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connor’s Avatar
connor Jun 24 353 views

is it possible to make the army a permeant job instead of something ill do for like 20 years i dont really fit well in civilian life so i want to know if i can make the millitary a career instead of just another job ill do in my life?

i dont really like working as a civilian it was boring n mind numbing slow for me n the pay was garbage n i was always treated like the outcast cuz i was the "new guy"

William’s Avatar
William Jun 23 103 views

How would you suggest for a incoming sophmore college student to get a paid research position?

I have some experience in high school and light experience in PCR

Jocelyn’s Avatar
Jocelyn Jun 21 373 views

Does it just come to you on what you want to do with the rest of you life like deciding at 17 what major to spend money on and where may I ask how you came to that decision ?

I know I would like to help people and have a passion for that but I am not certain how to proceed with that. I am on the human service pathway at my school right now and may be interested in teaching , child life specialist , occupational therapy and am willing to explore anything !

Trinity’s Avatar
Trinity Jun 20 149 views

How can I find on-the-job training for forensic science?

I’m interested in working in the forensic science field, specifically as a crime scene investigator or a forensic biologist. I’m going to college in a small town with an average crime rate.

Bella’s Avatar
Bella Jun 04 1056 views

What kinds of non-repetitive careers are there in computational biology?

I'm an undergraduate student studying Computational Biology, passionate about biology, computational biology, and chemistry. I enjoy working in a chemical biology lab and am excited about my upcoming computational biology internship. I'm considering career paths but am unsure which is best for...

dan’s Avatar
dan Jun 05 1942 views

how can manage my business in collge?

business mnanagement tips?

andrew’s Avatar
andrew Jun 05 2390 views

what ? can i do to become best in computer science

In addition anyone who can guide me on the best career after school