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alexis’s Avatar
alexis Oct 22, 2016 816 views

As a doctor, anesthesiologist in particular, is it easy to balance work and still be active in having a family at home??

I am a female interested in becoming an anesthesiologist, but I also want to one day have a family, so I was wondering if it is easy to balance those two things. #doctor #pre-med #anesthesiologist

Jazmin’s Avatar
Jazmin Oct 22, 2016 1013 views

What are some good colleges for forensic sciences?

I would like to be a forensic scientist or something in that field and I'd like to learn more about my opportunities at each college #biology #forensic

Kate’s Avatar
Kate Oct 22, 2016 815 views

Does a degree in kinesiology or nursing provide better job opportunities after graduation?

I am really stuck between then two options and need help making up my mind! #nursing #kinesiology

Kate’s Avatar
Kate Oct 22, 2016 1191 views

What field of nursing do you need the most training for?

I am very interested in nursing and honestly, super curious about all the different career options it can lead to. #nursing

Kate’s Avatar
Kate Oct 22, 2016 751 views

What are the chances that an employer or company would consider paying for/offering a scholarship to a particular student that financially needs it and will agree to work for them in the future?

These days the cost of college keeps rising and the rate of unemployment seems to be increasing as well. I also understand that it is up to students to find scholarships that fit their financial situation and academic standards. However, I feel as though if more and more employers care about...

Miles’s Avatar
Miles Oct 17, 2016 1001 views

What do I need to do to be on a trading floor?

One of the things I really want to do is be on a trading floor when I start to work. I am currently studying finance and was wondering if there was something else that could really help me become more of a candidate for being on the trading floor. #finance #stock-trading

Miles’s Avatar
Miles Oct 13, 2016 1864 views

What is the best skill one can posess in the business and working field today?

With midterms around the corner, I have become curious about what are important skills to have in today's work force. I know that time management is always looked for but I was curious about what else is looked for in a potential hire. #business #job-skills #personal-development

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Oct 12, 2016 2096 views

For female professionals: Have you even encountered any obstacles obtaining leadership positions because of your gender, and if so, how did you handle those challenges?

I've always had slight concerns about being a woman pursuing a historically male-dominated field (in my case, psychology research/professorship), and I was curious what have been the experiences of women in leadership positions. Was it difficult getting where you are because of your gender? Are...

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Oct 11, 2016 5690 views

What are some areas of telecommunications that will see the most growth in the coming decade or so?

I'm curious about what specific types of jobs are in demand now or will become more in demand within the next few years. This could even include positions that don't exist currently, but might in the future once technological innovations call for it. #communications #telecommunications...

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Oct 07, 2016 6750 views

Is a double major in psychology and neuroscience worth it to get an edge on graduate school applications?

I am currently a freshman psychology major and I'm about to add a neuroscience double major because I think it might help me get into a better grad school. The problem is that I'm afraid that this double major might take time away that I could be using for internships/research, etc. It's...

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Oct 06, 2016 2171 views

In your experience, are psychology internships *or* research experience more important for acceptance to graduate school?

I'm currently an underclassman, however I'd like to gain some quality experience for grad school. Considering that I'm looking to become a professor who conducts research, I thought that in my case pursuing research experience might be the better call. Is this the correct type of thinking, or...

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Oct 05, 2016 1077 views

How do you ask a professional to do an informational interview with you?

I am currently a freshman in a professional development for psychology class, and we have an assignment to talk to someone in a position of our choice for an informational interview. I was considering talking to someone from the Kinsey institute since I might want to volunteer there in grad...

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Oct 05, 2016 954 views

What are some key tips for connecting with faculty within your major so that you can eventually do research with someone?

I am currently a freshman in psychology and neuroscience, but I'd like to start getting to know my professors now so that I have a solid network when it comes time to get some research experience. What are some key ways to connect with faculty, and how do you approach the process of finding...

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Oct 05, 2016 2158 views

When should psychology majors looking to pursue a Ph.D. program plan to enter said program?

I'm currently a freshman psychology major, but I want to start planning early for what I want to do upon graduating with my bachelors. I'd like to become a psychology professor and researcher. I've heard a number of different options for this...1.) You can attend a grad program straight out of...

