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Estelle Archer’s Avatar

Estelle Archer

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
United States
1322 Answers
1153943 Reads
738 Karma


Civic Duty

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Praveen Raj’s Avatar
Praveen Raj Jun 22, 2016 789 views

In which stream i should select in higher studies to become a Food scientist?

I want to become a Food scientist. But, I couldn't know to select my stream in higher studies. Please tell me which stream could i select? #scientist #food

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Jul 18, 2020 761 views

What does a food scientist's typical work day look like?

I'm interested in pursuing a career in the culinary field, but I also want to attend an "academically traditional" college. I found that a handful of schools have food science as a major, so I want to delve more into that particular area of study.

#scientist #food #JULY20

Iqra’s Avatar
Iqra Jul 17, 2020 730 views

In light of COVID-19, what are some changes you would like to see in the healthcare field?

#healthcare #doctor #medicine #technology #dentist #physical-therapy #physician #COVID-19 #JULY20

Jake’s Avatar
Jake Jan 22, 2018 855 views

What's it like being a part of a cyber-security team in a government agency?

I'm really thinking about majoring in Computer Science (Information Assurance) and going into a government agency like FBI, CIA, DIA, DoD, or any of the other like-minded branches. What's it like? How different is the public sector in this career from the private sector? Would you switch to...

Jake’s Avatar
Jake Jan 22, 2018 1727 views

Which government agency is best to go into for cyber-security?

I want to be in a cyber-security team for the US government serving in one of the intelligence branches (CIA, DoD, DIA, FBI, NSA, etc.) and I want to know which one would be best for me. If possible, I'd like to stay in a local area and not have to move to one location (I live in Arizona and...

Alexandro ’s Avatar
Alexandro May 06, 2015 937 views

What are some struggles i will go through while studying for criminal justice?

I am very interested in becoming and FBI. May be a challenge for me but looking forward to the challenge. #criminal-justice #fbi

Erasmo’s Avatar
Erasmo Jun 23, 2015 1846 views

What can I do in high school to become an FBI agent ?

I'm in 10th grade and I want to know more about it. Also, what I have to mayor in. #criminal-justice #fbi

Alexandro ’s Avatar
Alexandro May 08, 2015 1091 views

Where are some places i can go to if i want to be an FBI?

i don't want to wait long finding a job after i'm done with college.
i want to work right after i'm done.
#criminal-justice #fbi

Shira’s Avatar
Shira May 11, 2020 788 views

Do I need to major in Criminal-justice to become an FBI agent?

Do I HAVE to? or is it just extremely helpful and highly recommended? #criminal-justice #college-major #fbi

Daycy’s Avatar
Daycy Feb 22, 2017 944 views

What do you need to do in order to become an FBI agent?

I am asking this so when i graduate high school and i go to college, I can know what i have to do. #criminal-justice #criminology #fbi-agent

Diamond’s Avatar
Diamond Aug 31, 2017 917 views

What do I have to do to become a FBI Agent?

I want to become an FBI Agent to investigate and solve the problems/crimes that are going on in the community. I know there are 2-4 year degrees for criminal justice and additional years to get into this career. I've heard things like you have to become a police officer and then be promoted...

Diamond’s Avatar
Diamond Aug 31, 2017 929 views

What is the average day like for a FBI Agent?

I want to know how life is when being an FBI Agent. How do they get through the day with threats from people mainly criminals from putting them in jail and families of the criminal making the agent's life a bad experience? How is the schedule like everyday like does everyone have the same...

Diamond’s Avatar
Diamond Sep 01, 2017 786 views

Is there any challenging that any FBI agent faces ?

I want to know are there any challenges any FBI agent faces when they are on duty? Are there emotional times when they see things happen from someone they don't even know? Is there tension between 2 FBI agents or them having tension with someone else? #fbi-agent #criminal-justice...

Viviana’s Avatar
Viviana Aug 05, 2019 1782 views

What degree would be better forensic science, criminal justice or criminology?

