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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
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Quinton’s Avatar
Quinton Jul 24, 2016 1459 views

When choosing a college what should I prefer, better reputation or better price?

So I'm pretty smart and have a GPA high enough to get me into a pretty solid college, but I'm worried about the cost and the student loans I would amass. So I was wondering how I would find a balance between both a good education and a good price, but not suffering in either, and in a...

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah May 24, 2016 1035 views

How can I make myself stand out when I am applying to colleges?

I have suffered from many illnesses over my high school career which have prevented me from participating in lots of school activities and volunteer programs. I also didn't get the chance to participate in AP classes and my GPA is 3.73, not the greatest. I participated in choir and I was the...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 15, 2016 1254 views

How important is having a career goal?

What if you are a person who does not know your interest or skills? What would you suggest this person to do if they don't know. #college #career #skills #goal

Stan’s Avatar
Stan Jul 20, 2016 1304 views

Where should I go to seek local employment?

I am a high school student seeking part-time work. #career-choice

Quinton’s Avatar
Quinton Jul 23, 2016 883 views

What are the best way to balance sports and education?

I want to know some ways people have gone about balancing sports and studying during high school as sometimes i feel like I'm unable to do both at the same time. #sports #school #time-management

Hollie’s Avatar
Hollie Jul 22, 2016 1418 views

What are the factors that I should consider whether or not graduate school is appropriate for me?

I am almost done with my bachelor degree in college, and I'm not sure if going to graduate school is right for me. For now, I would like to explore the work market for a while first. I would like to get some advice on how I should determine or assess myself in future if I wanted to go on to...

Betsy’s Avatar
Betsy Jul 21, 2016 939 views

Are there fields of work where art skills are incorporated, but you are not required to work as a professional artist?

Ever since I was a child I have been passionate about being an artist. I have went to art classes for many years and am have grown very skilled in painting, and drawing. My works have been displayed in galleries, and have received praises from the general public and professional artists. Moving...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 20, 2016 1389 views

How "easy" is a minimum wage job ?

Many people put emphasis in how easy a minimum wage job in industries like; fast food, or retail is easy. How "easy" is it compared to "real-world" jobs, and what are the differences and similarities between the jobs? #career #jobs #minimum

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 20, 2016 1325 views

Would employers rather see internships/jobs or volunteer work?

Just wondering what is weight more as a prospective employer looks at your resume #career #resume #employer

jasmyn’s Avatar
jasmyn May 23, 2016 1671 views

What's the biggest difference and hardest adjustment transitioning from high school to college?

I'm and upcoming senior and I wanted to be prepared for the transition #college #student #college-bound #freshman

Lindsay ’s Avatar
Lindsay May 24, 2016 732 views

Any advice on rising my gpa or getting high test scores

I am a rising senior #college

Luisa ’s Avatar
Luisa May 24, 2016 776 views

How does one simply select a career out of all the other possible paths to choose from?

I'd like to know how people are able to select a career pathway and how or what it is that interest them. #college #doctor #teacher #student #graduate

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Jul 19, 2016 1252 views

What are some things you wished you did back in college?

What I'm wondering is, do you regret not joining more clubs or taking certain classes you were curious about taking or just overall spending more time on campus to see what else the campus offered the students? #college #college-life

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Jul 19, 2016 2144 views

How do you deal with comparing yourself with your fellow classmates?

I feel as though I've begun doing this ever since I've started college. I always hear that my fellow classmates are coming to school and working a part time job, and for some, they may even have a family to provide for. It makes me wonder how they manage all of that but then it makes me think,...

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Jul 19, 2016 834 views

What are some ways to prepare for my final semester at college?

I have one final semester to go at my current school in order to get my Bachelor's Degree. Are there any steps I should take during this final semester? Should I join any clubs or get involved with any other school activities? And if so, do those ultimately affect my career search after I...

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Jul 18, 2016 1073 views

How can the Arts impact your resume?

I keep hearing that putting down that I play piano would be a good addition to my resume. It strikes me as odd that an application with the arts on it would really impact your chances of getting a job. Would a place like Goldman Sachs really care?

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 18, 2016 2932 views

What is more important? Your GPA or your experience?

When prospective employeers look at your resume, Which qualification has a greater chance in the employee getting a job ?
#college #career #jobs #resume #gpa

Sandra’s Avatar
Sandra Jul 15, 2016 854 views

I have an AS, can I apply to a PA program or do I have to complete 4 years of college before applying?

I will be going back to school soon. #science #nursing #physician #administrative-assistants

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 15, 2016 1044 views

Is fashion marketing too far of a stretch?

Am I taking it too far when I say I want to be a fashion marketer? I am currently studying communications and business. Is fashion marketing out of reach from where I am? #career #marketing #fashion

Sandra’s Avatar
Sandra Jul 14, 2016 916 views

What can I do with a Biology major? and what jobs are available for Bio majors?

Thinking about majoring on Bio. #college #science

Carter’s Avatar
Carter May 24, 2016 746 views

How can I incorporate engineering with an entrepreneurial degree?

I have interests in engineering as well as entrepreneurship. #engineering #entrepreneur

Eve’s Avatar
Eve May 24, 2016 897 views

What is a normal day like for a fashion buyer?

I am outsourcing my Bachelor's in Fashion Merchandising and I was wondering what am I going to be doing everyday. #fashion #fashion-merchandising

Eve’s Avatar
Eve May 24, 2016 1323 views

What exactly does a fashion merchandising degree entitle?

I plan on getting my Bachelor's in Fashion Merchandising and Masters in Business Administration. But what exactly can I do with my Bachelor's in Fashion Merchandising? #fashion #fashion-merchandising

Jose’s Avatar
Jose May 24, 2016 1171 views

Am I making a good career choice or should I consider other options?

I am a high school senior currently taking computer animation and graphic design. I enjoy art, drawing, and computers and this field combines all of my passions into one. #career #general

Kevin’s Avatar
Kevin May 24, 2016 1019 views

What is the best process to become a great civil engineer?

I want to become a civil engineer but there are somethings that confuse me on how to get to that dream of having the civil engineer tittle. What are the best ways to start as of now to becoming a great civil engineer #college #civil-engineering #motivation #career-goals

Rebecca ’s Avatar
Rebecca May 24, 2016 732 views

What major should I have in order to work for the Center for Disease Control?

I have always liked math and science and think that working at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) would be a good career option for me. Studying diseases and finding cures for them is what I would like to do with my life. #science

Miriam’s Avatar
Miriam May 24, 2016 1047 views

What is the best way to get to know your professor and make sure he/she knows you if you are in a large class?

I have always had close relationships with my teachers throughout high school and I want to keep that up. I like to ask a lot of questions to make sure I am understanding everything clearly. #college #professor #masters #bachelors

Sandra’s Avatar
Sandra Jul 14, 2016 816 views

How long is the career of a physician assistant and what is it required to become one?

I've always wanted to become a physician, but I was told that a physician assistant does almost the same thing and goes to school for less amount of time. I will appreciate any answer/comments.

Thanks #science #college-major #majors #general

Darelyanel’s Avatar
Darelyanel May 24, 2016 1261 views

Should I join a club in college?

In college, I also plan to work and study. How much time does a club take up?, and would I have the time for one? #college #work #club #student-activities

Darelyanel’s Avatar
Darelyanel May 24, 2016 1124 views

How to find internships after college?

Although I'm not in college just yet, I am curious as to how I would find internships post-college. Is there a website I would have to go to or maybe just by getting to know people? I really am unsure. #college #english #internship #english-composition