Aman Kumar
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How should a student approach college?
College is an adult decision being made by kids who don't have a fully developed brain.
How can i make sure i have a good career?
How can i make sure i have a great career.
What are some high-demand career paths in computer science that don't involve direct coding, but still utilize technical skills and knowledge?
Here's a career question about computer science:
What are some high-demand career paths in computer science that don't involve direct coding, but still utilize technical skills and knowledge?
what can i do to be on the right career path?
i do not know what to do to be on the right career path, what can i do?
What are the best strategies to make money online ?
Best strategies to make money online
what is a career in chemical engineering and how to achieve it?
I realized I didn't know as much as I thought I did about careers.
I need to know how to relate with other people well to have better relationship
What is the best approach to take when optimizing code?
I am working on a project in the programming language C++ to create a text-based tic-tac-toe game. I am currently trying to figure out how to find out if someone has won the game and am wondering how I can approach problems like these in a way that will result in readable/easy to debug code...
I'm graduating soon and I need to find a scholarships QUICK I got to a gifted and talented school so I'm graduating at 13 and I'm doing homeschool college I need to get my masters degree so whatever will cover that?
I don't know what to put here
why is a linked profile important in a work industry?
why is a linked profile important in a work industry?
Which career choice do you think will still be relevant after 20 years?
most jobs will end with technology and AI