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Alaina’s Avatar
Alaina Mar 10 391 views

How do I start earning scholarships ?

I am going back an forth between a few career paths at the moment. I'm mainly looking into the medical field.

Warren’s Avatar
Warren Mar 08 590 views

What is a good business?

how do I go about developing a unique business Idea and mode

Vaishnavi’s Avatar
Vaishnavi Mar 10 597 views

Is it okay to select forensic psychology as a career option, if you are from humanities background?

So, I am from India and am interested in psychology so I chose humanities.. however, alot of people in my surrounding are asking me not to continue psychology as it is kind of a dead career option since not much jobs are available and it will be hard to fend myself later.. So what should I...

Antonio’s Avatar
Antonio Mar 09 508 views

Is there any specific jobs you should work at while going to college to earn money to pay for your academic year ?

Which job should I consider would part time are full time be better?

Brynna’s Avatar
Brynna Mar 09 257 views


I am a college freshman who is hoping to graduate college with no debt, how is that possible when school is expensive and the average job only pays 10 an hour?

Antonio’s Avatar
Antonio Mar 09 387 views

How much money approximately would I spend on going to a 2 year college to major in the departnt of software engineering before transferring to a University.

I'm planning to go to SJCC

Georgia’s Avatar
Georgia Mar 08 1036 views

How often do you work on creating a Movie, Musical, Play or Tv Show? Late Nights, Early Mornings? How much money does it take and how much do you make based off of when people see the movies?

I'm looking for answers for a Career Project. Any and all answers are great. Thanks so much!

ThankGod’s Avatar
ThankGod Mar 09 851 views

I'm considering pursuing a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction in the USA. What career opportunities could this open up for me? I need some guidance to make an informed decision.

What are the career prospects for a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction in the USA, considering my background? I hold an MSc in Social Work and a BSc in Psychology of Education. How does this compare to pursuing a PhD in Social Work? Which option would be better, and why? My primary concern is...

ava’s Avatar
ava Mar 08 423 views

how long do you have to shadow other doctors to become a neurologist?

and does it have to be at the hospital you want to be at?

Cecilia’s Avatar
Cecilia Mar 08 355 views

Is being a flight attendent too demanding?

I want to be a flight attendent and travel but I don't want it to be too demanding and it not be my passion anymore

Cecilia’s Avatar
Cecilia Mar 08 311 views

Is being a flight attendent worth it if you love traveling?

I love traveling but I'm not sure if being a flight attendent and being told where to go and when would be worth it

Italy’s Avatar
Italy Mar 08 905 views

What are some career paths from psychology getting into law?

For reference, I am a upcoming psychology major thinking about getting into law, I'm really loving my government class and want to know any potential careers.

Haylee’s Avatar
Haylee Mar 07 300 views

Where do I start and what do I need to do before going to college for Dental hygiene?

I am in 11th grade and don't know where a good starting point is and what will make it easier to get into this career.

Zach’s Avatar
Zach Mar 08 552 views

How do you choose the best college that will reflect your culture?

I am college bound and i have been wondering how do i find the best college that will reflect my culture so i dont always feel left out or is cultural diversity not that important?

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Mar 07 446 views

Where do I start after high school for modeling?

What do I specifically do and how ?