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Erik Maroney’s Avatar

Erik Maroney

Enterprise Sales Leader
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
14 Answers
26807 Reads
21 Karma

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kelly’s Avatar
kelly May 22, 2024 1623 views

My question is, when switching job titles, I've decided to use an objective rather than a I change the title from Professional Summary to Objective or just leave it as is, since it is kind of a combination of the two Thanks?

My question is, when switching job titles, I've decided to use an objective rather than a I change the title from Professional Summary to Objective or just leave it as is, since it is kind of a combination of the two?


Harshitha’s Avatar
Harshitha Aug 05, 2023 1488 views

As an ex-employee of XYZ Company, while applying for a new role within the same organization, what can I add in the summary/objective section in my resume- to showcase how I can bring value to the organization with my new accomplishments and also as an ex-employee?

Seeking help from professionals who have already traversed this path. Is it a good idea to mention in the Resume's Objective/Summary section that being an ex-employee how I can add value with my previous work and recent master's degree experience? How to skillfully craft the Objective in this...

Tianna’s Avatar
Tianna May 07, 2023 1448 views

Concerns about Tech....Thoughts?

After reading articles about the Tech Industry, I noticed that many tech professionals are concerned about the job market. Some describe the market as "in a rough place" or "slowing down" due to layoffs from major companies. At the same time, the BLS says that computer and information jobs...

Patrick’s Avatar
Patrick Apr 05, 2023 1526 views

How do you create a good resume?

I am a Senior in high school and I want to know how to create one know so that I wont have to worry later.

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Apr 13, 2023 551 views

How do you make your resume to look more professional ?

I am making a professional resume but it doesn't look that professional and I don't know how to fix that.

Francisco’s Avatar
Francisco Apr 14, 2023 405 views

In your resume you need to have your name your education, GPA, skills, experience, languages etc...

In your resume you need to have your name your education, GPA, skills, experience, languages etc...

Payton’s Avatar
Payton Apr 23, 2023 799 views

How to write a resume ?

This is My first resume so I need help

Fernando’s Avatar
Fernando Apr 14, 2023 900 views

In your resume you can have all your experience that you have on your GPA and also can have skills and languages etc. in your resume it can say all good things about you.?

In your resume you can have all your experience that you have on your GPA and also can have skills and languages etc. in your resume it can say all good things about you.

Jakaila’s Avatar
Jakaila Jun 26, 2021 909 views

How can I figure this mess out?

Nobody in my family has gone to college and finished it. Talking to them about college is like talking to a wall. Google is a good substitute, but the information I've been able to glean is not satisfactory. I have absolutely no idea what I want to do for a living. #college #college-major...

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Jun 27, 2021 1280 views

What classes should I take in college if I am undecided ?

I am 18 years old and I start college in the Fall I do not know what I want to study and I have many interests such as Dance, Psychology, Nursing, Business, Photography. I am the type to change my mind a lot and I am not sure what I want to focus on. #college #business #college-major #major

Arnelle’s Avatar
Arnelle Jun 28, 2021 776 views

How can I combined my creativity with my helping skills?

Hi, I'm Arnelle, I am currently a college student. I like to help people I love to help others. I am a big believer in mindfulness and art. Photography is something that amazes me and I hope to excel at it.

#art #college #artist

Jesus’s Avatar
Jesus Jun 29, 2021 789 views

At what age should someone have a career choice?

I’m a person who likes entertainment and helping others. #college

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Aug 13, 2018 513 views

where is a good website for scholorships

I want to find a good source for scholarships to help pay for colledge #schlorships

Yew Kin’s Avatar
Yew Kin Aug 06, 2020 9780 views

How to engage in a conversation with a recipient that only gives one-word answers?

I would break the ice when starting conversations with new connections by asking "How have they been coping during the COVID 19 situation?" etc. Many gave me generic answers like, "I'm good, how are you?" (Seems like I'm the only one invested in the conversation) I find it much easier to...