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Kim Igleheart’s Avatar

Kim Igleheart

Career Counselor | Police Officer
Other - Legal Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
1694 Answers
2254145 Reads
9999 Karma


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Citizen Patrol

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Brittain’s Avatar
Brittain Jan 21, 2021 468 views

What did it take you to become a Command member in a Emergency Service Agency?

I am a Freshman in High School doing research about careers in the Emergency Service field. I am currently a Volunteer Firefighter, and I am interested in doing more research into the Emergency Service Agencies other than firefighting. #emergencyservices #emergencyservicecommand...

An Awesome Student’s Avatar
An Awesome Student Jan 18, 2021 442 views

How do you learn to drive?

Greetings! I'm Ms. Rohm at the International Community School. My 4th graders have a few questions and I'd like to share your advice with them. Thanks for your words of wisdom! :)


An Awesome Student’s Avatar
An Awesome Student Jan 18, 2021 747 views

What if you're a soccer star but you can't do that anymore and that's the one thing you're good at?

Greetings! I'm Ms. Tipton at the International Community School. My 3rd graders have a few questions and I'd like to share your advice with them. Thanks in advance!

#soccer #career-advice

An Awesome Student’s Avatar
An Awesome Student Jan 18, 2021 638 views

Does the President make the law or does someone else? If so, what is that someone called?

Greetings! I'm Ms. Tipton at the International Community School. My 3rd graders have a few questions and I'd like to share your advice with them. Thanks in advance!

#law #President

An Awesome Student’s Avatar
An Awesome Student Jan 18, 2021 660 views

What if you get hurt in one of your jobs? Can you still get another one?

Greetings! I'm Ms. Tipton at the International Community School. My 3rd graders have a few questions and I'd like to share your advice with them. Thanks in advance!


An Awesome Student’s Avatar
An Awesome Student Jan 18, 2021 961 views

How do you know if you'll succeed in the future?

Hi! I'm Ms. Lambert at the International Community School. My 4th graders have a few questions and I'd like to share your advice with them. Thanks in advance!

#success #advice

An Awesome Student’s Avatar
An Awesome Student Jan 18, 2021 408 views

How do police work for so long?

Greetings! I'm Ms. Tipton at the International Community School. My 3rd graders have a few questions and I'd like to share your advice with them. Thanks in advance!


Dakota’s Avatar
Dakota Jan 15, 2021 1550 views

What does it mean to have a career in entertainment and tourism?

I am needing an answer ASAP. #careers

Joselyn’s Avatar
Joselyn Jan 16, 2021 1020 views

What kind of law did you study/are you practicing, and why?

I am in my junior year of college and will be applying to law schools next year. I have no idea what law I want to do and I am concerned because I know I should at least narrow it down so that I can choose the law school that best matches me. #law #legal #lawyer #attorney #law-school #lawyers...

Mariah’s Avatar
Mariah Jan 13, 2021 517 views

what time does police officers wake up

#medicine #college

Princess’s Avatar
Princess Jan 08, 2021 809 views

What course should an undecided student take up in college?

Honestly, I want to take courses about law but I am afraid since i learned that law school is not for faint hearted peeps like me, so...
#law #criminal-justice #law-enforcement #law-enforcement

Delice’s Avatar
Delice Jan 05, 2021 969 views

Career choice.

can I still be a pediatrician and actress or I have to give up on one? #pediatrician #actress

Nicole’s Avatar
Nicole Jan 04, 2021 461 views

Is it worth it to go to law school

Im still thinking of what to be in the future. #law

Kieran’s Avatar
Kieran Jan 04, 2021 1127 views

Should I quit middle school band?

I’ve done band since 6th grade, and used to love it. Recently though, i’ve lost interest in band and even hate going to class. I don’t even have the motivation to practice anymore. If I do quit, I have nothing else. I don’t play any sports, and band is the only thing i’m doing right now. If I...

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Jan 02, 2021 435 views

Based on your experience, on average, how likely is a hospital or clinic willing to hire a woman as a doctor over a man? If possible, please include region (location) of experience.

I want to become a medical doctor in the future and gender equality is something that I highly prioritize, especially in a future workplace. I asked this question to gain more information about where I would have a higher chance of employed and whether or not the health care community is more...

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Dec 23, 2020 7108 views

When asked "What are your strengths?" Should I list my strengths with examples or just strengths alone?

When asked "What are your strengths?" Should I list my strengths with examples or just strengths alone? #Interview

brinley’s Avatar
brinley Dec 21, 2020 560 views

how can i be a better vet?

