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Patrick Meyer’s Avatar

Patrick Meyer

Executive - Data Analytics and AI
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Naperville, Illinois
643 Answers
413872 Reads
1018 Karma


Civic Duty

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Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Feb 07 419 views

Do you have to be competitive as an astrophysicist?

I'm not much of a competitive person and would rather avoid that stuff, but people say it's a very competitive field. This scares me since it's one of my biggest dreams.

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Feb 08 602 views

How can I try out farming?

I am in high school and I don't know if I want to go into farming yet so I would like to have a bit of experience in it before I peruse it as my career. I am wondering if there are places that hire kids for a summer job, just to help them get experience.

Jana’s Avatar
Jana Feb 08 844 views

How much will I be getting paid for being Office Administration?

I would like to know how much the pay or salary is.

brianna’s Avatar
brianna Feb 09 1093 views

Can I still get into a prestigious college without extracurriculars?

I don't do any sports or clubs, but I still want to get into a prestigious college, is that possible?

Sanya’s Avatar
Sanya Feb 11 602 views

What should I do if I have two different passions I heard that to get into competitive colleges you needed to show a spike on your resume like a specific passion you pursued. The issue is I have two science/biology and creative writing. I have always wanted to go to NYU, or Vanderbilt but both of those are competitive schools and I’m not sure how to connect these two passions? ?

I want to do pre med in college

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Feb 08 1240 views

where is the best place to get a biology degree?

I'm going into my junior year of high school and I'm trying to find what direction to go in life.

Daniella’s Avatar
Daniella Feb 12 1136 views

Why is college more expensive ?

Why is college so expensive/ university? Are we supposed to be 40 and still living with student debt? Are we supposed to work our 40k job to pay the 300k dollars on student loans?

Karl’s Avatar
Karl Feb 04 672 views

What's the best way to learn Python?

Tips on learning how to efficiently use Python.

Maham’s Avatar
Maham Feb 06 1690 views

Quickest Way To Become an Optometrist?

Hello all I wanted to know what was the quickest way I could become an optometrist I currently have a bachelor's in Arts and I'm 25. So I wanted to know how long it would take and whats the quickest route.

Mia’s Avatar
Mia Feb 06 481 views

What college is right for you?

What is the purpose of college education? Why do we invest so much time, effort, and money into obtaining a degree? What are the benefits that college education offers to individuals and society as a whole? These are some of the questions that arise when we think about the role of college in...

Ivory’s Avatar
Ivory Feb 06 596 views

What classes/courses/programs should I take as future Bariatricians?

What classes/courses should I Take as Future Bariatricians?
What did you do to become Bariatricians? Where do you work at as Bariatricians and I mean specifics like the hospital name or wherever you work if you don’t mind sharing. How much do you personally make as a Bariatricians?

Kayton’s Avatar
Kayton Feb 02 714 views

What is the purpose of an informational interview?

To learn more about a possible career path

Mason’s Avatar
Mason Feb 02 738 views

How does one balance school demands and pursue a career in sports?

Im Mason, i am 13. I wanna be a professional basket player. Do i have to attend College after high school?

Yessybel’s Avatar
Yessybel Feb 01 2739 views

What inspired you to become a Registered Nurse, and what aspects of the profession do you find most rewarding?

I'm currently enrolled in trade school, pursuing a career in healthcare to become a Registered Nurse. I am particularly interested in gaining insights from experienced Registered Nurses to better understand the nuances of the profession.

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Feb 02 646 views

what the best thing i have to do if i want to learn speaking?

what the best thing i have to do if i want to learn speaking?