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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
2527944 Reads
11180 Karma


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Lydia’s Avatar
Lydia Jan 20, 2017 853 views

Are there any jobs that are similar to architecture but require less social skills?

In one of my Grade 9 courses we were introduced to different types of technology and how to use them, for example we had to design a hydraulic hand as a group project with the options of using the woodshop, 3d printer and lazer cutter. When my group was in the designing stage I discovered my...

Jalen’s Avatar
Jalen Feb 10, 2017 1082 views

What kind of benefits do you get with a career in architecture?

Is being an architect interesting and good work? #architecture

Antonio’s Avatar
Antonio Jan 16, 2018 1189 views

Is chemical engineering a career for me?

I love problem solving, and as an individual being challenged is simply a great thing in my mind. If I ever run into issues, I will try and reach out to both my individual mind and my peers in order to be able to further advance with a concept. As a high school student, I loved my chemistry...

Dagmawit’s Avatar
Dagmawit Mar 31, 2018 937 views

What are three qualities that a successful instructional designer must have?

I aspire to become an instructional designer.
#instructional-design #education

Javier’s Avatar
Javier Aug 02, 2018 905 views

Need help deciding

I have no idea what to do after college. I debated on whether to be a zoologist and study animals in their natural habitats or be a wildlife conservationist and help endangered animals by working at a rehabilitation center or something. Any advice on which to pick like pros and cons ? thanks...

Faith’s Avatar
Faith Aug 03, 2018 1318 views

What are some worthwhile minors to pair with communications?

I would like to go into editing, and I am interested in something technical as a minor, potentially applied math or computer sciences. However, I simply have no idea as to whether either will be useful in my field of choice.

#minors #communications #publishing #career #editor #editing

Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Aug 03, 2018 684 views


Any suggestions on apps to use for scholarships to pay tuition ?
#college #scholarships #apps

Lainey Colleen’s Avatar
Lainey Colleen Aug 03, 2018 536 views

how well do tour guides get paid?

#tourguide #jobs

Madelyn’s Avatar
Madelyn Aug 03, 2018 543 views

How do I successfully apply to college?

college applications #college #career #graduate

Richel’s Avatar
Richel Aug 03, 2018 649 views

What can I do with a Bachelor's Degree in Dental Hygiene?

I am entering an associate program for dental hygiene. I know that working in a clinic eventually takes a physical toll on the body so I don't plan to do it for my entire professional career. Does it make sense to pursue a bachelor's degree in dental hygiene after working as a hygienist for a...

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Aug 03, 2018 842 views

Do creative professionals get tired of working on the computer?

I am a very artistic student and I've been considering career paths in architecture, graphic design, and interior design but for all three, much time is spent on the computer. Does it ever get old? #college #career #graphic-design #design #art

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Aug 03, 2018 687 views

I have too many interests! Where do I go

I have played violin, painted, acted, sung, and worked well with my hands (i.e. mechanically) my whole life. How do I find a good college when my talents are so spread out?
#arts #career #choices

Damaris’s Avatar
Damaris Aug 03, 2018 943 views

How do I narrow my college search?

I've been trying in vain to narrow down my list of colleges, it feels like deadlines are around the corner and I have no idea what I would do in the best case scenario that I got accepted into all the universities I am applying to #college #search #help #choices #narrow

Youssef’s Avatar
Youssef Jan 17, 2018 825 views

I want to make my own business.

Will this be considered international business? #business #business-development #entrepreneurship

Reva’s Avatar
Reva Jul 31, 2018 864 views

How can I find internships? They aren't posted online. So, should I just cold email?

#engineer #research #technology #software #career #major

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis May 24, 2016 984 views

Is major league softball a growing career path?

Major league softball has 6 teams and I want to know if it's a growing career path #softball #athletics #sports #career #career-counseling

James’s Avatar
James Apr 19, 2018 950 views

what are the steps to become a venture capitalist?

Because i want to be one and i want the fastest path
#inventor #venture-capitalist #business #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #business-management #inventing

Morgan’s Avatar
Morgan Apr 19, 2018 768 views

If I take dual credit classes in high school, am I getting my basics done ahead of time?

I have always been told that if I take dual credit classes I’ll have enough hours to be a junior by my second semester. I was wondering if this was true or not.
#ctc #career-and-technical-school #gen-eds #college #dual-credit #dual-enrollment #course-selection #academic-advising

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Apr 16, 2018 1155 views

what keeps you employed ?

Can my characteristics, appearance, and good work improve my chances in keeping a gob? #work #employment #job #job-applications #advancement #career-advising #human-resources

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Apr 16, 2018 900 views

Reaching your dream job is tough. What do you think it means to reach your dream job, and why is it so rewarding?

We all have an image of a dream job, yet was makes it a dream? Is it the hard work and persistence that makes the job rewarding. Or maybe even today it's considered a dream job because the odds of you receiving the job as a female is small. I would love to hear peoples perspectives on what they...

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Apr 11, 2018 723 views

I love school but I've learned that I hate being in the workforce. How can I be sure to get a job I will enjoy after I graduate?

I can't stay in school forever. I graduate with my MFA (yes, I'm going for specialization), but I'm worried that after I'm specialized, I still won't be able to find a job I enjoy. #workforce #career #career-advising #finding-a-major #passion

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Jul 29, 2018 908 views

How to get a fully-paid internship (in another state) for the summer?

Next summer, I want to explore a software engineering internship in another state. However, due to financial circumstances I would need for the internship to pay for my housing as well. Any tips on how to secure an internship that offers this? Thank you so much for your guidance....

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Jul 29, 2018 2575 views

How is it being a female in a male-dominated career?

I am majoring in Computer Science and it is clear to me that there is a huge gender-gap. I am a bit worried about being over-looked because I will be a female in a male-dominated career. Any tips on how to stand-out and how to not let the gender-gap affect you? Thank you so much for your...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Jul 11, 2018 752 views

How much does where you went to college help, or potentially hurt, getting a job?

Lately I've been reading a lot of "it doesn't really matter where you went to college after you get your first job" kind of things and "the cheapest school is the best option" answers from around the internet. Granted, these aren't necessarily from reputable sources and everyone's experiences...

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Jul 24, 2018 1001 views

What are the most popular majors in the U.S. this year?

Deciding and picking a major is sometimes hard for students because technology is innovating and many new fields are developing, so I would like to know what majors are trending in 2018 that will be useful in the future
#college #major #collegemajor #majors

Kiara’s Avatar
Kiara Feb 15, 2017 829 views

What types of experience do I need to have to open a business?

I want to become a young entrepreneur and have many businesses. #business #entrepreneurship #business-development

Reginald’s Avatar
Reginald Jan 17, 2018 1144 views

Can the life of an occupational Therapist, be as daunting as an OB/GYN?

I wanted compare and contrast actual happiness and satisfaction, to a rewarding profession that pays well, but has many different stressors. #medicine #women #gynecology #career #hospital #therapy

Keygan’s Avatar
Keygan Jul 28, 2018 621 views

How do I know that the major I picked is the right one for me?


Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Jul 28, 2018 596 views

What if what I want to do doesn't work out in the end?

I really want to be a meteorologist, but everyone in my family keeps telling me that I should go into education or business or something practical because it is not going to pay the bills when I graduate. What am i going to do? My aunt went to school to be a scientist and now she sells windows...

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony Jul 28, 2018 691 views

What do I need to know to succeed in the field of Economics?

I'm planning on majoring in Economics and I'm looking for advice on what I need to do to be successful. What topics should I focus on in college and what kind of job/internship positions should I apply for both during and after college?
#knowledge #skills #career #job #economics