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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
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11180 Karma


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Leah’s Avatar
Leah Jan 18, 2018 946 views

How do I start combining two majors I love into something beneficial for the public?

I am currently double majoring in dance and psychology at Cal State Fullerton. Later on I want to combine the two to become a child psychologist who incorporates dance into the therapy of children. I don't know where to start and I am hopeful someone will give me some ideas. Thank you :)...

McKay’s Avatar
McKay Aug 09, 2018 712 views

How many hours do people typically work when attending school full time?

I'm planning to working full time while attending college and don't know if that will hurt my grades.
#jobs #working #school #work #college #sleep

Ajzuan’s Avatar
Ajzuan Aug 09, 2018 660 views

What are some good college prep strategies?

What are some things you have done or wish you had done to prepare for college?

#college #prep

Magdiel Job Alarcon’s Avatar
Magdiel Job Alarcon Aug 09, 2018 715 views

What are the best places to look for jobs before and after graduation?

You've spent money, time, and determination to get that college degree. The job market is tough and many students have debt. Where do I look for the right job before and after getting that pricey paper? We're academic ready. But are we job ready? #jobs #graduation #networking #adulting...

Magdiel Job Alarcon’s Avatar
Magdiel Job Alarcon Aug 09, 2018 731 views

What are the best school organizations for valuable experience?

Sorority. Fraternity. Athletics. Clubs. As college students, we often join associations because of shared interests and to fit in the college persona. But what school organizations offer the best experience for jobs or opportunities? #schoolorganizations #collegereality #jobs #opportunities

Jakayla’s Avatar
Jakayla Aug 09, 2018 712 views

How hard was it to find a job while in college?

#resource fairs #first-job #collegeadvisors #career-choice

Robre'ana’s Avatar
Robre'ana Aug 09, 2018 730 views

Should I still apply to my dream school even though my SAT score isn’t up to par? If so, how can I make my application stand out to the admissions committee?

My SAT scores are below average for my dream college, however, my GPA, community service, and extra curricular activities are great. #college #school #high-school-classes #college-applications #vanderbilt #university

Robre'ana’s Avatar
Robre'ana Aug 09, 2018 742 views

How can I stop procrastinating and become proactive?

I’m always extremely motivated to get the work done but when it comes down to beginning, I lose all motivation (ie beginning college application essays or studying for a test). I am currently in a practical nursing program at school and would love to gain everything I can now instead of having...

Chyna’s Avatar
Chyna Aug 07, 2018 1056 views

Should I start asking about internships after or before college?

#bachelors #media #entertainment #sports-media

Chyna’s Avatar
Chyna Aug 07, 2018 823 views

Should I finish paying my college fees and tuition first or pay to start my own business after I graduate college?

#business woman #professionals #career #career-change

Dillon’s Avatar
Dillon Aug 08, 2018 709 views

Is there much demand for high school math teachers in Indiana?

#high-school #mathematics #careers

Donovan’s Avatar
Donovan Jan 19, 2018 739 views

What kind of Career(s) allow you to have the most positive impact on the lives of inner city youth in our culture today?

I want to know what are the jobs and careers that will allow us to positively influence the underprivileged youth in our inner cities. I want to explore new ways that will allow us to not just impact the lives of these kids, but also of the many generations to come! #bethechange #social-impact...

Nikita’s Avatar
Nikita Aug 08, 2018 917 views

How do I become a part of the space industry?

Hi. I am a computer engineer from India. I have always wanted to make a career in astronomy/space. I am aware there are basically two paths: The phd path through which I become an astronomer but working in academia doesn't attract me so much, I am also aware that there aren't many positions...

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine Aug 06, 2018 823 views

What should one do if uncertain of what career to pursue in?

I am uncertain of what career to pursue in and I am scared to start of #career-advice with a career that I might end up not liking. I also do not want to waste money on something that I will not need.

