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Lesly Beltran’s Avatar

Lesly Beltran

EMT and Medical Assistant
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
West Palm Beach, Florida
102 Answers
88725 Reads
222 Karma



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Julio’s Avatar
Julio May 20, 2023 583 views

What are some important things to know when I start attending my classes?

I just want to hear any tips for me to have a good start on my very first day of college :)

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan May 21, 2023 279 views

How should I start saving for collage?

I'm trying to get into culinary=]

Noah’s Avatar
Noah May 21, 2023 633 views

How can I become a good role model for other people?

Like how can I make people successful in the job career or how can I improve the experience

Noah’s Avatar
Noah May 21, 2023 390 views

What is the best way to find a job that suits you?

I want to find a job that will make a good impact in my life and what job can suit me the best?

Noah’s Avatar
Noah May 21, 2023 305 views

How can I make the most of it with the current job I have?

How can I make my current job a better career path for me and my future?

Noah’s Avatar
Noah May 21, 2023 276 views

How does an employee make a good relationship/friendship with the boss?

How can you get on your boss's good side. Is there really anything you can do with that?

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie May 21, 2023 459 views

What are some of the most valuable and transferable skills that can be applied across different job roles or industries?

Junior in high school.

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie May 21, 2023 280 views

What was the first thing you did right after your education?

Junior in high school.

Noah’s Avatar
Noah May 21, 2023 439 views

What are some essential classes that can you prepare for your career?

Is there really any classes I can take to prepare my careere?

Sebastian’s Avatar
Sebastian May 21, 2023 1292 views

What is the most useful science course that is offered at most universities?

I’m deciding classes for my next few years and I want to know which ones will be most helpful in grasping knowledge.