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Gisselle’s Avatar
Gisselle Aug 20 613 views

What advice can you give about setting up a portfolio specifically tailored for the animation industry??

I want to apply for internships or entry-level jobs in animation or visual development but I'm not sure about building a portfolio or how to begin.

Medalith’s Avatar
Medalith Aug 20 410 views

How necessary is it to have a degree in Journalism if you want to become a journalist?

Let me give you context for my question. I've been looking at LinkedIn profiles, and everyone who writes for a big journal usually has a degree in a different field like International Relations, Political Science, etc., and they have done something related to journalism. I'd like to know what...

M’s Avatar
M Aug 19 169 views

How to get involved in my city's decisions?

Is it worth attending my city's City Council Meetings as a resident not involved in politics at all? Is there anything to gain out of it? Can I really cause a change through this?

Ava’s Avatar
Ava Aug 19 249 views

when should you take mcat prep courses?

I am A sophmore in Highschool when should I do MCAT prep. Should I start it in high school or should i wait till college. I need help with it asap becuse i dont know

Ava’s Avatar
Ava Aug 19 837 views

What classes should I take in highschool if i want to become a surgon?

I want to become a surgon I am going into my sophmore year and I want to know what is the best way to go if i really want to become a surgon

Xander’s Avatar
Xander Aug 19 893 views

What is the best option?

I think I've decided I want to do some form of art with my life; leaning more towards theatre. My options in my mind right now are 1) go to a community college and pursue theatre education. Become a drama teacher 2) go to a close-ish college and pursue fine arts education; become an art...

Adam’s Avatar
Adam Aug 18 582 views

What terminology should I know for an entry level outside sales position with ADP With a focus on their small business services division.?

Basic information I should know for the interview process

j’s Avatar
j Aug 19 985 views

What are some jobs that don't require a college degree, hire quickly and pay well?

I want to drop out of college due to high tuition/unsure what to major in. I'm not 21 yet but I have experience in retail/customer service.

martha’s Avatar
martha Aug 18 608 views

what career can i pursue in life?

i love swimming, playing video games and hiking , i also love watching movie

Lomewika’s Avatar
Lomewika Aug 18 506 views

How can I be more responsible and organized?

I'm now a freshman in highschool, and most of my schedule is IB classes. I was told the curriculum will be very hard. So I wanted to ask if you guys have any tips or advice to how I can be more organized and time efficient ? I want to manage my time better and be able to turn work in on time....

Dante’s Avatar
Dante Aug 18 390 views

Hi everyone, my name is Dante, and I am a 31 year-old University student. I currently in my final year and I am majoring in Criminal Justice & Criminology with a minor in Psychology. I always wanted to eventually get into the law enforcement field but in case that is not a possibility, with my current age (unfortunately) I just want to know what would be some good carrer paths that would best suit me Thanks?

I am an older student (31 years old) majoring in Criminal Justice & Criminology with a Minor in Psychology. For the past 10 years or I have not been that focused on my education. Been through 3-4 different schools and a couple of jobs before being settled now. Currently working part time...

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Aug 18 463 views

What are some good passion projects/extracurriculars for someone pursuing a finance major in order to break into investment banking at a T20 college.?

What are some good passion projects/extracurriculars for someone pursuing a finance major in order to break into investment banking at a T20 college. I originally was thinking of being a Math major to pursue a career as a actuary so all my extracurriculars are stem/math related. Incoming high...

AnveshKrishna’s Avatar
AnveshKrishna Aug 18 439 views

What major should I choose in college to become a mechatronics engineer?

I am an eleventh grade student who really likes physics, math, and coding. I will be choosing colleges next year, and need help in choosing a major if I want to be a mechatronics engineer.

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Aug 18 270 views

How can i become a better version of me?

Im 16 nd i am goin to repeat 10th grade because of how awkward and shameful i felt, the year has been very rough on me and my family, after i had found out my dad git cancer late December last year, everything just came crashing down, I live in a generation that you have to be good, but I'm not...

Danielle’s Avatar
Danielle Aug 17 432 views

What’s it like to become a Physicians assistant

What major did you complete to become PA?