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Dennis Prendergast’s Avatar

Dennis Prendergast

Account Manager
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Morristown, New Jersey
64 Answers
136519 Reads
50 Karma

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DeMarcus’s Avatar
DeMarcus Oct 22, 2016 1848 views

Does your overall career choice satisfy your personal goals in life?

Hi my name is DeMarcus and I am a rising college freshman hoping to attend either Old Dominion or Radford University. My pursued major of choice is Information Technology. Reasons for my pursuit is because of my love for computer technology and helping people in the same manner. Technology will...

Amulya’s Avatar
Amulya Apr 16, 2020 1211 views

How do you start out as a video game designer?

#video-game-design #design #video-games #game-design #computer #pleasehelpme #computer-science #graphic-design #game-design

James’s Avatar
James Nov 05, 2015 2215 views

how to write a resume

i have to write a resume #science #nursing #finance #marketing #english #ect

Salman’s Avatar
Salman Mar 25, 2020 1061 views

How do I get a part time job?

#technology#volunteer #technology

Letzly’s Avatar
Letzly Feb 24, 2020 1508 views

What skills, abilities, and personal attributes are essential to success in the technology field?

#technology #career #computer

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Jan 30, 2017 1712 views

What is the best way to deal with a coworker who you don't get along with?

Hey! What is the best way to deal with someone you work with who you don't get along with? Maybe it's because you disagree about things, you totally clash, or some other reason, how do you deal with it? #business #science #teaching #medicine #healthcare #law #math #politics

Aalijah’s Avatar
Aalijah Jan 16, 2018 1169 views

How do you choose the right career?

I wanted to become a surgeon since I was little, but as I got older, I also found an interest in both music and engineering. I want to choose the right career for myself, but I don’t know how.
#surgery #engineering #music #whatdoido #passion

Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Feb 07, 2018 1594 views

What career path did you take to achieve your job?

#career #careers #career-counseling #jobs #accounting #auditing #sales #marketing #business #math #science #career-choice #pediatric-nursing #nursing #registered-nurses #doctor #veterinary #teacher #teachers #teacher-training #higher-education #college #college-advice #education #educator...

samuel’s Avatar
samuel Nov 25, 2019 834 views

how would i be able to tell that a collage is acually good or not.

yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet #art #programming #science #technology #computer

Zane’s Avatar
Zane Apr 12, 2018 1153 views

What's a good part time job as a 16 year old?

I am a 16 year old boy who plays baseball on a regular basis and likes to hang out with my friends on my free time, but my mother wants me to get a job. What are some good part time job ideas for me that'll have a lenient schedule. #gottagetajob #imbroke #anything-fun #moneymaking #no-technology

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Mar 12, 2017 9034 views

What is the 1 book you would suggest everyone reads in their lifetime?

I'm making it a personal goal to read for 30 minutes daily again, and am looking for some quality material. Anything related to science, technology, or woman's history are very interesting to me. #college #engineering #science #technology #tech #women-in-tech #reading #women-in-engineering #books

Joshua Joseph’s Avatar
Joshua Joseph May 17, 2016 3880 views

Are you happy with your career?

Given the direction in which our world is transitioning today, from technology transforming into a ubiquitous necessity, how has that idea impacted your decision into going into that career? What intrinsic motivation gives you the drive to continue your choice of going that path? What do you...

Israel’s Avatar
Israel Sep 05, 2019 1222 views

I am in the 9th grade and I am just beginning to explore my future career, what are some careers and helpful next steps I should consider based on my passions and interests?

At school, I am most interested in Game Designer, Game Concept Designer, and Lead Game Developer, while some of my hobbies include Learning/Playing Video Games, Drawing/Art, and Programming. A topic that I am passionate about is getting into a University that fits my needs. What are some career...

Rohit’s Avatar
Rohit Jun 20, 2016 1494 views

What are the options in Journalism?

I am a class 10 student, want to work as a Journalist in future. #journalism #sports-journalism #online-journalism #science-journalism #long-form-journalism

Christie’s Avatar
Christie Mar 12, 2020 981 views

How important is my GPA in the subject I want to major in when deciding a major?

#college #major #college-major #undecided #STEM