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Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 23, 2020 343 views

What are some colleges in America well-known for their radiology programs?

#medicine #career

Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 23, 2020 452 views

What are some colleges in America that are well known for their orthopedic program?

#medicine #career #future

siobhan’s Avatar
siobhan Aug 20, 2020 802 views

Where are the best places to do your dermatology residency?

I want to go into dermatology, and I think I want to do my residency at a hospital. But I'm not sure if dermatology is the best fit for me. #medicine #dermatology #hospital

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 863 views

Whats the best medical specialty to pursue in your opinion?

#career #medical #career-advice #school #medicine #career-path

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 713 views

Whats some advice you'd give to a junior in high school?

#career #medical #career-advice #school #medicine #career-path

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 457 views

What classes are helpful to take during high school to become a medical professional

#career #medical #career-advice #school #medicine #career-path

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 511 views

What are important things to research about a college?

#career #medical #career-advice #school #medicine #career-path

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 610 views

What are important things to look into for college?

#career #medical #career-advice #school #medicine #career-path

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 592 views

Do you think the way we apply to colleges will change because of the global pandemic?

#career #medical #career-advice #school #medicine #career-path

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 525 views

How should you dress as a medial physician?

#career #medical #career-advice #school #medicine #career-path

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 638 views

Is the medical field competitive?

#career #medical #career-advice #school #medicine #career-path

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 508 views

Do you recommend being a PA

#college-major #medicine #doctors #medical

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 499 views

What made you join the medical feild?

#medicine #medicalfield #doctor #college #highschool #advice

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 423 views

Whats a medical profession that gives you enough time in your personal life?

#professional #medical-profession #medicine #high-school

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 739 views

What medical profession do you recommend people to pursue?

#medical-profession #medicine #high-school

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 494 views

Do you recommend being a pediatrician?

#medical-profession #medicine #high-school #college #pediatrician

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 23, 2020 594 views

Did you ever have doubts in joining the medical field?

#scholarships #high-school # #gpa #sat #medicine

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 23, 2020 534 views

Who or what inspired you to go into the medical field?

#scholarships #high-school # #gpa #sat #medicine

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 23, 2020 508 views

Is there anything that made you become a doctor?

#surgeon #doctor #doctors #scholarships #high-school # #gpa #sat #medicine

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 23, 2020 384 views

What are the different time commitment between each specialty?

#medicine #medical #doctor #doctors #high-school #sat #advice #medical-field

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 23, 2020 487 views

Whats a great specialty that isnt so time consuming and deals with children?

I want to become a doctor but not sure hat to specialize in. #medicine #medical #doctor #doctors #high-school #sat #advice #medical-field

Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 22, 2020 464 views

Prior to my interest in medicine, I enjoyed doing art (drawing and sketching). Are there any medical professions that I can incorporate my love for both? [I know this may be a long shot]

#art #medicine #career

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 23, 2020 512 views

Whats the best way to become a doctor and have least amount of debt?

#medicine #medical #doctor #doctors #high-school #sat #advice #medical-field

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Dec 28, 2018 760 views

Career Path

How does one narrow down their career paths in the medical field when they aren't completely sure of their interests? #medicine #career

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Dec 28, 2018 1125 views

Med School

How do I make myself stand out amongst other med school applicants? #doctor #premed #medicine #medical-school

candy’s Avatar
candy Jan 08, 2019 650 views

how many years would I have to stay in college and what degrees would i have to get in order to become a surgeon?

How long would I have to stay in school? If I wanted to go to community college is there some that may help me pursue my dream of being a surgeon? What degrees would I need to become a surgeon? What is some advice I could get? #doctor #healthcare #surgery #college #medicine

Marlene’s Avatar
Marlene Jan 08, 2019 643 views

What classes am I required to take if I am interested in a career to become a Pediatrician?

#pediatrician #medicine #doctor

candy’s Avatar
candy Jan 08, 2019 546 views

What advice would you give me to follow my steps in becoming a surgeon?

