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Sherborn, Massachusetts

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Nia’s Avatar
Nia Jun 07, 2022 1053 views

I want to get a bfa - how hard is it to get into a program?

I’m 14 and want to pursue acting as a career, particularly Shakespeare. My plan right now is to do 5-7 plays a year during high school, do the ESU Shakes comp, create Shakes clubs where I can start getting directing experience, continue with my outside of school acting coach, singing as well,...

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly May 10, 2022 624 views

What Is it like to be a police officer? And what kind of steps did you personally take to become a police officer? Also how much would the median range salary for this job title? Very curious and interested to know !

Hello, I honestly wanted to know what Is It like to be a police officer? Like what kind of steps did you have to take to get this role? , And by chance , How much would be for the median range salary for this job position? Any advice or tips? Very curious to hear some answers! Also wanted to...

Ezequiel’s Avatar
Ezequiel Feb 14, 2022 456 views

Under water welding ?

#bluecollar Is it worth it

Jaison’s Avatar
Jaison Oct 07, 2021 576 views

What college major should i take if i want to be in the cannabis industry?

I'm 17 years old and in the state of mass, you have to be 21 to work in the cannabis industry so I have no idea what to major to assist in that field. #cannabis

mikellys’s Avatar
mikellys Sep 07, 2021 898 views

How should i write a personal statement when i dont think theirs anything outgoing or interesting to write about myself

I havent gone through much struggles or any big at all to write about nothing interesting either that i can write about im very stuck on what to write about. #personalstatement #writing

Roger’s Avatar
Roger Aug 26, 2021 573 views

What are some simple jobs that I could have, (before I start/finish college) that have to do with graphic design?

So I'm looking for an entry-level job that has to do with graphic design. I don't know what jobs I should be looking for. I probably want to be a motion graphic designer, so if there's a simple job related to that somehow that would be preferable. Thanks for the future responses....

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Aug 20, 2021 657 views

As a Physical Therapist , What's it like behind the scenes?

#physical-therapist #physical-therapy

Madeline’s Avatar
Madeline Aug 16, 2021 708 views

How do I quit a job I just started?

Hi Career Village community, I am sharing this with you all in hopes to hear your own wisdom, experiences, and life stories. I recently accepted my first full time, salaried position after graduating college at a little under $48k. A week in, I got an offer for at least $58k for another...

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Aug 16, 2021 531 views

What does it take to become a Physical Therapists?

I plan on studying Computer Network/Cisco , but Physical Therapists is my second option. #physical-therapist #physical-therapy

Golden’s Avatar
Golden Jul 14, 2021 1200 views

Becoming A Computer Scientist

Starting college as freshmen in September and chose to major In C.S What would be the best way to start my journey. I have no prior knowledge with coding or anything C.S related but very interested in learning, so many different things to learn I’m not sure where to start, I want to learn...

Dereck’s Avatar
Dereck Jun 26, 2021 866 views

What courses/classes in High School should I take to help gain skills for my interest in business?

Hi, I'm a 10th grader and my interest is both aviation and business. I want to start gaining skills that would help me out in business. I've always been interested in business, leadership, problem-solving, making ideas come to life, being creative and working with other people as a team to...

Natalie’s Avatar
Natalie Jun 01, 2021 1011 views

What should I know about studying physics?

I love learning, math, and science. I am more interested in physics or astrophysics than I am in biological sciences. Is a physics major or degree worth it? What should I do in high school to prepare for studying physics? What are some extracurriculars that can get me involved in the subject?...

Robin’s Avatar
Robin May 28, 2021 432 views

What's a good college where I can go in person in New England for a good price?

I'm 56 years old, single mom of a special needs young adult.
I want to go back to college to finish my Bachelor's degree. I already have 60+ credits from Community College. I'm a native English speaker and live in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Emma’s Avatar
Emma May 19, 2021 722 views

College Application Process

Hi! I am a junior in high school, and I plan to apply to colleges soon. I was wondering if this community has any advice on creating the best application possible. I plan to focus on extracurriculars, achievements, and grades. Do you have any tips on how to create an application that stands out...

Emma’s Avatar
Emma May 19, 2021 611 views

Requirements for a Behavioral Psychologist

Hello! I am in the 11th grade, and I plan to major in psychology. I am interested in pursuing behavioral psychology specifically, and I was wondering what degrees are needed to become one. What bachelors and graduate degrees are required? Would any particular minors be useful to take as well?...

Emma’s Avatar
Emma May 19, 2021 822 views

Day in the Life of a Clinical Psychologist

Hi! I am a junior in high school who is planning to major in psychology. I was wondering what a typical day looks like for a clinical psychologist. What is the work environment like? Can you have a private practice? Also, what are the typical responsibilities that they must uphold? #therapy...

