr 24, 2020 532 views

What effects had COVID-19 had on chefs?

I am a sophomore I'm high school that is looking into becoming a chef and with what is going on in the world right now I would want some insight on what effects it would have on me if I do decide to choose this career pathway. #chef #cooking #culinary #culinary-arts

Paloma’s Avatar
Paloma Apr 24, 2020 1087 views

How do you know you found the perfect career that suits you best and what can I do to make sure I found the perfect career for me? During a pandemic, would my decision be more what benefits me financially or what makes me happy?

Hello my name is Paloma and as of right now I am a sophomore in high school. I'm not too sure what I want to do or pursue as a career now that I am thinking of it. I will like to gain some knowledge and maybe advice as to how you knew and chose what you wanted to pursue. With so many choices...

Brayden’s Avatar
Brayden Apr 24, 2020 633 views

What does a day in being a chef look like?

I am a sophomore in High school that is continuing to expand his knowledge on becoming a Chef. Having insight in what a day in their life looks like would benefit me in knowing what I should be expecting if I do choose this career pathway. #chef #cooking #culinary-arts #culinary

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Apr 24, 2020 936 views

What steps should I take to become a veterinarian? And how has this pandemic effected vet clinics and hospitals.

I'm a sophomore in high school who has a passion for helping animals. I've been deeply passionate about becoming a vet because of an incident that happened with my puppy. When I arrived at the hospital after school I saw the animals and their owners waiting it hurts my heart knowing they need...

Jesse’s Avatar
Jesse Apr 24, 2020 562 views

How has the Coronavirus affected fast food restaurants

How has the #coronavirus affected fast food #restaurants? Are employees treated different and are there any #precautions within the restaurant for example #social-distancing, are you still told to be 6 feet apart and do fast food restaurants still receive nearly the same income before the outbreak?

Jesse’s Avatar
Jesse Apr 24, 2020 803 views

How has quarantine changed your life style today?

How much has your life changed ever since the #coronavirus out break. What does your day mostly consist of rather it be #reading or #video games . Last of all what are you planning to achieve and be successful at after the #quarantine is lifted.

Paola’s Avatar
Paola Apr 24, 2020 513 views

What does the normal routine of a nurse consist of? Has Covid-19 made the medical facilities less busy (due to people staying at home) or has it kept its level of intensity?

I'm very interested in working in a fast pace environment like the ER. I like the idea of how you'll be able to see all types of cases everyday. And how to deal with the patients and they are needing in the moment.
#nursing #nurse #healthcare #college #medicine #medical #student #career

Yarethzy’s Avatar
Yarethzy Apr 24, 2020 659 views

What do you need to become a nurse?

Im a Sophomore in high school and im looking into the medical field and becoming a nurse in the future, especially with the whole pandemic going on it will be worth it in the near future. I have pretty much made my mind up to become a nurse or at least serve in the medical field. #nursing...

Yarethzy’s Avatar
Yarethzy Apr 24, 2020 747 views

How has COVID-19 affected your job as a nurse?

With the COVID-19 breakout how has it affected your daily life and lifestyle? #nurse #nursing #doctor #nurse-practitioner #healthcare #career

Brayden’s Avatar
Brayden Apr 23, 2020 596 views

What is required to be come a chef?

I am a sophomore in high school that is looking into possible future careers that fit me. Cooking food has always been an option so I now need to look more into it and get some personal feedback from some chefs. #chef #cooking #culinary-arts

Xiara’s Avatar
Xiara Apr 23, 2020 597 views

How has the Coronavirus impacted your career as a Neurologist?

With this whole widespread of the virus, how drastically did your routine change? #medicine #career #changes #medical

Xiara’s Avatar
Xiara Apr 23, 2020 516 views

What are your steps to becoming a Neurologist?

At school, I am most interested in learning new things, hand-ons working, and sometimes working on my own but also working with others, while my hobbies include running, volunteering, and traveling. A topic that I am passionate about is how the brain functions. What are some career options...

Jasmine’s Avatar
Jasmine Apr 23, 2020 794 views

If I want to be a school nurse, what are the requirements to be a school nurse? How is covid-19 impacting school nurses & regular nurses?

I'm in high school at the edge of graduation & many of my science teachers recommend me to join in some sort of career with science. I'm not sure what I still want to be, and honestly a school nurse sounds kind of easy. The thing is at first I wanted to be a social worker but for me it seemed...

Arely’s Avatar
Arely Apr 22, 2020 552 views

In being an illustrator, how has the coronavirus impacted your work life?

I would say my point of view is influenced a lot by instagram illustrators, such as the ones that make webcomics they have the ability to work at home and continue on with their job. To be a more specific, I want to know how this pandemic has influenced people in the field I strive to go into....

Arely’s Avatar
Arely Apr 22, 2020 621 views

What courses should you take in university if you’re interested in being an illustrator?

I’m a high school student that’s always been interested in art as well as the various types of mediums. I’ve always wanted to try out watercolors, acrylics, pastels, etc. I’m currently trying to find which art style fits me best and have always been interested in creating stories. This would be...

Paola’s Avatar
Paola Apr 22, 2020 698 views

In what ways has COVID-19 affected everyday interactions with patients?

