Aman Kumar
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What do I need to look for when applying for a Job?
What are the keys when looking at jobs
How can I find an online part time data annotation jobs?
How can I find an online part time data annotation jobs
How do I prepare for life after college, like what can I get myself into when it comes to a job?
I’m about to graduate college soon and I’m not sure what I’m doing and I need help when it comes to finding a job and getting things together. I major in business but I’m also interested in nursing, real estate or having an Airbnb business.
How do you balance networking without seeming one-sided #Fall24?
In other words how do you form a valuable connection with someone that you can both benefit from? I find it hard to message people I don't know on LinkedIn for help. #Fall24
What is the best route to becoming a computer programmer.?
I want to become a computer programmer and coder. I am interested in tech and feel kike pursuing something in this field will help me the most on my journey
How much do people with computer science degrees usually make?
I plan on going to school for computer science
Why choosing careers and how can we identify good career?
Getting ready to Learn about future careers
Is the software engineering scene cool ?
I'm in 10th grade and I was thinking about heading into the software engineering scene for college, any tips or benefits?
Whats your plan after school ?
Why are you a graduate
What your plan after leaving school
How would you survive
How is your life going to be aftet college
How would you you learn a digital skill
How Do You Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance in This Industry ?
What strategies have worked for you to manage both professional and personal priorities effectively?
How Do You Identify Opportunities for Leadership?
What signs or opportunities should I look for to start taking on leadership roles within my team or organization?
I am stuck with some old tech stacks, what should be my next steps, should I continue or think of change?
I work at MNC but am Stuck with some old tech stacks, what should be my next steps, should I continue or think of change. Just consider one more point, I am very comfortable in this company now and enjoying my life here.
Can scholarships be renewed every year, and what are the requirements to keep them?
Im a 17 year old senior in Skyline and I'm looking for scholarships to fund my education in college. I'm a part of my schools P-Tech program which has given me experience with coding in different languages and several other skills with computer science. I have a passion for business...