Curtis W. Jackson
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How do I make time for writing?
I feel that my full-time job and my life responsibilities get in the way of me writing. What techniques have helped you to write daily?

What colleges are best to be around lots of black creativity ?
I love to create , direct , take photos, fashion and help people with advice , I want to be around similar creative minds where I can network and meet people of similar interest.

Can I live off being a writer and or poet?
I am currently a freshman in high school and I was wondering this because I want to be prepared for what my future holds. Becoming a writer has always been my goal ever since I was younger.

What volunteer/internship experiences (for high-schoolers) did you find to be helpful for future journalists?
As a 17 year old high school senior who's become increasingly interested in journalism during my time in high school, I'm struggling to find volunteer opportunities that could possibly get my foot in the door to my planned career. I plan to contact the local newspaper and library to start. Thanks!

What should I do? Medicine or art/literature?
I'm currently a 12th grader and have always been inclined towards art. I love to write (have been published), read novels, draw and paint, photography and a number of other things. I also love biology. It has always fascinated me and I therefore decided to become a doctor. The decision,...

How should I go about writing an academic appeal?
My college GPA is unsatisfactory, and I'd like to get a second chance to earn my merit scholarship back.

When writing my admissions essay, should I include the fact that I am trans?
I don't know how much they need to know about me. I'm not transitioned yet, and I'm afraid if I say I'm a male and then show up female presenting they won't accept me or will kick me out.

I am 30, a freelance writer, ADHD, with too many interests, confused what to choose. Any help?
I have multiple interests like filmmaking, movies, art/digital art, fiction writing/novel, screenwriting, basically anything related to story and the craft of storytelling in any medium- writing, visual, etc. With that, I am also too driven for pyschology, self-help, sprituality and philosphy...

What are some ways to be more fluid with writing and handling more complicated projects?
Beginner writer trying to be a future WGA member. Have some trouble with multiple moving parts during the creative process.

How can I find a career for me when I can't even think of what I want to be?
How can I find a career for me when I can't even think of what I want to be?

I am having several struggle about online job opportunities from outside of the world. I feel difficult when I choose my personal project relate to marketing. I want to deep down into the content marketing topic. But I don't know how to start it:(( I tend to use that project in order to put it into my portfolio.
I'm Hoang Anh.I am currently studying at a high school in Vietnam. A few months ago I got quite interested in marketing and started digging into it. After researching for a while, I am most interested in the content marketing topic. But after learning it, I don't know how to practice it...