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Robinson, Texas

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Brendan’s Avatar
Brendan Jan 20 860 views

What kind of science classes should I take if I plan to major in Computer Science besides Physics?

Which ones did you take if you took Computer Science.

Trey’s Avatar
Trey Jan 01 1729 views

How do I prepare for a job interview?

How do I prepare for a job interview?

Bethany’s Avatar
Bethany Oct 06, 2024 352 views

Is it hard to become an labor and delivery nurse?

What should I become?
Should I be a nurse?
What type of nurse do I want to be?
Do I really want to become a nurse?
What job suits me?

Jhaquan’s Avatar
Jhaquan May 19, 2024 4017 views

How to gain experience for socialwork?

I was wondering if getting a part time job as a youth development professional at the boys and girls will give me the experience necessary to become a social work? I heard being a social worker assistant is another, but I don't if there any in in belton, kileen, harker heights, temple, and...

Jhaquan’s Avatar
Jhaquan May 18, 2024 1623 views

How do become a social worker ?

Hello I Jhaquan and James and I'm interested in pursuing a career in social work. I am a college student at texas a&m central texas. I earned associates degree in social work and a bachelors degree in psychology. In addition, I have done volunteer work at habitat for humanitys and the boys and...

Abreonna’s Avatar
Abreonna Jan 27, 2024 910 views

How do I get into a good collge for phsychology?

I am determined to pursue a career in psychology and need guidance. I am in high school and plan to graduate early and attend college. I'm just not quite sure how to get there.

starla’s Avatar
starla Dec 09, 2023 749 views

How would I make myself better in marching band?

I wanna know how to become better in marching band. I'm good but I wanna become better. Is there a way I could like get some help with that?

Donna’s Avatar
Donna Oct 11, 2023 526 views

How can I find people also interested in my future career path?

I'm in 10th grade and my career interests including human services and stem

Camryn’s Avatar
Camryn Sep 23, 2023 1340 views

How to choose a career path with a wide range of interests?

I am a psych major in my freshman year of college, and do not know what career path to pursue. I am interested in behavioral psychology, criminal justice, interior architecture, music production, and research journalism, and have no idea how to narrow down what I want to actually pursue.

Celeste’s Avatar
Celeste Sep 18, 2023 1842 views

What is the most difficult part of working in education? How did you over come it? Why would you consider it most difficult ??

What is the most difficult part of working in education? How did you over come it? Why would you consider it most difficult ?

Pamela’s Avatar
Pamela Jul 28, 2023 364 views

does travel nursing interfere with religion?

how does travel nursing interfere with religion? i want to be a travel nurse one day and im scared that i will have to do some things that might not fit my religions rules.

jack’s Avatar
jack Jul 26, 2023 805 views

What majors are popular?

I want to know what majors are the most popular so i can pick a popular one

DeVonagha’s Avatar
DeVonagha May 31, 2023 1293 views

How many hours do you have to work as a graphic designer ?

I’m learning how to become a graphic designer but I’m still in school. I want to know how many hours I need to work.

Robert’s Avatar
Robert Oct 27, 2022 752 views

HOW do i get into doing software on the side and get certified?

How do I get in to designing software or coding or anything of that nature on the side. I have a job but i would like something on the side

Wei’s Avatar
Wei Jun 14, 2021 954 views

What are some essential books you recommend reading before the age of 20

Hi all,

I'm seeking books that will help me grow as a person and provide a different perspective to thinking about today's contentious issues.
#books #writing #careerdevelopment

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