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Kim Igleheart’s Avatar

Kim Igleheart

Career Counselor | Police Officer
Other - Legal Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
1695 Answers
2264702 Reads
10009 Karma


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Citizen Patrol

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Antonio’s Avatar
Antonio Feb 16, 2020 632 views

What is a great way to manage time in college


ashley’s Avatar
ashley Feb 16, 2020 549 views

PT or FT opportunities that arent customer service oriented?

I'm a huge introvert but i love to work:( #backgroundjob #nocustomerservice #futurecareer

Kwan Tung’s Avatar
Kwan Tung Feb 14, 2020 1288 views

What's one advice you would give to fresh grads?

Currently at my last year of collage education and would be thankful for any advice :) #college #education #career

Stanley’s Avatar
Stanley Feb 13, 2020 708 views

After high school is it an obligation to go to college for become a soldier?

Always trying to improve, try more than my best. #college #higher-education

Faith’s Avatar
Faith Feb 11, 2020 618 views

What's some important things I need to know about being a Social Case Worker that people don't tell you ?

#work #social #social-work

Therizo’s Avatar
Therizo Feb 11, 2020 556 views

1.What are the things that you're struggle about your jobs?

I want to know what things that i'm gonna struggle with. #job

Shantasia’s Avatar
Shantasia Feb 10, 2020 9192 views

What's good questions to ask the employer when on a interview?

My name is Tasia im 22 years young from the city of Chicago ! Im always getting asked "any question for me" , and I almost never have any questions to ask besides " when do I start" ! #interviews

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Feb 07, 2020 636 views

What is a good annual sallary

I am a 14 yro questioning my future #scared

Kameron’s Avatar
Kameron Feb 06, 2020 531 views

How long did it take for you to get to the point you are today?

17 and don't want a 9-5 #scientist #geoscientist #college

Dorothy’s Avatar
Dorothy Feb 04, 2020 1350 views

3. Describe a difficult work situation or project and how you overcome it.

I am interested in a career in the health care industry. And I was just wondering if someone could help answer a few questions. #healthcare #CNA #hospital-and-health-care

Chloe’s Avatar
Chloe Feb 03, 2020 2689 views

How do I know which Military Branch is right for me?

For as long as I could remember I had always dreamed of being in the Military. With my last year of HS weighing in, it's to the point where I need to step up and choose what I wanna do with my life. The only thing i'm having trouble with is deciding what branch is right for me. #military

Shea’s Avatar
Shea Feb 01, 2020 560 views

Does any advice about jobs in the US in areas such as salary and requirements apply to me if I want to live in Europe?

I can’t drive so after college I’m moving to Europe because it is more accessible than the US in this area. #financial-planning

Shea’s Avatar
Shea Feb 01, 2020 528 views

How much would having a disability effect my job.

I have left side field of vision loss and loss of sensation. #able

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Jan 30, 2020 937 views

What is it like to be a Lawyer?

I have been wondering since I was five?
#law #criminal-justice #lawyer

Gabrielle’s Avatar
Gabrielle Jan 30, 2020 2446 views

What are the most important skills for your employees to possess?

What do you value most in terms of skills when looking for a new hire? Do you want a person with a ton of experience in a specific area, or do you consider a person who has experience in something for a fairly long period of time, even if it is not specially what you are looking for as...

Gabrielle’s Avatar
Gabrielle Jan 30, 2020 596 views

What is the most challenging part of working within community development?

Where do most of the frustrations lie when considering the work done within community development and community services? #community-management #community-development #community-outreach #familyservices #urbanplanning #careers

Gabrielle’s Avatar
Gabrielle Jan 30, 2020 639 views

Are there websites you would recommend in order to help navigate the non-profit sector as a recent college graduate?

#college #college-advice #career #non-profit

Michele’s Avatar
Michele Jan 28, 2020 586 views

What does success look like in a CMAA job and how do you measure it?