Emma’s Avatar
Emma May 19, 2021 516 views

Branches of Psychology

Hello! I am a junior in high school who is planning to major in psychology in college. I was wondering which specific job would fit me best. I enjoy working with people one on one, and I’m not a fan of a large group atmosphere. I enjoy helping people, and being a support system for them. Also,...

Emma’s Avatar
Emma May 19, 2021 711 views

Career Choice/ Career Path

Hi! I am currently a junior in high school, and I am starting to think about what I want to study in college. At school, I am interested in psychology and music. My hobbies include singing, acting, and reading. I also enjoy being a part of a mental health awareness club called “Mind Matters” at...

Paige’s Avatar
Paige May 18, 2021 585 views

Looking for advice on surviving law school.

As a future first generation law student, I am looking for advice on how to survive law school, especially 1L. How is the workload? What should I do to survive finals? Not sure what law school I am attending, but I know that the curriculum is somewhat the same. #lawyers #pre-law #law

Paige’s Avatar
Paige May 18, 2021 453 views

Looking for advice about CareerVillage professionals landed their law careers

I am looking for advice on how lawyers on CareerVillage landed their careers. I would love to know what majors, colleges, law schools, and internships that professionals have landed that lead them to the careers they have today. Any other piece of general advice are welcome! #law #corporate-law...

Paige’s Avatar
Paige May 18, 2021 485 views

Looking for answers about helpful college majors and classes for lawyers.

As I begin my college career in the fall, I am wondering if there are any helpful classes or majors that work well in law careers. I am aware that there is no major requirement for law school, but wondering if there are any particular classes/majors that lawyers still find helpful in their...

Paige’s Avatar
Paige May 18, 2021 515 views

I am interested in the day-to-day life of a law firm.

I am a senior in high school looking for some more information on the day-to-day workings of a law firm. How often do criminal lawyers visit jails or go to trial? How much group collaboration is there within a firm? Do attorneys tag team cases, or is it more of an independent effort? Thanks in...

Paige’s Avatar
Paige May 18, 2021 525 views

I am in the 12th grade and I am just beginning to explore my future career, what are some careers and helpful next steps I should consider based on my passions and interests?

At school, I am most interested in sociology, law, and economics, while my hobbies include sports, student government, and band. A topic that I am passionate about is social justice. What are some career options that best align with these interests and what are some helpful next steps I can do...

Okayra’s Avatar
Okayra May 11, 2021 4764 views

What can I do at 16 to involve myself in real estate?

I'm 15 turning 16 this summer and will be a Junior in the upcoming school year. I'm interested in real estate and want to know if there is anything I can do this summer to further my knowledge in the field. Also if there is any job that I can do for a real estate agent at 16 this summer?...

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Apr 26, 2021 737 views

What is the best way to connect with organizations to apply my degree in marine biology?

I am a high school student planning on going to college to major in marine biology and data science. I want to make the most out of my marine biology degree - I have my eye out for valuable experiences or opportunities that will allow me to network with organizations, but what else can I...

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Apr 26, 2021 679 views

What kinds of connections or experiences will I need in order to launch a career in data science?

I am a high school student planning on going to college to major in marine biology and data science. I am looking for what experience or opportunities I should look out for in order to create a successful career in data science after college. #career-development #career #career-choice...

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Apr 26, 2021 673 views

In the growing field of data science, what new opportunities will I have with a degree in data science?

I am a student in high school planning to major in data science and marine biology in college. #high-school-students #computer-science-phd #careers

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Apr 26, 2021 1145 views

As a student double-majoring in data science and marine biology, will I be able to combine both disciplines in a career?

I am a student in high school approaching college to double major in my two passions, Marnie biology and data science. Data science is a broad field and I am looking how I can pursue these passions through a job combining both disciplines. #high-school-students #choosing-a-major #technology...

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Apr 26, 2021 741 views

What opportunities does a master's degree in marine biology present?

I am a student in high school approaching college where I will be studying marine biology. I am passionate about the field and looking for what kinds of careers it can open up. I am additionally very inclined to areas involving mathematics, technology and engineering. #computer-engineer #career...

Danielle’s Avatar
Danielle Apr 22, 2021 1323 views

What’s a day in the life of a clinical data analyst?

I am a medical technologist looking to get into the field of data analytics, particularly for healthcare and/or clinical research. I am curious what a day in the life of a clinical data analyst is like and what skills you find most important? #data #analytics #clinical #healthcare

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