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Ellen Rosenthal’s Avatar

Ellen Rosenthal

Retired Art Teacher
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Woodbridge, Virginia
239 Answers
301088 Reads
1072 Karma


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Pyper’s Avatar
Pyper Sep 12, 2023 1639 views

How do I get better at art

I have been doing art for years but every time I try to get better it always looks like I've gotten worse and my our teacher has even failed me for a couple pieces because I'm not putting my best effort even though I am it's just because I'm declining and skill so I need tips and tricks on how...

Han’s Avatar
Han Sep 12, 2023 1659 views

When should i start building a portfolio?

I'm Han and I'm in 9th grade, I'm looking to pursue an art career.

Kip’s Avatar
Kip Sep 06, 2023 909 views

Where can I find inspiration?

What would be a good website to find art inspiration or practice? I am trying to improve on figure making.

Mahala’s Avatar
Mahala Sep 01, 2023 6558 views

Where can I sell my art?

I want to sell prints and paintings

Kylah’s Avatar
Kylah Sep 01, 2023 1454 views

How do I get recognized in my art?

I want to make money off of something I love but idk how to start-

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Aug 27, 2023 779 views

How do i figure out what i want to do as a job?

I'm interested in artsy things

Reece’s Avatar
Reece Aug 18, 2023 1085 views

How do you balance a hobby you love with a career that can support you?

I am about to be a junior at a High school in New York, and most people are expecting me to know what I want my future career path to be. However, for the longest time, I have been on the fence on what I should be doing because the career path I want isn't the most guaranteed to give me a...

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Aug 22, 2023 578 views

How would I go about drawing arms, hair and eyes?

I need help with drawing hair, arms and eyes. I may also need help with the nose and mouth. I really want to learn and I need advice please.

Max’s Avatar
Max Aug 22, 2023 524 views

How do you get people to see your art? I have some of it out but I don’t know how to get it publicity. Such as different ways to market it by myself without anyone else. Thanks.

How do you get people to see your art? I have some of it out but I don’t know how to get it publicity. Such as different ways to market it by myself without anyone else. Thanks.

Chris’s Avatar
Chris Aug 07, 2023 2761 views

How can I get into interior design

How can I get into interior design

Maryann’s Avatar
Maryann Jul 24, 2023 584 views

How would I get better at art?

I'm interested in art

Ivy’s Avatar
Ivy Jul 20, 2023 543 views

What is the hardest part of being an artist?

What is the hardest part of being a fine artist?

Mimi’s Avatar
Mimi Jul 18, 2023 913 views

How do I make my drawings look good?

How do I make my drawings look good without a lot of fancy supplies

aubrey’s Avatar
aubrey Jul 19, 2023 928 views

what do i need to do to get into a art career?

i am 13 years old in 7th grade and im interested in art.

Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail Jul 17, 2023 1170 views

What are your best tips on building a career as an artist?

I have definitely started building my career by doing commissions, building an email list, getting in my community with art fairs, and hosting my own painting workshops.