#doctor #medicine #nurse #nursing #healthcare

Paola’s Avatar
Paola Apr 22, 2020 501 views

What are some things I can do now to later be in the field of medicine, more specifically pediatrics?

I'm a very hard worker and like to set goals for myself. Helping people is something I do best. #doctor #medical #medicine #healthcare #premed

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Apr 21, 2020 542 views

How has COVID-19 affected the jobs of athletic trainers? #athletictrainer #sportsmedicine #kinesiology

Non-essential offices or jobs have been temporarily shut down by the government do to the COVID-19 virus. As an athletic trainer, how has it affected your job? #athletictrainer #sportsmedicine #kinesiology

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Apr 21, 2020 640 views

what skills are required to become a athletic trainer for professional sports? #athletictrainer #sportsmedicine #kinesiology

My career goal is to become an athletic trainer for professional sports teams such as the NBA, NFL, MLB, MLS, etc. Im asking what are the main skill requirements to obtain this job? #athletictrainer #sportsmedicine #kinesiology

David’s Avatar
David Apr 21, 2020 4660 views

How has COVID-19 impacted your career as an accountant?

#accountant #accounting #business #finance

David’s Avatar
David Apr 21, 2020 1707 views

What are the skills and educational requirements to become an accountant?

I'm a sophomore in high school and I wish to become an accountant. I am in honors math classes and I quite enjoy math, I get exited once I finally solve a challenging problem. I had a project in 8th grade that involved taxes and I actually enjoyed it, that's how I got the idea that I want to...

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Apr 21, 2020 1242 views

How can i figure out what career would be right for me?

I'm a single mother of one, I'm 27 years old and about to enroll in college. I'm interested in human behavior, psychology, sociology, Physical health and the natural way the world works. My goal is to gain knowledge and pursue a career in something that involves my interests, also to be wealthy...

daniel’s Avatar
daniel Apr 21, 2020 642 views

How do I tell my mom I want to resell sneakers for a living?

I am a 16 year old "huslter" out here in California, many people have told me that I am able to actually finish through on it. I have had some crazy flips on items from buying supreme tees for $48 and reselling them for $100+. The sneaker game has gone up crazy and I know so much about it that...

daniel’s Avatar
daniel Apr 21, 2020 453 views

What are the right steps to become a firefighter?>

I am currently a 10th grader at Hart High school wanting to persue one of my dream jobs of becoming part of the fire service. I am currently enrolled in a Fire Academy and I am loving it, but Covid-19 has turned our hands on learning to station tours with out instructors. With the information I...

Isis’s Avatar
Isis Apr 20, 2020 727 views

How is the corona virus impacting physical therapists?

I have read several articles about businesses closing and how the pandemic situation is taking over job industries, but I was wondering how physical therapists do their job especially if this job is usually face to face with people to help them recover from their physical injuries. Do they do...

Isis’s Avatar
Isis Apr 20, 2020 794 views

What is the average amount of salary physical therapists get a year?

I am a sophomore in high school that has always been interested in the partake in becoming a physical therapist. I play soccer, and actually seen physical therapists do their jobs especially when I broke my arm and they helped me recover. Despite the fact that I want to become a physical...

Isis’s Avatar
Isis Apr 20, 2020 680 views

What are the steps or educational requirements to become a Physical Therapist?

I am a Sophomore in High school and went to college career fairs for the career physical therapy and ever since, have taken the interest in becoming a Physical Therapist. I understand how a physical therapist operates and what they do, but I am interested in learning how to become one in the...

May’s Avatar
May Apr 19, 2020 567 views

What classes do I need to take in order to pursue becoming an orthodontist? What schools are good to get into dental school?

I am an RDA with three years into college . I never finished but was striving to get my bachelors degree. I was also thinking about Becoming a hygienist. Any tips in how to know what to expect or to do? #dentistry #college

Nayeli’s Avatar
Nayeli Apr 14, 2020 1013 views

Should I transfer to a different college that has a BS in Nursing Science?

I'm currently a freshman at UCSD, and not to long ago I decided to pursue a career in nursing, however, my college doesn't have a BS in nursing. I am a human biology major and was wondering if I should stick with that and then go to nursing school or if I should transfer to another college that...

Ashiq Ilahi’s Avatar
Ashiq Ilahi Apr 04, 2020 828 views

I would like to know if there are any summer/online internships for high schoolers related to Architecture and Design in LA?

I am interested in pursuing a career related to Architecture. In order to develop experience, I would like to know if there any openings for either summer or online internships related to this subject. Thank You.
#career #architecture #internship #design

Kimberly’s Avatar
Kimberly Apr 01, 2020 478 views

What jobs are available within a prison/jail with a Bachelors in Criminal Justice.

I’m currently working towards getting my Bachelors in Criminal Justice. I would like to work in a prison as a correctional case manager. I’m not going to lie, I’m not really sure how much a correctional case manager gets paid. I’ve seen anywhere from 30k-60k here in LA, California. I’m...

Eve’s Avatar
Eve Mar 29, 2020 498 views

what would you expect as a typical workday for a CLS?


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