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cameron’s Avatar
cameron Jun 27 178 views

What would be the best thing to study for when trying to become a deputy?

I'm in Job Corps now and I'm going into protective services to get an unarmed private security guard license, and I'm thinking on what else should I do to help me become a deputy

cameron’s Avatar
cameron Jun 27 183 views

What type of cardio and or endurance is required to become a deputy for Law enforcement and would walking and jogging about 4-6 miles a day be a good beginning?

should I make my goal higher like 8-10 miles a day or should I go for 10-12 miles because I usually walk and or jog about 8 or so miles a day

Kyan’s Avatar
Kyan Jun 25 204 views

Do you get tased in police tryouts ?

Will you get tased in police tryouts

kan’s Avatar
kan Jun 25 349 views

Is it a good idea to major in criminal justice and minor in psychology?

I've been thinking of majoring in criminal justice and minoring in psychology, and I would like to know whether that is a good idea.

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas Jun 20 170 views

How does law-enforcement interact with the public on a regular basis?

I am wondering what, how, and why they have certain interactions and how they would proceed in said actions with the public

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony Jun 13 483 views

to become a First-line supervisor of police & detectives is it true that you don't need a higher education than your high school diploma ?

I am very interested but don't wanna waste time on something I can pursue.

Jeryana’s Avatar
Jeryana Jun 12 281 views

#spring23 In forensics, how do you know when to look into something or when to leave it alone or how to gage its significance?

I love forensics and I always get caught up in the details that don't really have significance in the case, but I'm not sure how to tell if a detail is significant in that particular matter.

Jocelyn’s Avatar
Jocelyn Apr 29 244 views

What are good internships for biology or criminal justice ?

Ive always been interested in a job like criminal justice or marine biology and im interested in getting a good idea of what I would be doing. Ive always been interested in biology and criminal justice sounds like a good, fit job for me.

Myles’s Avatar
Myles May 29 256 views

How do I become involved in law enforcement?

I am 21 years old and I'm interested in law enforcement because I have many family members in it, I just don't know where to start with my career.

Myles’s Avatar
Myles May 29 229 views

What jobs in law enforcement, have a mix of physical and mental labor?

If there's an in between in law enforcement where I can be physical and dormant doing computer work will fit my style of work perfectly. I like to have a balance between the two, so I'm not lacking heavily in one department than the other.