Raphael Trent
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How do I get a part-time job in communications while still in college?
I'm a junior at Howard university and I'd like to have at least a part-time job in my field before I graduate. Any advise?

How do people in computer science career field keep up with the changing preferences of programming languages?
#computer-science #computer #programming

Does the people you deal with hard to deal?
Does the people you deal with in your job hard to deal?
#audit #accounting

How long does it take for one to complete their Bachelor's?
I was counted the amount of time I will spend in school after High school. I was considering going into Information Technology Management. How long is the schoolimg in terms of getting your bachelors and masters degree? #information-technology-and-services #project-management #help #BS #mba

I'm in the 11th grade and I'm beginning to explore my future career, what are some careers and helpful next steps I should consider based on my passion and interests?
In school my interests are Math, History, and Art and my hobbies at home are art stuff, taking picture, and cooking or trying new stuff. So I want to know what I can do as a career that has some of my interest and hobbies to help in my future.
#career-choice #career-options

Project Manager
What do Project Managers do? #professional #management #graduate #japan #manager #project #institute #agile

What is a typical day like in your job in welding
I do what i have to do every day #job

How much do you get paid a week?/hours
I'm in job corps and am going to be taking the automotive trade in a few weeks. #career #cars #automotive #mechanic

How much does entry level pharmacy techs make?
I am in trade school to be a Pharmacy Technician

What softwares should I get familiar with before getting into video game design?
More specifically I want to get into modeling. #video-games #software #design #animation

What's the hardest thing you've ever done with CST?
I'm entering the Computer Service Tech career path, and I'm wondering what the biggest challenge others in that field have had to overcome #computer-science #computer #technology #computer-software

how would i be able to tell that a collage is acually good or not.
yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet #art #programming #science #technology #computer

What's your income as a health information technician?
I am a high school student doing research for an IT project and my assigned career was health info technician. #research #jobs # #healthcare