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Peter Sturtevant’s Avatar

Peter Sturtevant

Retired Civil Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Kent, Washington
252 Answers
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Hyunkyu’s Avatar
Hyunkyu Oct 29, 2016 1235 views

For what advice or assistance do fellow engineers turn to you?

I do not have special advice or assistance do fellow engineers turn to me. I want to hear some advice. #computer-software #engineering #mechanical-engineering #software-engineering #industrial-engineering

Hyunkyu’s Avatar
Hyunkyu Oct 29, 2016 1684 views

Some of the best-engineered ideas are born out of an individual’s ability to challenge, others’ ways of thinking. Tell me about a time when you were successful in do this.

I have many experiences that I overcome my challenges through my individual's ability. I want to know if someone else have same experiences as me. #computer-software #engineering #mechanical-engineering #civil-engineering #software-engineering #industrial-engineering

Diamond’s Avatar
Diamond Oct 28, 2016 960 views

In the engineering field, are there hands on career opportunities for students coming out of school?

I know in the beginning of most careers it take a while to work up to do what you truly have a passion for and since I have a passion for being hands on in my career, I'd like to start in the beginning of at all possible. #engineering

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Oct 20, 2016 1167 views

When and how do I do engineering internships.

I know I am supposed to do them in college if I want a good job, but I don't know how to get one, when to get one, or what I need to look for in one. Please help!! #engineering #mechanical-engineering #electrical-engineering

Dinuka’s Avatar
Dinuka Oct 30, 2016 982 views

Is it enjoyable to pursue the same career for the entirety of your life?

I take many classes, almost all that I can grab my hands on, in school. They include Biology and Physics because I am unsure of what I want to pursue in College, and eventually as a career. I enjoy math, but at the same time science. I want to know if I should choose one path and follow it, or...

Shane’s Avatar
Shane Oct 21, 2016 1721 views

Can you combine engineering with business?

I like engineering and business, want to combine them. #business #engineering

Sierra’s Avatar
Sierra Oct 19, 2016 1026 views

What is the best kind of business degree for an engineer to get on the side?

I'm going to get at least an undergraduate degree in engineering but I'd like to have some degree in business to open up career options. I was thinking about just minoring in management or finance or maybe getting some sort of master's degree. I could maybe work as an engineer and after a few...

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Oct 27, 2016 769 views

What coursework is most useful for attaining STEM skills?

I'm a senior in high school. I want to major in Biomedical engineering. I want to know exactly what type of coursework I should complete in college for me to be successful in this field. #engineering #biomedical-engineering

Jed’s Avatar
Jed Oct 31, 2016 1130 views

Can one go into a good college like UCSD or UCLA without taking calculus or psychics?

I found out too late on what I wanted to be but I want to get into UCLA or UCSD. Is there a way where I can get into the school and learn about engineering there? #engineering #college-major #college-admissions #ucla #ucsd

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Oct 22, 2016 1462 views

Due to the under-representation of women in engineering fields (and STEM fields in general), are there any double standards or certain "standards" that are expected and directed towards women?

Despite many women being encouraged to go into STEM fields, it is still a heavily male-dominated field which is a little intimidating. Since there isn't complete equal pay between the genders as well as double standards for both, I'm a little worried that my work as an engineer will be judged...

Aleksa’s Avatar
Aleksa Oct 31, 2016 10399 views

What would be a good minor to pair with a Computer Engineering major?

As I plan on majoring in Computer Engineering, I was wondering what minor would go best with this major. I am not sure if a minor in math or physics or CS would help me with employers since they would assume that I already know it. Does anyone have any suggestions? #college #engineering...

Brody’s Avatar
Brody Oct 24, 2016 1110 views

Whats the best college to go to if you want to major in gelogical or environmental engineering?

I want to be one of these types of engineers, but I can't decide between them. #engineering #environmental-engineering

Jorge’s Avatar
Jorge Oct 28, 2016 6107 views

Is the field of Civil Engineering really competitive?

I've seen that Civil Engineering is a popular field so I want to know if the field isn't too competitive to find a job. I've heard about some fields becoming over saturated with workers, so does any one predict there being too many workers, but not enough jobs in the future. #engineering...

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Oct 26, 2016 1016 views

Is. there a lot of jobs in this field

I wanted to know so I can be able to get a job fast #engineering

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Oct 30, 2016 1050 views

What is the best way to figure out which kind of engineering to go into?

