Sanjana A
New York, New YorkFollowing Tags
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Advice on staying organized in a dorm?
What are some tips on keeping things organized in a dorm? #dorm #college #college-advice

What should I bring to my college dorm?
I know most people bring a mini fridge and a microwave to their dorm but what are some other things that most people find essential? #dorm #college #college-bound

is photography easy
like is #photography easy than it look like or is it hard

Whats the biggest struggle after graduation?
I am 17 years old and I am a senior in high school and graduating in the spring. I have talked about college options and discussed them briefly with my parents. I just would like to know whats the big step I can take before I graduate. I want to go to college to become a therapist or help...

How can I cope with the sadness of leaving college?
I'm approaching my last semester as an undergraduate, and I'm already sad about leaving a really phenomenal friend group, campus, and community behind. Many people I talk to say that college is the best time of your life, and I'm worried that I'll have more to look back on than to look forward...

As a high school student, what should I do to get an internship relating to computer science?
I've looked around the internet a bit but still have some questions, it seems like it is hard but somewhat feasible for a high schooler to land an internship. I would say I know python well and in school I am taking AP computer science where I am learning java. But my questions are what should...

What did you do to get a high SAT score?
Not really a career question, but I'm wondering how long you studied and HOW you actually studied to get a 1450+ score.
#college #sat #college-admissions

What GPA I need to attend a University?
#university #college #financial-aid #gpa

How do I make my job hunt more efficient?
Current Masters of Management graduate student looking to enter marketing industry in an excellent firm located in a big city #management #marketing #career #careersearch #business