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nina’s Avatar
nina May 21 155 views

Should I still try and get the careers I want? how could I cope with the stress?

I wanna work in a career that helps people but the responsibility of someone's life/health is a lot and makes me hesitant to follow the careers I want like working as a pediatrician or law enforcement. I don't wanna make a mistake or miss something and be painted as a bad doctor/LEO.

Brenda’s Avatar
Brenda May 22 603 views

How can I make the most of my summer vacation to prepare for senior year and apply to colleges?

I'm currently a junior, and I need some advice on how to spend my summer vacation to help prepare for my upcoming senior year.

Izabela’s Avatar
Izabela May 22 482 views

How can I best prepare myself for working in the world of counseling?

Just graduated high school. Going to major in psychology next academic year in university. I am really interested in counseling and as I continue studying I will be able to figure out how to narrow down what kind of counseling I want my focus to be. I want to be doing things outside of...

Darlene’s Avatar
Darlene May 22 433 views

I am looking to get back into the job market as an administrative assistant. Most employers want skills using Microsoft Excel or PowerPoint. What is the best way to conquer these much needed skills? #2024.

I am an older adult going to college to achieve my dream of getting an Associates degree in Liberal Arts. After that, I plan to study psychology. My hobbies are reading and writing. I like to learn new things also.

Nya’s Avatar
Nya May 22 250 views

How can I focus on being a professional dancer ?

I am a sophomore, that is 16 years old that lives in New York, I want to focus on being a professional dancer for myself , but I get distracted by other things which takes away my time , how can I focus on being a professional dance and focus on other activities

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea May 21 398 views

How can I better incorporate my photography with symbolism?

Im in 8th grade and have been taking photographs in a portfolio for a while, and I also like to write. But when I try to take pictures, I want to create a bigger meaning. How can I do that?

Zander’s Avatar
Zander May 21 263 views

How would you recommend working up to a Psych Bachelor?

I want to know how I should possibly start like should I start at a community college and then work my way up to university or is there a preferred route I should take?


Luke’s Avatar
Luke May 21 400 views

Why do we need job interview?

What is the best way to pick a career the can be profitable and that has a lot of impact in the society. Why do I need to get into college to make sure of that

Christian’s Avatar
Christian May 21 350 views

How can this website help me prepare for college and what it has to offer?

I am in 11th grade and wanting to learn more about the major im wanting to explore more which is computer science.?

Alex’s Avatar
Alex May 21 391 views

I want to be an AD man ,i Love marketing and advertising, How important is college on this part, bear in mind I can buy necessary courses, acquire the skill and then go ahead to intern in an organization ?

College,No College

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua May 21 354 views

How would it work to transfer my certification and everything?

I'm currently a 15 year old in high school in NYC. I want to go to a college out-of-state (Mass) but want to return to my home city and state when I finish and have my degree and certifications in teaching high school history/humanities.

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua May 20 292 views

How do I become a singer before 20?

I want to be a pop singer by the time I turn 20. What should I do to make sure I get a record deal by then? And when I get it how do I keep it? And how do I know which record company to choose?

Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca May 20 322 views

Why kind of support services does each college offer?

Some say that one has more benefits than the other.

Damien’s Avatar
Damien May 20 284 views

What would be a good fit for myself?

I am interested in being a barber. I work best in an environment with time flexibility, teamwork, and fast pace. Is this a good fit for me?

Bremen’s Avatar
Bremen May 20 322 views

How do i become a successful career guider??

How do I become a successful career guider?