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Abdiel’s Avatar
Abdiel May 04, 2023 1744 views

What questions can I ask on an interview?

For interview

Anastasiia’s Avatar
Anastasiia Apr 19, 2023 1129 views

Do you need to take art classes for graphic or web designing?

I am a freshman in High School and one of my favorite classes is algebra, I always was an amazing student with good grades in school, love to design and be creative about all the things but also is very responsible and organized student.

Phuong’s Avatar
Phuong Mar 17, 2023 1494 views

How do get started in UX/UI Design?

I am interested about UX/UI design, but can’t seem to some good resources to kickstart my learning journey in this field. I am specifically interested in the designing aspect of UX/UI design.

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Apr 12, 2023 2495 views

As pre-med student, is it more beneficial to attend a cheap, less prestigious university or a more expensive university with a better pre-med program?

At one institution, I received a full-tuition scholarship, and it's close enough that I can live at home. However, it has limited pre-med opportunities outside of the curriculum. At the other institution, I received zero financial aid but was accepted to a prestigious honors pre-med program...

Patrick’s Avatar
Patrick Apr 05, 2023 1577 views

How do you create a good resume?

I am a Senior in high school and I want to know how to create one know so that I wont have to worry later.