Ella’s Avatar
Ella Aug 07, 2018 691 views

What are the best tips for upcoming freshman in college?

Tips to help freshman enjoy their first year in college. #CollegeFreshman

Cassandra’s Avatar
Cassandra Aug 07, 2018 572 views

Is there a such thing as a hospital's accountant?

#career #internship

Owen’s Avatar
Owen Aug 06, 2018 704 views

What Are Some Jobs In The Field of Marine Biology?

Marine Biology has always fascinated and captivated me. What are some jobs that are applicable to my interests? I would love to do field work most of all, but I know it is a competitive field. If there are any Marine Biologists out there I would love to hear what you have to say! #marinebio...

Maritza’s Avatar
Maritza Aug 06, 2018 826 views

What are some jobs in the Environmental Science field?

I am interested in pursuing Environmental Science as a career, but also want to be able to travel while at the job. Do you have any job positions that combine both career and travel? #career #travel #careers #job #traveling #environmentalscience

Sarina’s Avatar
Sarina Aug 07, 2018 900 views

What's a good major to pursue if you have an AA degree in Health Sciences General Studies and you enjoy subjects involving English/Writing?

By 18, if I work hard enough, I should have an AA degree in Health Sciences General Studies, though now I'm wondering if I still want to pursue a career focused entirely on health. I've always struggled with math, which as I've found is quite involved in this field, making me reconsider my...

Martinique’s Avatar
Martinique Aug 07, 2018 528 views

If you a thinking about going to school to make a huge career change are there any tips to help make sure this is a career change that will fit.

#career-choice #career-path #career

Sheniece’s Avatar
Sheniece Aug 05, 2018 719 views

As a full time student, with a part time job, what are some ways that are most affective when balancing school and a job?

#work #timemanagement #college

Sheniece’s Avatar
Sheniece Aug 05, 2018 546 views

For an upcoming college freshman with an undecided major , are there any resources that may aid in career guidance ?

#help #seekingcareerguidance #indecisive #college #futurelawyer

Marvin’s Avatar
Marvin Aug 04, 2018 631 views

What is Grad school like and how is it different thank college?

I want to go to Grad school after college and would like to know the differences and similarities?

hope’s Avatar
hope Jun 09, 2016 1183 views

To be an international tour guide, do i have to go to college?

At some point in my life I would really like to run guided tours abroad. I know a guiding school would be important to land a job in that field, but would having a college degree help me at all? I'm considering majoring in anthropology or travel, tourism, and hospitality. Any help would be...

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Jan 16, 2018 734 views

Is taking a Gap Year a good idea?

I hear pros and cons to taking a Gap Year. I'm not 100% sure on which major I want to take in college and thought it best to give myself time to find out what I like.

#gap-year #college #college-prep #college-major #life-transitions

Sachi’s Avatar
Sachi Mar 13, 2018 1028 views

How can I specialize as a veterinarian?

I am a high school senior who has always wanted to pursue a career in veterinary medicine, and I have been doing thorough research on the various aspects of the occupation. I am very interested in veterinary dentistry or surgery, and I would really like to specialize in these areas. Is there...

Danny’s Avatar
Danny Apr 06, 2018 540 views

What is required to become a firefighter?

I want to know because so I can get the things I need to become a firefighter. #fireman

Madelyn’s Avatar
Madelyn Aug 03, 2018 548 views

How do I become a good CNA?

nursing school #nursing-schools #secondary-education early education

Makenzie’s Avatar
Makenzie Aug 03, 2018 654 views

Medical School Advice

I have an okay GPA (3.51) and an okay MCAT score (497). My extracurricular activities, awards, volunteer work, and other activities are extremely good. How good are my chances of making into a medical school? Any advice to make me a stronger applicant? #medschool #pre-med #college-applications

Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Aug 03, 2018 780 views

Managing Time

As a new college student, attending school , playing a sport and work any suggestions on managing your time?
#student, #work-life-balance, goal