I am in FFA and I show sheep for 4-H and I love to work with animals. #veterinary #animal-health

Shakarri’s Avatar
Shakarri Dec 22, 2020 464 views

Getting my Bachelors in Criminology, need more information regarding my goal careers!

Hello! I am a 24yr old student currently attending Portland State in hopes that I can finish with my Bachelors in Criminology. I have a passion for true crime and study a dozen or more cases a day on my own. I also interview inmates in prison as a hobby and blog about it. (I used to have an...

chaz’s Avatar
chaz Dec 21, 2020 377 views

what does it take to become a police officer?

I would like to find out more about law enforcement and all the stuff the police do in their job.
#law enforcement

Vanderlei’s Avatar
Vanderlei Dec 21, 2020 510 views

why dose the school not teach us how to do taxs

or do they and i just not know where to go #education

Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney Dec 21, 2020 703 views

Would I be able to support myself financially if I did become a social worker?

I'm very interested in becoming a social worker but one of my biggest questions is whether or not i'd be able to support myself with this job. Would I make enough?
#job #social #support

Freed’s Avatar
Freed Dec 21, 2020 520 views

Are there any veterinarian-type jobs that a high school student can apply for in town?

#high-school-students #high-school

Mary’s Avatar
Mary Dec 18, 2020 926 views

How can I find a job where I can start working as soon as possible?

My name is Mary J, it has been months since I've been searching for a job in my area with no success. My credit score is getting low since I'm not able to pay for it and I can't find any side jobs that can keep me going through the next few months. I've tried looking for internships but it has...

Debbie’s Avatar
Debbie Dec 17, 2020 666 views

I don't know how to start looking for fields i want to explore.

I have a great interpersonal skills; I love to help others and I love the feeling that I inspire them. I also hate pressures; like if someone's life is in my hands. I am very indecisive but genuine. #buisness #flightattending #entrepreneurship

dylan’s Avatar
dylan Dec 15, 2020 603 views

How to get ready for college right after high school with all Bs?

I have all Bs but i just want to know the easiest way to get ready for a community college? #high-school #career #internships

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Dec 15, 2020 645 views

I would like to get some advice. I don't really know what my next steps should be.

I was born in Massachusetts but I moved to Brazil a long time ago so I've been studying here ever since. I went back last year, because I wanted to finish High School there but, due corona virus my family thought it was better if I came home, so I did. I am currently a junior in High School and...

Annette’s Avatar
Annette Dec 11, 2020 947 views

How should I customize my basic resume on applying to a fast food restaurant or a clothing store?

I want to know what a basic resume needs in order for me to apply for a job I want. Such as working at a mall, fast food, clothing stores, and so on. I have never worked in my life and i am also a senior in high school so I came here to find out how I can customize my resume and give a good...

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Dec 10, 2020 1415 views

When can I "hang up the towel" at a well-paying job and pursue my real passion?

Context: I am a senior in college tracking towards a full-time offer from a well-established investment firm after graduation. While I am excited, grateful, and feel relatively prepared (business major for the past four years and have interned in finance) lately I've been feeling the pressure...

Dara’s Avatar
Dara Dec 09, 2020 607 views

If I'm planning to go to an ivy league school do I need to take science? I planning to double major in performing arts and law?

I'm Canadian and i'm required to take Grade 9 and 10 science. Do I also need to take physics, biology, or chemistry in grade 11 and 12.

#high-school #high-school-classes #Law #performing arts

colten’s Avatar
colten Dec 08, 2020 665 views

what do i need to study to get in to the military

#student #students #students #students

Dorian’s Avatar
Dorian Dec 09, 2020 619 views

2 questions for a resume

1.What ​​experiences ​​or ​​jobs ​​do ​​I​​ need ​​to​​ have​​ in​​ high​​ school ​​to​​ get ​​a ​​job​​ in​​ astronomy when ​​I​​ go​​ to​​ college?
2.What starter jobs are recommended to get into, for setting up a resume for astronomy #career

Omar’s Avatar
Omar Dec 08, 2020 1031 views

What makes a resume different from others?

Im a senior kinesiology college student interested In gaining experience. #student #college-student #networking

Eloy’s Avatar
Eloy Dec 07, 2020 714 views

How should I customize my basic resume for shuttle driver - epic mountain express

#Resume #jobs

abraham’s Avatar
abraham Dec 07, 2020 532 views

Over Exercising

so i want to know if anything can happen i use to go to a gym that was a gym at a house not in a building and wanted to know if you are like 10 year old and over exercise because they use to push you hard and exercise there for hours and overtrain i heard that exercising too much increases...

