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Samuel Vojtech’s Avatar

Samuel Vojtech

Medical Assistant
Healthcare Support Occupations
Albuquerque, New Mexico
19 Answers
29530 Reads
71 Karma

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hannah’s Avatar
hannah Nov 30, 2023 1574 views

Why is college so stressful and why doesn't highshool teach you how to prepare for the real world?

What is the purpose of high school if it isn't to prepare teens for the real world? Is it just to study and learn universally even if it doesn't help everyone?

Jesus’s Avatar
Jesus Dec 01, 2023 1800 views

What do I need to do to keep track of eye contact?

I would focus and be in a quiet place while being with someone I know, my family members, or a friend of mine. Even when I apply a job (part-time or full-time) I need to keep track of eye contact to have an important conversation with the manager at an interview or I won’t get promoted.

Brooklyn’s Avatar
Brooklyn Nov 15, 2023 666 views

Would It be better to become a regular doctor or a pediatrician?

I am in the 8th grade and I am just beginning to explore my future career. I am interested in sports and helping others along with kids.

alora’s Avatar
alora Nov 16, 2023 1725 views

How do I become certified for EKG Technician?

I was wondering how I ca get certified for an EKG Technician I really would like this job but there isn't much of an option where I live for schooling. What is a good school to look in to?

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Mar 05, 2021 1063 views

Choosing a Healthcare Career

How do you choose which healthcare career is best for you? I know I want to be a hospital executive, but I'd also like to be a physician beforehand. I'm just not sure which specialty would be best for me. Any advice on discovering which healthcare career would suit a person the most?...

CJ’s Avatar
CJ Aug 10, 2023 827 views

How much dose the welding equipment cost out the gate and what should my first steps be into that trade?

I am just curious and need to advise on what to do after I am done at trade school.

Ryley’s Avatar
Ryley Aug 09, 2023 1065 views

Anyone in healthcare ?

What do you do now? Would you recommend that job or if you could go back in time what would you become? Pay and schooling ratio… is it good?

Kevin’s Avatar
Kevin Aug 09, 2023 1271 views

Why should I work in the medical field?

Why should I be a doctor?

Trevor’s Avatar
Trevor Aug 09, 2023 638 views

What can I do in order to be successful?

I am 17 and I would to help my parents out. There are 11 of us in total so it is a little hard on them. If I can learn anything useful that can help as much as possible that is the main goal.

Maryann’s Avatar
Maryann Jul 24, 2023 629 views

How would I get better at art?

I'm interested in art

Toni’s Avatar
Toni Aug 09, 2023 1066 views

How can I develop or achieve a academic or dream career while also maintaining a sufficient social and personal life?

For instance, being able to take vacations, practice my hobbies, hang out with friends and family are all what I desire but I fear I won't be able to do any of that if I take the standard academic route and do a Masters program or go to graduate school for even longer.

Bee’s Avatar
Bee Aug 09, 2023 1552 views

Am i able to still get my dream job if i have to get a GED?

Am i able to become a counselor if i have a GED? I am failing school and have to repeat 9th grade my school had told me i was most likely get kicked out and most likely will have to get my GED im concerned i wont be able to get my dream job.

sebastian’s Avatar
sebastian Aug 09, 2023 1524 views

how long does it take to be good at making art?

i feel like ive started too late in learning a new skill. there are many artist who can make amazing drawing or animations that are 5 years younger than me i feel like i started to late. so how long will it take me to get better?

Marshana’s Avatar
Marshana Aug 09, 2023 7455 views

Is it hard working and going to college at the same time ?

I don’t have a very financially stable family and once i go to college i plan on doing a lot more independently

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Aug 09, 2023 624 views

How did you get this job?

I want to know what you had to go through to get the job you have now