#job-search #career-counseling #health #cmaa #medical #doctor-office #healthcare #medicine

Bailey’s Avatar
Bailey Jan 28, 2020 693 views

How to avoid doubting myself in my schooling/learning of a new trade?

Starting a tech program brings a lot of doubts about, Can I do this? What if I burn myself out too quickly? Is this the right choice for me? What are some ways to avoid doubting myself in my choices and avoiding my indecisiveness? #trade-program #trade #schooling #second-thoughts #welding...

Trinity’s Avatar
Trinity Jan 27, 2020 535 views

What are some classes you wish you had taken in order to get more of a educational background on your career?

Paralegal Investigator #criminal-justice #law

Trinity’s Avatar
Trinity Jan 27, 2020 522 views

Any software or apps that I should know about in this field?

Paralegal investigator #criminal-justice #lawyer

dezmon’s Avatar
dezmon Jan 23, 2020 436 views

is landscaping boring

im looking to get into landscaping so im curious #yolo

kiki’s Avatar
kiki Jan 19, 2020 1381 views

What is a good job if you are good at giving advice when someone is struggling?

I like helping people when they are down. #career #therapy #counseling # #psychology

ketshepaone’s Avatar
ketshepaone Jan 17, 2020 15997 views

Can i become a lawyer with a Criminology Degree

i am currently studying towards my Criminology degree and along my studies i discovered that i want to be a lawyer (Criminal Defense Lawyer) now my question is will i be able to become a lawyer with this degree or do i have to enroll again with a Law school and start an LLB degree? #lawyer...

Jorge’s Avatar
Jorge Jan 16, 2020 658 views

Is there any job that I apply for that would help me when I go to college and take courses for veterinarian

Im Jorge a 17 year old a senior in high school I really want to go to college for veterinarian but I also want to make some money, I have horses of my own I have 3 horses I have 2 dogs and 10 cows and I love my lifestyle #veterinarian #college

tamiya’s Avatar
tamiya Jan 15, 2020 420 views

If i wanted to be an educator, zoologist and a counselor do i have to major in three different fields? If so how long would school take?

My name is Tamiya. Im 15 years old and i attend Booker t. Washington and when i graduate high school i will join the military. become a middle grade teacher, retire and move to Africa to become a zoologist and counsel kids and animals. #helpmepleaselol #ihavesomanyideas #tomanycareerchoices

cheyenne’s Avatar
cheyenne Jan 08, 2020 584 views

how long wolud it tak to become a good singer

#singer #singer

Bahara’s Avatar
Bahara Jan 07, 2020 3420 views

I am Majoring in Accounting and I am struggling with my Accounting courses.

I am in my third year of university and I have to decide before it 's too late. I am planning to switch my major in Accounting into minor and major in international business. I need some advise regarding the employment of my chosen minor and major. Moreover, I need guidance if I am making the...

Raven’s Avatar
Raven Jan 07, 2020 473 views

When in a Specialized career like doing research for the government under a specific category will you receive orders and directions or will you just work on your own?


Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Jan 02, 2020 666 views

I know I want to go into the fbi. I also know I need some sort of law enforcement or military background. I don’t know if it would be better to graduate high school and go into reserves and go to college at the same time, go to college and then go into the military afterwards, go straight into the military, or go straight to college and law school. I don’t know how to decide how I’m going to do it.

9th grade. In JROTC. Military girlfriend. #college #military #law-enforcement #lawyer #police #lawschool

sophia’s Avatar
sophia Jan 01, 2020 1190 views

I dont have a clue on what to do with my life

I don't know what i want to do. That scares me. I've taken so many "personal" job quizzes but none of them have what i'm looking for, and i don't even know what i'm looking for. Im just scared that one day when i'm 30 i'm gonna wake up and realize that i made the wrong decision. How will I know...

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas Dec 31, 2019 5485 views

on a scale from 1 to 10 how hard is being a police officer and why?

I am a junior in high school going to be a police officer later on in life. #law-enforcement #police-officer #police

Frieda’s Avatar
Frieda Dec 29, 2019 565 views

What does a public relations person do

unsure what to #art #undecided

joseph’s Avatar
joseph Nov 15, 2019 747 views

What will it be like to get shot with a taser as a law-enforcement officer?