I know I want to pursue a career in engineering, I'm just not sure which one is right for me and don't know the best ways to figure out which one I'd be most successful in. #engineering #mechanical-engineering #civil-engineering #electrical-engineering #aerospace-engineering...

Allison’s Avatar
Allison Oct 25, 2016 2881 views

How many Physics courses do you need to major in engineering?

Engineering is a major I'm interested in, however, I don't enjoy physics. I want to know if I should avoid majoring in engineering because of this dislike, or if I just have to get through a few physics courses in order to still be an engineer. #engineering

Lam’s Avatar
Lam Oct 28, 2016 1093 views

What are some mistakes that engineers make in their early careers?

I want to know what to look out for when I start working. #engineering

Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Oct 31, 2016 898 views

Do all Engineering fields require 4 or 5 years of college?

Some colleges we've visited have leaned more towards 5 years, suggesting first year is when you really are deciding on a Major or considering changing course. Has that been anyone's experience? #engineering

Yashna’s Avatar
Yashna Oct 22, 2016 800 views

What would you recommend a college student do to prepare for working in the real world?

I'm going into college and want to make the most of my time. #engineering

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Oct 26, 2016 1035 views

What activities were you involved in college that you think helped you get your first job after college?

I am looking at going into Mechanical or Electrical Engineering and I have found there to be many different research projects or school clubs/events that I could join and wondering which would be the most beneficial. #engineering #electrical-engineering #mechanical

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Oct 31, 2016 1217 views

Do engineers have to be really smart?

I know that engineers are problem-solvers, but do they have to be really intelligent? #engineering

Parker’s Avatar
Parker Oct 31, 2016 1369 views

Does the chemical engineer have a broader field of work than a normal engineering job such as a civil, architectural, or mechanical engineer?

I would like to know how many different areas I can go with chemical engineering if one doesn't work after I get the degree. #engineering #chemical-engineering

S’s Avatar
S May 20, 2016 1393 views

How to become a scientist ?

I have an ambitions to become a to become a scientist in biology and what course to choose after 2nd puc? #doctor #engineering #any #scientist

Sierra’s Avatar
Sierra Oct 19, 2016 838 views

What are the best value colleges for an engineering degree?

I'd like to go to a good school for engineering (it doesn't have to be the best) and spend the least amount of money possible. What good schools are also affordable? Which ones are most likely to give me (a woman interested in aerospace engineering) the most scholarship money? #college #engineering

Eric’s Avatar
Eric Oct 30, 2016 1248 views

What are some tips for majors/careers that require lots of math for someone who doesn't like math the most?

I am a current high school student who is thinking about what I want to major in in college and also what I want to do with my career. The topics of engineering and economics interest me but they both require lots of math. Math is not my favorite subject. #college #engineering #career...

Riki’s Avatar
Riki Oct 28, 2016 856 views

How do you know if becoming an engineer is the right career field? What signs give assurance?

I am truly in love with math and science. Both of these topics come natural to me and I would like to pursue a career that uses both of these areas. I feel that engineering encompasses these two things, but I am unsure if it is right for me. My mom is an electrical engineer for both Consumers...

Allison’s Avatar
Allison Oct 30, 2016 12925 views

What are the most difficult classes that engineering students are required to take?

I hear that the required classes for an engineering degree are rigorous. I have a calculus class right now, and I am doing fine, but how much harder are the classes in college compared to high school? And, what advice should I take with me prior to going to college in order to pursue an...

Caroline’s Avatar
Caroline Oct 19, 2016 940 views

How do engineers ensure that members of a team all do their fair share?

In school, working in groups is often a challenge because some people end up doing a lot more work than others. Is it like this for engineers as well? How are issues like these resolved? #engineering

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Oct 19, 2016 2331 views

Is Geological Engineering a good major?

I have loved rocks all my life. My dad also works with construction so I also have a knack for physics and all that good stuff. I was just wondering if I made a good decision in my major. #engineering #high-school-classes #geology #geological

Christian’s Avatar
Christian Oct 27, 2016 766 views

What is the best school at a relatively affordable price for a student who would like to become a Civil Engineer?

I would like to become a Civil Engineer, and I would obviously like to study at a good school; however, price is certainly a concern, and a good school with lower pricing would be wonderful. #engineering #professor #civil-engineering