What are some advice that you guys could give me in order to become a surgeon? To be more specific, what classes should I take in college? #surgery #surgeon #medicine #healthcare #doctor

candy’s Avatar
candy Jan 08, 2019 870 views

What classes can I take in college or what should I do in highschool to become a surgeon?

What classes should I take in college or in high school to become a surgeon? If I wanted to become a surgeon what steps can I do? #medicine #surgery #doctor

alex’s Avatar
alex Jan 08, 2019 598 views

What is the best things to study for the medical field?

#answer #school #college # -school #doctor #medicine

jasmine’s Avatar
jasmine Jan 10, 2019 487 views

while in high school how did you know that you were interested in the medical field.

im interesting in the getting a job in the medical field but im not sure. #medicine #healthcare #nurse

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Aug 18, 2020 574 views

How difficult is it to stay motivated in the medical field?

I'm an avid female wanting to pursue medicine because of my strong passion for it #doctor #medicine

Bel’s Avatar
Bel Aug 19, 2020 524 views

What would make me stand out when applying to medical schools?

Hi im bel! Im a junior in highschool and plan to study medicine in the near future. I love meeting new people and play tennis and volleyball. Most importantly, I would like to know more about what can increase my ability to fully grasp what the medical profession has to offer. In other words,...

Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 19, 2020 471 views

What are the steps to become a neonatologist / neonatal nurse?

#career #medicine

Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 19, 2020 501 views

What are the steps in becoming an orthopedic doctor?

#doctor #doctors #career #medicine

Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 19, 2020 592 views

What are the steps in becoming a radiologist?

#radiologist #medicine #career #future-careers

Bobby’s Avatar
Bobby Feb 13, 2019 705 views

How do I apply for medical school?

My career goal is to become a doctor. What are the steps to applying for medical school? #medicine #doctor #college #med-school #career

Ruby’s Avatar
Ruby Jan 10, 2019 707 views

what is a good subject to major in college to become a Pediatrician?

#college #pediatrician #pediatrics #medicine #professional

Melina’s Avatar
Melina Jan 10, 2019 580 views

My goal in the future is to become a pediatrician, how should I prepare?

I am in 11th grade, and want to work in the medical field #pediatrics #pediatrician #nursing #medicine #pediatrician

Melina’s Avatar
Melina Jan 10, 2019 845 views

How long does it take to become a pediatrician? (years of school)

I would like to major in the medical field, i'm in 11th grade. #medicine #doctor #pediatrics #pediatrician #pediatrics #doctor #medicine #pediatrician

Melina’s Avatar
Melina Jan 10, 2019 579 views

What are some tips for those who want to major in the medical field? (like me)

#medicine #college-major #doctor #healthcare #major #healthcare #doctor

German’s Avatar
German Jan 10, 2019 557 views

What would be a good major for a pre-med student interested in neurosurgery?

#premed #medicine #college-major

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas Jan 11, 2019 588 views

What are tips to balance free time and studying during Med school?

#time-management #doctor #medicine

Arianna’s Avatar
Arianna Jan 11, 2019 862 views

What degree do i need to become an obgyn or a neonatologist ?

#hospital-and-health-care #medicine

Arianna’s Avatar
Arianna Jan 11, 2019 632 views

How many years of school do i need to complete to become an obgyn or neonatologist?

#nursing #medicine

yasmine’s Avatar
yasmine Jan 15, 2019 611 views

How did you manage to sucessfully undertake not only time? But also budget yourself to pay for school?

# college #medicine #anesthesiologist #doctor #premed

yasmine’s Avatar
yasmine Jan 15, 2019 645 views

How many years did you take to become an anesthesiologist?

#doctor #medicine #premed #anesthesiologist

yasmine’s Avatar
yasmine Jan 15, 2019 823 views

How much did this career cost?

#money #career #medicine #anesthesiologist #doctor #hospital-and-health-care

cyana’s Avatar
cyana Jan 15, 2019 701 views

How long did it take you to get to where you are today?

#professional #medicine

Libby’s Avatar
Libby Jan 29, 2019 698 views

Do you have to be smart to become a pediatrition

I love kids and want to be a pediatrition but I’m not sure wheather I’m smart enough to be one ? #medicine