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jasmine williams’s Avatar

jasmine williams

sales rep
Sales and Related Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Smithfield, Virginia
12 Answers
31830 Reads
21 Karma

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Eleanor’s Avatar
Eleanor Jun 08, 2023 1279 views

How did you pick your field of science?

How did you pick your field of science? I love animals but I also love psychology and don’t know how to decide between them.

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Jun 09, 2023 16078 views

How can I make money while being in medical school?

It would be nice to make money on the side while being in school. Getting experience from it is good too

Ellie’s Avatar
Ellie Apr 15, 2023 1410 views

How do I improve my focus?

I am a high school jr who is taking some difficult college courses from a local university. The workload requires almost all of my free time. Finals are coming up in two weeks, and if I don't do almost perfectly on the exams I will not be making an A in two of my classes. I have struggled all...

Mariama’s Avatar
Mariama Oct 30, 2022 994 views

Advice for career with children?

I want to work with children/youth as a future career. But I'm scared that I want find job right after finishing my studies. I am thinking of Child Psychologist right now. Do anyone have any advice for me?

Laneishka’s Avatar
Laneishka May 05, 2023 591 views

What does the process of therapy looks like?

What does the process of therapy looks like?

isaac’s Avatar
isaac May 05, 2023 628 views

What should I memorize and/or retain for my future endeavors as an electrician?

I'm a JobCorps student and I want to be an electrician

tykwan’s Avatar
tykwan May 08, 2023 4598 views

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an engineer in todays world?

Tykwan, 19

Mardochee’s Avatar
Mardochee May 08, 2023 366 views

What are some exceptional hbcu colleges to help start an artist career?

Mardochee ,age-19

Patrick’s Avatar
Patrick Apr 18, 2023 4280 views

How to focus in school without getting distracted?

I am a senior in high school. I get distracted in class easily sometimes and I do not want to carry that habit into college.

Jasmin’s Avatar
Jasmin Apr 27, 2023 927 views

What is required to be an advanced practice psychiatric nurse?

What type of degree and GPA is needed to be an advanced practice psychiatric nurse? I am a student wanting to be one day an advanced practice psychiatric nurse and I need to know what GPA and what type of degree I need to go for.

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Apr 27, 2023 523 views

What steps should I be taking now while I’m in high school to get ready to apply to college and go for an interior design degree?

I’m also not sure if I want to study close to home or far away, what should I be doing in the case that I do decide to study abroad? Will it be more difficult getting into a college in another country?

Zaeem’s Avatar
Zaeem May 01, 2023 629 views

How can I get remote American internships as a high school student outside of America?

I've been looking for internships for High Schoolers orientated around engineering, but I need help finding them; please assist me with this.