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Michael Morgan’s Avatar

Michael Morgan

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
New York, New York
6 Answers
552 Reads
61 Karma

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Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Jun 08 592 views

Private companies or government jobs?

Best ways to make money right out of college for a welder or business owner. Work for private companies or county/city? I’ll be taking over my dad’s landscaping business as well any advice on that? Thank you

Zoë’s Avatar
Zoë Jun 08 541 views

Can you help me identify careers where both the values and these skills align?

I am exploring the ways that my skills and values align, I value finance, socialization, and being mindful. My strongest skills are related to working with people, these include planning, socializing and selling.

Litzy’s Avatar
Litzy Jun 16 681 views

How do I build up my resume while in high school for future colleges?

I am a high school sophomore and I would like to major in business and/or finance, but I don’t know how or what to do in order to convince colleges to give me scholarships.

Ayo’s Avatar
Ayo Jun 20 265 views

How does financial life after four years of college compare to only two years of college. Do people hiring care a significant amount about the amount of years you have gone to college if you have skill?

How does financial life after four years of college compare to only two years of college. Do people hiring care a significant amount about the amount of years you have gone to college if you have skill?

Kacey’s Avatar
Kacey Jun 22 388 views

When is the best time to start looking for internship and where do you look?

Incoming freshman and studying accounting/finance; where can I look for internship opportunities and when is the best time to start?

Ronnie’s Avatar
Ronnie Jun 24 446 views

Is it better to have a degree in finance or accounting if I want to be a financial analyst?

I want to be a financial analyst and I’m curious to know which degree would educate me more.