Miles’s Avatar
Miles Oct 05, 2016 1071 views

Does being a decent, good, or great writer play an important part in future careers?

Is becoming a good writer extremely necessary in the business world, especially in fields such as finance because I do not understand why we need to take multiple English classes in college. #business #finance

Miles’s Avatar
Miles Sep 01, 2016 1120 views

Does the college or uiversity you attend really matter when being employed?

As my school starts next week, I was wondering if the school I actually attend makes a difference in the end. I have a few friends attending over schools with the same degree in mind, international business, but we have the same discussions constantly about if the school we choose really...

Miles’s Avatar
Miles Aug 31, 2016 1260 views

What should I study with my major?

I'm a freshman in college and am not sure what to study alongside my current major of International Business. I am not certain if I want to go with a double major with finance or accounting and a minor in psychology or the opposite. I know I have time to decide what I need to study but I want...

Zaire ’s Avatar
Zaire Aug 22, 2016 866 views

Are you allowed to change your major when your in college

I'm a little worried that when its time to pick a major that a will choose the wrong one.If I do can a switch to a different one. #college

Zaire ’s Avatar
Zaire Aug 22, 2016 1431 views

Is there a limit to how many colleges i can apply to.

Not sure how many colleges in going to apply to but id like to know the maximum number (if there is one)before hand. #college

Zaire ’s Avatar
Zaire Aug 19, 2016 765 views

when looking for a college or job opportunities,Is it better to be Good at a variety of things or better to be Great at one specific thing

I've wondered about this question for years but I never found my answer. #life

Zaire ’s Avatar
Zaire Aug 17, 2016 828 views

Are graphic design and web design related

I want to persue a career in graphic design but I am currently taking a web design a wondering if this it well help me in my future career path #career

Aisling’s Avatar
Aisling Aug 17, 2016 923 views

Life for a woman as a paeditrician?

I would like to be a doctor...and i think possibly specifically for kids. However I know that I also want to be a mother and a family outside of work. Ive heard that medicine is a life, not a job. Is this true? Am I setting myself up to not have a life? #doctor #pediatrics #mother

Zaire ’s Avatar
Zaire Aug 16, 2016 887 views

How can i combine majors in college

I keep hearing about how you can combine majors you want in college but how do I go about doing that #college

Philip’s Avatar
Philip Aug 15, 2016 2221 views

What made you decide that you wanted to choose entertainment as your career?

There are so many careers to choose from, and I know specifically for me I can do a whole lot more. And because I'm also choosing this path I would like to know why so many people choose this route aside from my reasoning. #entrepreneurship #career #entertainment #career-choice #career-path

Philip’s Avatar
Philip Aug 15, 2016 1205 views

How long after entering the media/entertainment career do you start to see success?

I'm a very anxious person, and when it comes to entertainment I love to see the excitement and the demand people bring forth for continue. Not everything that is being marketed is going to be main streamed right away, so I just wanted to know how long would it usually take, on average?...

Zaire ’s Avatar
Zaire Aug 12, 2016 1052 views

Around what time should should have start applying for college

I just started my 11th grade year and wondering when to start applying for college

Zaire ’s Avatar
Zaire Aug 04, 2016 989 views

What steps should I take to become a animator

My whole life I've always been interested in animation.But just recently I have made it my goal to actually be the one making it.But I have no idea where to start.


Zaire ’s Avatar
Zaire Aug 03, 2016 918 views

Does the high school you go to affect your chances getting into the college you want.

I go to Roxborough High school and I don't know why but when I tell people sometimes they tell me its a bad school to go to when its really not.Im just wondering if colleges will do the same thing and look over my application because of it. #college

Apollonia’s Avatar
Apollonia Jul 31, 2016 998 views

What is a good weekly budget for a first year college student?

I currently have a job and would just like to know how much I would be looking at spending during the first year so I can try and save towards it in case I don't keep the job I currently have after a couple of months.

Apollonia’s Avatar
Apollonia Jul 29, 2016 1102 views

What is the best way to stay organized during the first year of college?

My name is Apollonia and I'm from Pennsylvania. I'm about to go into my first year of college and would like to know if it's a difficult task to stay organized while juggling all the responsibilities of living on your own for the first time. #college #college-admissions

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