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Emma Kinkaid’s Avatar

Emma Kinkaid

Tax Consultant
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Columbus, Ohio
34 Answers
65691 Reads
31 Karma

Active Locations

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jun 20 438 views

Why Shoud I focus on accounting as a career ?

Objective of Accounting
Job prospects for accounting

Kate’s Avatar
Kate Jun 20 401 views

How do I pursue internships while attending college?

I am planning on being a STEM major in college and want to ensure that I get real-life experience in my field while still attending college. How do I achieve this?

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Jun 21 596 views

How did you decide on a career?

Like what made you decide on that one. Were you undecided or set on what you wanted? I need help deciding for one but I need kind of a more understanding of what they do to ensure I want to do it.

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Jun 12 1746 views

What is the best way to start networking?

Hello! I just finished my junior year of high school. With senior year coming up, I want to start networking more with professionals in jobs I am interested in. I have to admit, I am not the most extroverted person out there, and I want some tips!

Meranda’s Avatar
Meranda Jun 08 473 views

Any Advice for Online College?

I'm starting a bachelor's degree program online in the fall, but some family friends have insisted I go on campus instead. I want to do online so I can work my job and start freelance writing, and I'm curious about how to approach online college from here.

Kynya’s Avatar
Kynya Jun 11 592 views

How can I manage stress during times of failure and stagnant progress?

I'm an 18 year old college sophomore majoring in animal science, and I've been really struggling in math based subjects since high school. It seems no matter how hard I study or spend time with my tutors, I barely see any progress and it causes me loads of stress that affects my relationship...

Tyrus’s Avatar
Tyrus Jun 12 1102 views

How does it feel to be an Accountant? Is it challenging?

Define what an Accountant is

Nabeel’s Avatar
Nabeel Apr 23 811 views

What are some things I should do when I start college?

I feel like I need to know a few things to help me get started

Blas’s Avatar
Blas Apr 23 516 views

How do I keep being motivated and more productive throughout college?

I'm an up and coming College freshman and I'm wondering how to keep up with my work, keep up with schoolwork and college.

gabby’s Avatar
gabby Apr 24 414 views

What should i do, to prepare myself for college?

Am a highschool junior, and struggling with everything i need to do for college.

evan’s Avatar
evan Apr 17 456 views

how can i get a job in our state?

job tips i mmy state

Veronika’s Avatar
Veronika Apr 17 1148 views

How important is finding a backup plan if you already have a solid and realistic plan?

I intend to go to college for psychology and become a children's therapist. Do I really need a backup?

Jason’s Avatar
Jason Apr 17 1430 views

How does it feel working from 9 to 5?

asking questions

Erma’s Avatar
Erma Apr 16 37691 views

The importance of science and technology to our society?

I want to know the importance of science and technology to our society and the disadvantage of ai to our society and what measures or information to take in other to understanding better

Joy’s Avatar
Joy Apr 16 492 views

How does one start a career business?

How does one start a career