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Dr H’s Avatar

Dr H

Dr. H's Research
Management Occupations - Healthcare Support Occupations - Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
1182 Answers
634657 Reads
17803 Karma


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Citizen Patrol
Vincent’s Avatar
Vincent 2 days ago 1242 views

What is the best payed and free apps for digital art animation or just art in general?

I have little to no experience btw

Ivan’s Avatar
Ivan 2 days ago 362 views

How can I explore different careers for backups in case engineering field doesn't work out for me?

I want to ensure I get a jobs or be in a field that I'm comfortable in and maybe engineering might not work out for me if I feel like it's not what I want to do for the rest of my life.

Angelo’s Avatar
Angelo 2 days ago 2025 views

What computer science careers would only knowing python land me in?

If one were to only know python and wanted to take be a STEM major, what careers would they be able to pursue?

hailey’s Avatar
hailey 2 days ago 49 views

I know profilers are just in shows what would the real life job be called?

like in criminal minds they are called profilers what job in the real world does that

hailey’s Avatar
hailey 2 days ago 81 views

who works with criminals and figuring out why they did what they did ?

what career is it called?

hailey’s Avatar
hailey 2 days ago 67 views

what do I have to do to become a detective?

how did I become a detective

angelo’s Avatar
angelo 2 days ago 172 views

How much does an entry level construction worker make starting out ?

24 years old starting trade school

Julio’s Avatar
Julio 2 days ago 121 views

what does the day to day work life entail?

in these careers what are you doing while working?

Julio’s Avatar
Julio 2 days ago 244 views

what are some things you would have done early on in you're career if you had known about it?

is there anything you would recommend someone who's new to this career do.

Solah’s Avatar
Solah 2 days ago 667 views

How do I know which college/university is the right one for me ?

I am a junior and I am in the process of getting my college list done, but I am at a dead end where I don't know which one I specifically want to attend. All the schools are great with programs I'm interested but I'm just not sure how to decide. Any advice?

Carson’s Avatar
Carson 2 days ago 440 views

What are the best university's around Cleveland?

I am a senior and don't know where to go to school at.

Karolina’s Avatar
Karolina 2 days ago 873 views

What college would you recommand for someone who wants to be a immigration lawyer?

Im a high school student thinking about colleges and i have no idea which colleges would be good to become a immigration lawyer, as well as what majors would be good?

Miraj’s Avatar
Miraj 2 days ago 1059 views

would it be more worth it to get a CDL or certification for electrical

What would be more worth it. general contracting and electrical, or general contracting and CDL?

Hugh’s Avatar
Hugh 2 days ago 735 views

If I live in India, how can I get work as a computer scientist in the US ?

If I live in India, how can I get work as a computer scientist in the US?

Uti’s Avatar
Uti 2 days ago 310 views

Is it worth chasing a career in entertainment when the chances of making it are so small?

any advice for me please