Eve’s Avatar
Eve Dec 06, 2020 649 views

How to deliver bad news to a temporary ill patient

#doctor #nurse #surgeon

Lilly’s Avatar
Lilly Dec 03, 2020 1923 views

Do you regret choosing to enlist in the military

I am an intelligent individual with the ability to get into many prestigious universities, but recently I have been wanting to enlist in the military. I want to enlist in the navy, and hopefully become a navy SEAL. I do realize that it is a long shot, especially considering I am a female and...

Paige’s Avatar
Paige Dec 03, 2020 1320 views

What are some different careers for a political science degree?

I know that I would like to go into political science for my major since I am very passionate about it. I am interested in politics, history, and law. #law #politics #political-science #business-law

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Dec 01, 2020 837 views

What's a good action plan once I've gotten so behind in classwork it feels hopeless?

I want to get credit for these courses, but covid and the state of the world has really taken its toll. How do I go up from here?

Asking on behalf of a friend <3

#mental-health #classwork #schoolwork #college #studying #homework

Trinity’s Avatar
Trinity Nov 24, 2020 782 views

In order to make society and the economy become beneficial for all of the human race, what is one major ethical step we have to accomplish together to reach this goal?

I am 18 years old and I live in Riverview, Florida with my family. I love to play softball, volunteer at little league softball and baseball complexes, and hang with friends. My end goal in life is to make the world a safer and better place to live in for everyone. I want to spread love,...

Denieka’s Avatar
Denieka Nov 25, 2020 343 views

What kind of jobs could a recent criminology bachelor's graduate get?

I am in my last year of college and I've been looking at jobs for criminology but they aren't many. I don't want to do policing, I want to do something else in the criminology field other than being a cop or detective. #career

Jenny’s Avatar
Jenny Nov 18, 2020 440 views

what’s the process to becoming a homocide detective?

I’m looking into becoming a homocide detective but i’m really lost and not sure where and how to start.I’m currently in my senior year and i want to start preparing.
#GivingisCaring #homocidedetective #criminaljustice

Dara’s Avatar
Dara Nov 18, 2020 915 views

What classes should you take in high school if you wan't to be involved in Politics?

#high-school-students #high-school #careers #politics # #high-school-classes

Laniya’s Avatar
Laniya Nov 19, 2020 1136 views

How do you stay hopeful after multiple job rejections?

Struggling college student. #students #career #GivingisCaring

Katherine’s Avatar
Katherine Nov 18, 2020 934 views

What is your favorite thing about your job?

I have lots of interests, and have been trying to narrow down what I want to do, but it's a daunting task to figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life at such a young age. Right now, all I want to know is what you all love most about your jobs! And the soul searching can start a...

Anonymous’s Avatar
Anonymous Nov 15, 2020 642 views

I need an academic counselor? I'm a junior.

I know my school has counselors, but I feel like this is such an easy platform to get answers. I'm a Junior, and I want to start applying to scholarships. I have high expectations for myself and my future, I really want a head start now. #academiccounselor #NHS #HOSA

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Nov 13, 2020 353 views

Veterinary Animal Science/ First Generation College Student

I've watched so many yt videos and none seem to give a straight answer does euthanasia in this field really play a big role in early retirement? I am also a first generation college student is college really better in a sense? & what the heck do we bring! #GivingisCaring

sara’s Avatar
sara Nov 13, 2020 611 views

What’s a good way to get involved in the police force or a K-9 unit before/during college?

I’m interested in possibly joining the police force/K-9 unit when i’m older. I’m not in college yet, but i was wondering what are some good ways to involved (locally) in police work or K-9 work. #police #career #college #k-9 #policecareer

Douglas’s Avatar
Douglas Nov 12, 2020 1133 views

What is your greatest strengths?

I like being on time, being flexible, patient, and a hard worker, and communicating with co-workers and supervisors. #jobs #time-management #motivation #work

Douglas’s Avatar
Douglas Nov 12, 2020 503 views

Tell me about yourself?

I’m 19, I work at a District 211 Training Site, my previous work experiences I’ve been to is Friendship Village, Rosewood Care Center, and Harper College from Hoffman Estates High School and Higgins Education Center. #work #high-school

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Nov 11, 2020 939 views

Can I spice things up graphically on my resume to make it easier to grasp the concepts?

Or should I stick to text-only? Office Hours #1: Resume Writing with Judy Park [42:20] This question was posed by a question during one of our most recent "CareerVillage Office Hours" sessions. During Office Hours sessions, we invite students to pose questions related to a specific topic. In...