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Stephanie Murnen’s Avatar

Stephanie Murnen

Sr. Manager, Surgical Gloves Marketing at Cardinal Health
Management Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Columbus, Ohio
84 Answers
138811 Reads
911 Karma


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Trayquil’s Avatar
Trayquil Feb 20, 2017 1474 views

What school is best for graphics

I'd like to know some top school for graphic design #graphic-design #graphics

Kiran’s Avatar
Kiran Feb 25, 2017 1441 views

Can we do minor in any subject after graduating high school?

I want to learn programing but I don't want to do 4 year becholar degree in computer please suggest me #computer-software #majors-and-minors #minor #20 #college-minors

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Feb 20, 2017 1618 views

What classes are out there for Customer Service representatives?

I really need to work on my social skills and I know that there are speech classes, but I want to know what classes are specifically for working in Customer Service. #customer-service #social-skills #customer-support

Eliah’s Avatar
Eliah Feb 24, 2017 1307 views

How many years of college do you have to go through to become a professional pastry chef?

I want to go to college to become a pastry chef but I don't know how many years of college I have to go through. #chef #pastry-chef

Nykira’s Avatar
Nykira Feb 21, 2017 1302 views

What career should I choose when I grow up?

I am confused about what path to choose. #undecided

Nykira’s Avatar
Nykira Feb 21, 2017 965 views

Why did i choose nuring

I choose nursing because I love to work with babies #nursing

Ockeem’s Avatar
Ockeem Feb 24, 2017 1202 views

What are some degrees that i could get that involves aviation?

I am consider what career path i would like to take on. #aviation #aviation-industry #commercial-aviation #general-aviation

Alexah’s Avatar
Alexah Feb 24, 2017 1341 views

How much on average does a orthodontist make a year?

I am 12 and looking if a orthodontist would be fit for me
#dentistry #masters #orthodontist

Bridget’s Avatar
Bridget Feb 24, 2017 1248 views

What type of things are the on GMAT test?

Give some examples?

What are the best ways to study the topics?

Break down the test into segments and explain each using own experiences. #business #management #graduate-school #testing #mba #executive-office #gmat

Bridget’s Avatar
Bridget Feb 25, 2017 1370 views

What are some job possibilities for a Biotechnology major?

Biotechnology is the exploitation of biological processes for industrial and other purposes, especially the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc. So creating new drugs and testing them for results of the strategic genetic changes? Which...

Bridget’s Avatar
Bridget Feb 24, 2017 1934 views

What type of things does a CFO do?

What is the CFO in charge of? What are the specific things he/ she would look over? What are some typical requirements? #finance #management #ceo #corporate-finance #cpa #executive-office #cfo #financial-reporting

Bridget’s Avatar
Bridget Feb 24, 2017 1662 views

What are some companies that apply the Six Sigma Management Quality technique?

Would like some reference to companies that use this calculation for their processes. #production #operations-management #manufacturing #quality-control #quality-management #six-sigma

Bridget’s Avatar
Bridget Feb 24, 2017 1467 views

What is a Roth IRA?

Please explain what it it, why it is used, and compare it to other similar but different methods #investment-management #investing #saving #taxation #income-tax

Malik’s Avatar
Malik Feb 15, 2017 1571 views

Is it hard to become a pediatrician?

I would like to work with babies. How hard would it be to achieve this career? #medicine #healthcare #pediatrics #family-medicine

david’s Avatar
david Feb 23, 2017 1217 views

What do i have to do to be videographer

I am a Junior in high school and this is my second option if i don't make it in rugby career