I'm a student at community college looking to transfer soon and I'm undecided on which degree would be best if I wanna become a crime scene investigator and possibly FBI Agent in the future. Forensic studies at USF sound like a good match but St.Leo University has a Criminal Justice degree...

Blake’s Avatar
Blake Aug 18, 2019 873 views

If I get a bachelors in Criminal Justice what would the next step be for me to become a crime scene investigator.

#criminal-justice #criminology #forensics #law

Jasmin’s Avatar
Jasmin Mar 23, 2015 1054 views

what type of job can you get with a criminal justice degree?

i'm interest in criminal justice #criminal-justice #criminology

Diana’s Avatar
Diana Jan 30, 2018 14379 views

What is the difference between Forensic Science and Criminology?

I really love looking into criminal's cases, deaths, abductions, etc. However, I know, or I seem to understand, that Forensic Science is a branch of either Criminology or Criminal Justice. I would appreciate if someone would help explain if I can only do one or the other or if I can work for...

Giovanna’s Avatar
Giovanna Apr 20, 2018 1368 views

If you study criminal justice can you become a forensic scientist?

#criminal-justice #criminal-investigations #forensic #forensic-science

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Apr 12, 2018 764 views

What would be a good school for forensics?

I'm interested in going to college for forensics. #criminal-justice #forensics #forensic-science #science #biology #chemistry

Steven’s Avatar
Steven Jun 15, 2020 666 views

Best entry level position for a career in forensic biology?

Currently a junior working on a bachelors in forensic biology at CSU Sacramento. I am a veteran that is trying to get a career in forensics. #forensic #forensics #biology #criminal-justice #science

Khushboo’s Avatar
Khushboo Jan 02, 2020 580 views

I am looking forward for opting forensics science as a profession. And i need guidance regarding this.

I will be completing my Masters in Biotechnology.
And i have a keen interest in studying human anatomy, physiology. #biology #forensic #science

Janelle’s Avatar
Janelle Jul 09, 2020 582 views

What is the biggest challenge you have faced working as a Forensic Science Technician?

#forensic #science #biology

Devan’s Avatar
Devan Dec 12, 2019 541 views

What fields consist electrical?


Shajuan’s Avatar
Shajuan Nov 26, 2019 832 views

What is a typical day (week) like for you?

I am seeking a career in the electrical field

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Aug 05, 2019 1206 views

Are lineman taught how to climb poles or are lifts recomended for the majority of jobs?

I'm a woman whos very interested in the electrical field, lineman work to be exact #electrical-engineering

Austin’s Avatar
Austin Jun 26, 2019 605 views

What is the Atmosphere like at the workplace?

I want to be a part of Electrical Maintenance #electrical-engineering

Jishnav’s Avatar
Jishnav Jul 09, 2020 853 views

What is the difference between electrical and electronic engineering? Which will be better for the future?

I am a 11th grade high school student who is interested in neuroscience as well as engineering. Since the body's nervous system uses a variety of electrical impulses to function, I thought what better way to combine the two principle than getting an engineering degree. Now, I am not sure...

Sebastian’s Avatar
Sebastian Jan 23, 2018 2724 views

How competitive is the chemical engineering field?

#chemical-engineering #chemical-engineer #engineering

Kenneth’s Avatar
Kenneth May 16, 2016 1084 views

When studying Chemical Engineering in a university, do you have to choose the type of job you want to have?

I was told that you can go into many different jobs, such as one that focuses on petrochemicals, or even one that focusing on testing soda products. I do not understand if you are taught how to work with all lines of work involving chemical engineering, or if you have to choose between them....

Pablo’s Avatar
Pablo May 27, 2016 1126 views

Which are the jobs chemical engineers have the most?

I am going to start studying chemical engineering at CU Boulder next fall and would like to know which are my job options for when I finish this career. #engineer #career-choice #chemical-engineering #chemical-engineer #data-engineer

Jaskaran’s Avatar
Jaskaran May 27, 2020 1054 views

How do I narrow down to a speciality in chemical engineering?

