nancy liu
Santa Barbara, CaliforniaFollowing Tags
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What is the most important coding language to learn?
There are so many different languages to code in like HTML, Java, C, etc. Which one is the best to learn depending on what you're trying to accomplish?

Can you take prerequisite courses at a community college whilst in high school?
Just wondering if this would be possible- I understand it might vary on the school.

I am a new artiest and I was wondering how I could get started in the field of art?
i have been basic drawings of cartoons. But I want to expand my horizon and learn how to get better drawings and end results out side of just practice.

Could you have more than one job in different fields?
This may be a silly question, but I wonder if you could take more than one job in different fields, such as being a translator and an artist. These examples are careers I'm interested in, though I do not know if they would overlap or make things difficult in my schedule.

colleges for business/major?
What colleges are the best for majoring in business? Maybe marketing?

What can I do to become a Model ?
Ever since COVID 19 hit, I had low confidence + motivation to achieve my dreams & when I wanted to start planning on what i wanted to do. I'm lost on when to start , like wanting to be a Graphic Illustrator Artist, Freelance Artist and Makeup Artist and I had so much on my mind it couldn't have...

I'm in highschool, but I want to be prepared about my college decisions. But I want to major to be a veternarian. I know I have to take undergrad courses 4 years, and then go to veterinary school for four years. Can I go to a community college for those undergrad required courses and then transfer to vet school?
I will also be first gen to go to college.

How can I start preparing for this job?
Hello I am studying to be a business intelligence analysis.

What is the most important thing I am working toward?
In fashion, there are many things to pursue and reasons to work. When you're trying to improve your career, what is the most important thing you are working toward?

Do colleges prefer students that don't have a 4.0 gpa, take vigorous courses and don't have a job or a student with a 4.0, volunteers monthly, and has a job and is also involved with sports?
A friend of mine is in this situation and wonders what she shall do her senior year to make her college application stand-out from the others. #college #college-admissions #college-applications

should i quit band?
So i just joined band this august and i’m in color guard. now i absolutely love twirling my flag and being in the field and hearing that crowd in that huge football stadium we have at my school, but i hate everything else. i just got told i can’t perform at the game tomorrow or at competition...

What are benefits when it comes to being in clubs?
is there any need to join clubs in college or even high school? #Students #college-advice #high-school

What are the best classes to take to be a marine biologist?
What are the best classes to take to become a marine biologist?

any tips for anyone who wants to get into medicine (i'm interested in being an anesthesiologist)and how do you finance your money while in college and in med school and after that,i'd imagine it being stressful w/ all the debt racking up.
#medicine ,sophmore in #highschool ,#advice, #finance #help,#future #doctor #social butterfly
#higher education #premed

What are the requirements for becoming a teacher?
I've wanted to become a band teacher for a little bit. I play the trombone and I find band very fun. So I was wondering what are some requirements that I would need to have in order to become a band teacher. #teacher #music #career #music #education

What are the best medical courses to take in highschool?
#medical #highschool

What are ways to prepare for the computer science pathway?
I am a Junior in high school, and I am passionate about computer science.

Who are some people I can talk to about everything that has to do with IB?
I want someone I can depend on who can tell me how an IB education works, what are the benefits, is the time that it takes up worth it, etc. #high-school-classes #ib-diploma #ibdp

What is the simplest Ap class?
#high-school-classes #ap #college #studying #high-school

how many ap classes should i take in high school?
#high-school-classes #ap #college #high-school

What is the best way to help study in order to graduate college
I am currently a high school senior and I am wondering what are the best techniques and strategies to help you study. #studying-tips

What is the best way to prepare yourself for internships?
I am curious as to how to network and find internships that could fit your skill sets and would benefit your greater skills #internship #networking #intern

Does applying for Early Decision or Early Action help your chances?
I am a Junior in high school hoping to apply for colleges really soon. I know about early decision and early action but, what I do not know is does it help you get into colleges. Will the schools consider you more then others because you decided to apply early then normal? #college...

Is FBLA good on college apps?
FBLA is a relatively smaller club at my school, and I've done fairly well in it, and it seems a bit easier than another club like, say, Speech and Debate. Does it have the same weight and gravity as other clubs on college apps?

What is the best nursing college to go to?
#nursing #college #registered-nurses

what college should I go to that is best for students that are studying infectious diseases or psychology?
I am a student that wants to become a doctor the specializes in psychology or infectious d #psychology diseases. #college

What college would be best for becoming a band teacher
I enjoy playing trombone and play for my schools symphonic band and marching band. I think I would have fun in this career. #music #education #college #teacher

I am in tenth grade and just recently started thinking about my future. Based on my interests i'm wondering, what should i do to gain more knowledge?
I am interested in the medical field but im still unsure what i definitely want #medicine #healthcare . I like the idea of dietetics and nutrition but I dont know a lot about it and want to learn more. #dietetics I was thinking about programs and volunteering to learn more before i go to...