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Aman Kumar’s Avatar

Aman Kumar

Software engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
121 Answers
17425 Reads
419 Karma


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teja’s Avatar
teja 2 days ago 516 views

The Role of Deep Learning in Data Science?

Deep learning has revolutionized the field of data science, unlocking possibilities that were once thought impossible. As a subset of machine learning, deep learning utilizes artificial neural networks to simulate the workings of the human brain, enabling computers to identify patterns,...

Liam’s Avatar
Liam Nov 16 299 views

how does a career work?

career, career-path

Blanca’s Avatar
Blanca Nov 15 926 views

A struggling 16 yr old!(pre-med,MBA,Business, fashion)

Hi, I’m currently a 16 year old who recently got homeschooled and in my junior year of high school. I’m on a journey on rediscovering myself of what I’m capable of doing( I’m trying to learn what I’m good at and I’m not and who I am). I used to run my own candy business and it was fun...

Sumedha’s Avatar
Sumedha Nov 06 797 views

What advice would you give to a high school junior looking to find an internship in their field of interest?

I'm currently an 11th grader in Texas, and it's been tough for me to find an internship relating to my field of interest (aerospace engineering). Although I have gotten recommendations from sources/connections, applying for them has been tough for me because most require me to be a U.S. Citizen...

Aizen’s Avatar
Aizen Nov 05 519 views

How do you decide what major to focus on when you are only in your teens?

I am only 14 and while I know I am interested in sciences, how do I decide what career will be right for me and provide me with a quality life?

Deanicia’s Avatar
Deanicia Oct 28, 2016 9281 views

Should I talk about my failures when being interviewed for a job?

I read an article about how a recruiter who interviews students got an answer of "I expect failure" from one of the students. Then they went and wrote an article on how this answer was amazing. Should I do the same and state some failures like struggles in class or should I keep that to myself....

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Mar 12, 2017 5807 views

What is the 1 book you would suggest everyone reads in their lifetime?

I'm making it a personal goal to read for 30 minutes daily again, and am looking for some quality material. Anything related to science, technology, or woman's history are very interesting to me. #college #engineering #science #technology #tech #women-in-tech #reading #women-in-engineering #books

Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney Oct 29 225 views

why is having a good career difficult?

why does a good career require so much time and efforts?

Liliana’s Avatar
Liliana Nov 01 292 views

Do I need to take Anatomy to become a Career counselor?

I talked to my college counselor, who told me that some degrees are eligible for certain careers. He told me he had a science degree and other 5 degrees and he became an elementary teacher. Then a few years later he became a college counselor. Side note: I absolutely do not have a passion for...

katie’s Avatar
katie Oct 31 487 views

those who have graduated, how hard was it finding a job after?

just curious

Jason’s Avatar
Jason Oct 30 215 views

What are some best practices for following up after a networking event or informational interview without coming across as pushy?

Graduating from college in the spring, want to get a job lined up as soon as possible.

Angelo’s Avatar
Angelo Oct 28 225 views

What are the recommended amount of classes needed or need to be taken for getting in a decently good tech college/university #Fall24?

As a high school student, I haven't researched anything about tech unis or colleges, and I think I know that each school is subjective towards the recommended classes taken for their entry, but I want to know an overall of the classes I need to take in order to enter into at least a decent tech...

Canaan’s Avatar
Canaan Oct 30 439 views

Is Computational Linguistic Game Programmer jobs hard to find

The two things that I love are studying many different languages from many countries, and game programming. Is a Computational Linguistic Game Programmer a hard career to find jobs? Is this a rare career?

X’s Avatar
X Nov 04 790 views

I would like to conduct an interview with a software developer...could someone help me out?

I am a dual-enrolled freshman at Davenport University (in MI, USA) and for one of my assignments I have to create an interview with a professional in my chosen career field: a Software Developer. I have 10 questions that if someone could answer, it would be very appreciated and helpful. 1) How...

Ngoc’s Avatar
Ngoc Nov 05 876 views

What kind of volunteer job can I do to gain some experience in the social work field?

Hi everyone,
I'm legally blind. I would love to gain some experience in the social work field through volunteering. What kind of volunteer job can I do? English is not my first language; I would love to elevate my communication skills, too.
Thank you so much for your advice.