#chemical-engineer #career #engineer #engineering

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Nov 14, 2019 1317 views

What Engineering career is in demand currently?

I am interested in Engineering, but I have not chosen the type I want to go in to. I need more information on which one I want to choose. #engineering # #engineer #career

Sky’s Avatar
Sky Jul 10, 2020 3041 views

How do I convince my parents to let me be an engineer?

My name is Sky. I'm heading into 10th grade this school year and some advice on how to convince my dad to let me be an engineer would be greatly appreciated. My dad wants me to go into the medical field and be a primary doctor or a surgeon so that I'll always have a job and make lots of money....

Kaela’s Avatar
Kaela Jun 24, 2020 1204 views

What skills do you frequently see hiring managers look for that you have lacked either in the past, present, or something that you somewhat lack and are looking to improve upon?

#internship #jobseeker #career #long-run #tech #medicine # #technology #radiology #writing #science #research # #biology #journalism #nuclearmedicine

Nikolas’s Avatar
Nikolas Oct 28, 2019 962 views

What were the steps you took to get in your position? (Please state occupation)

#information-technology #computer #computer-engineer #computer-engineering #computer-software #computer-science #computer-science

hector’s Avatar
hector Nov 08, 2019 1316 views

How is a computer system analyst day normal?

#computer-science #information-technology #computer-software #computer-engineering #computer #computer #computer #computer #computer #computer #computer #computer #computer #computer #computer #computer #computer

Stanley’s Avatar
Stanley Sep 30, 2019 693 views

What education do I need to get into the field of computer systems analyst?

#Computer #information-technology #computer-software #computer-engineering #computer-engineering

hector’s Avatar
hector Nov 08, 2019 847 views

what skill do you need to become a computer system analyst

#computer-engineer #computer #information-technology #computer-engineering #computer-software

Zenia’s Avatar
Zenia Apr 17, 2019 917 views

what schools are really good for technology and computers #computers #college #technology

idkkkkkkkkkkk #information-technology #computer #computer-engineer #computer-engineering

Nana’s Avatar
Nana May 28, 2020 1951 views

If i take AP computer science as a senior would it be a good first step into becoming a software engineer?

I love working with Technologies and fixing them #technology #computer #computer-engineer #computer-engineering #information-technology

Nikolas’s Avatar
Nikolas Oct 28, 2019 719 views

On a daily basis how many peopleask to fix the simplest task on the computer?

#computer #technology #computer-science #information-technology #computer-engineer #computer-engineering

Isaac’s Avatar
Isaac Apr 16, 2019 1298 views

What are the prerequisites to a career in computer science?

#computer-science #technology #computer-engineering

Mahmoud’s Avatar
Mahmoud Mar 02, 2019 791 views

What is the requirement to be a land a job as junior computer vision engineer

#computer-engineer #computer-science

Aayush’s Avatar
Aayush Jul 10, 2020 812 views

What are good occupations in the engineering department these days?

I like to build things and I am interested in learning more about coding and technology. I also enjoy photography. #engineering #computer-science

KAREN’s Avatar
KAREN Mar 21, 2020 1434 views

How to attain work-life balance?


Natalie’s Avatar
Natalie May 22, 2020 1092 views

What should we spend our time in quarantine on?

Read books. Improve your profile in LinkedIn. Talk to family. Study.
#effective #time-management

Carylle’s Avatar
Carylle Aug 28, 2019 1214 views

If i could turn back in time, what would i tell my self to my younger self


Julia’s Avatar
Julia Jul 18, 2019 1141 views

How do you organize your time?


Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 09, 2020 832 views

Can you give an example of a time you were a leader?

How do I answer this question during #interviews ?

Chantel’s Avatar
Chantel Oct 29, 2016 1043 views

What high school courses can be taken in order to prepare for an OB/GYN career?

I plan on exploring or working in a career of obstetrics and gynecology, with a focus on gynecology. I want to be as readily prepared as possible for a career in gynecology, starting in high school. I've heard that medicine is difficult and requires a lot of preparation and dedication, and I...