Francisco Torres Diaz

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Can someone who are not citizen get a scholarship ?
#university #college-admissions #university #college-admissions #university Hi , I'm Haitian, but now I'm in USA and I'm taking the GED Class. I have to pass my exams while the n'est months. I would like to apply have a scholarship if possible to go go college or university. Because of the...

What would be the better choice? Building diesel engines or being a diesel mechanic?
Was looking at careers in the diesel area and was curious which was the better path. #engineering #career

How can i get a job as a mechanical engineer?
what are some things that can make me more competitive for a position in mechanical engineering or things that can prepare me for that field? #mechanical-engineer #mechanical-engineer #engineering

What are some key skills to have in an engineering major?
I'm a junior in high school and I'm interested in pursuing an engineering major. How I'm getting to my engineering goal is by taking classes that are related to engineering. But, I'm wondering what are some key skills to have as an engineer.
#engineering #engineering skills

What is a easy method to write but also achieve goals?
Determined to have a better life for my self and parents. #college-advice #time-management

What specific majors are there in business?
What college major specifically in business would help me in becoming a successful entrepreneur #entrepreneur #college-major #business

What should I consider when choosing a career in the business industry?
I'm interested in business and fashion, it would be ideal if I could get a job involving both. But I'm not sure how I could narrow down a specific career. #business #fashion #career

How do I approach getting a job in aerospace engineering?
I want to have a job in aerospace engineering where I can help design and build space/aircraft but I don't know where to start in pursuing that. Where should I start with educations, what fields should I specifically look into?
#aerospace-engineering #mechanical #engineering

Have you always known what your career would be?
I am interested in knowing how people chose their careers. #career-choice #career-path #career

When a person is losing sight of their goals, how does one stay motivated to keep pursuing their aspirations?
I'm currently not in the predicament, but I need to be prepared for the future. #lifestyle #mentality #mental

How can I become a Cosmetic Chemist with a BS in Chemical Engineering?
Hello, my planned approach to this is to take a masters degree after my bachelor's and I'm thinking of either doing a MS in Cosmetic Science or a MS in Pharmaceutics with a specialization in Cosmetic Science. Any other recommended master degrees or methods in achieving this role in the cosmetic...

What is the most rewarding aspect of your profession?
#medical #medicine #doctor #college-major