I understand that as a law-enforcement officer you sometimes have to consent to being tased as part of your training. What is that like?
#law-enforcement #police-officer #police

Zakura’s Avatar
Zakura Dec 27, 2019 597 views

Can a Private Investigator/Detective solve a HOMICIDE CASE?

Can a Private Investigator/Detective solve a HOMICIDE CASE? #criminal-justice #homicide #case #homicidecases

Zakura’s Avatar
Zakura Nov 24, 2019 1992 views

What senior high school track and college course should i choose to become a private investigator?

I am now in Grade 9, a 15 year old planning for the future :) , and I'm not sure what track should i choose in senior high school and course in college to become a private investigator. I've always loved doing detective things and now i decided that i should become a private investigator...

alyssa’s Avatar
alyssa Dec 27, 2019 830 views

If I have a good college in my hometown (MSU of Texas), should I get my bachelors degree there . And then try to go to my dream college for medical school , or should I do all of school at my hometown college. Or should I just try to go straight to my dream college , which is either Texas Tech or Baylor.

I want to be an orthopedic surgeon and my parents have been asking me about my plan for college a lot recently. And I am just not sure which route would be best for me and my future career.
#college #medicine #college-selection #doctor #medical #orthopedic #collegeadvice

Abdullah’s Avatar
Abdullah Dec 16, 2019 963 views

Career and Life advice?

Hi, I'm Abdullah a senior in high school in NYC. I have applied to colleges, mostly business schools but I'm not sure if this was the right choice long term. I'm interested in consumer psychology and social psychology - why people buy the things they do and how companies have the power to...

Felipe’s Avatar
Felipe Dec 09, 2019 627 views

How do you become mentality stronger for the Protective Services field?

#career #job #job-search

Marisol’s Avatar
Marisol Dec 06, 2019 671 views

Working in the government field is there an opportunity for promotion?

#professional #technology #career-details

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Dec 12, 2019 1022 views

How should I figure out what i'm going to do with my life?

#future #college #school #undecided #college-advice

Javier’s Avatar
Javier Dec 10, 2019 624 views

Why do some higher degrees offer a less salary?

One of the things I would like to pursue is becoming an entrepreneur or working as an architect. Well for one thing, I would like to run my own things, for example running my own business, or being able to draw a drawing on a piece of paper and later making it into a house or building....

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Dec 11, 2019 460 views

How do you take care of yourself when dealing with other people's problems?

I am an 8th grade student researching careers and this question will be posted for all students to see. #psychology

Mya’s Avatar
Mya Dec 11, 2019 1361 views

A question about the length of schooling to become a lawyer

How long does it take to get a law degree? #law #lawyer #law-school #attorney

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Dec 07, 2019 764 views

Great with computers but no money for college at all. What careers are out there?

I love building computers and just messing with this bios and settings randomly and seeing the results. I have a history of HVAC from my dad but we don’t have the money to get me to college and because I got sick my last two years of high school I didn’t qualify for enough scholarships even...

karen’s Avatar
karen Dec 06, 2019 504 views

What do i need to work in immigration?

#career #social-work

Marisol’s Avatar
Marisol Dec 06, 2019 569 views

What can stop me from becoming a Correctional Officer?

#police #government #police-officer

Allyson’s Avatar
Allyson Dec 05, 2019 706 views

If I usually have all A's and B's with an average gpa of 3.8 and I am for any job with an office, what job do you recommend?

#job #job-search #career #curious #young #help

christopher’s Avatar
christopher Nov 27, 2019 882 views

Would the military be a good step or should i just go back to school


Matt’s Avatar
Matt Nov 28, 2019 1072 views

I’m a 20 year old street smart fit male, I don’t know what I want to do, any ideas?

I have a background in every sport
I have great salesman skills
I have great street smarts
I have great leadership sales #sports #sports-management #business #work