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Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel May 26, 2020 930 views

How will I know when a specific field of engineering is for me?

I am a senior in high school and I have applied to numerous colleges for engineering. My only problem is that I applied undecided engineering and after hearing numerous colleges talk about the different fields of engineering they offer, I still can't seem to lean towards a field that I like. I...

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel May 26, 2020 819 views

What basic knowledge do you need in order to pursue a future in engineering?

I am a senior in high school and I took numerous AP classes in my junior and senior years. During my senior year, I took AP Calc BC, AP Physics, and AP Computer Science. Were these classes enough to get me started in being an engineer? Also, what should I take in college to further help me...

Allison’s Avatar
Allison May 22, 2020 651 views

What skills are helpful in becoming an environmental scientist?

I am going to be studying environmental science at college in the fall. What are the most helpful and necessary skills for someone working towards a career in this field of study? #environment #environmentalscience

Allison’s Avatar
Allison May 22, 2020 724 views

What are some career opportunities in the field of wildlife biology?

In addition to environmental science, I am also interested in studying wildlife biology. What are some career opportunities in this field of study? #wildlife #wildlifebiology #environment #conservation

Allison’s Avatar
Allison May 22, 2020 1028 views

When is the best time to start looking for summer internships in college?

I am going to be a college freshman this fall. When is the right time to start researching and applying to summer internships? #college #internships

Allison’s Avatar
Allison May 22, 2020 914 views

What is your best advice for college freshmen?

I am going to be a college freshman this fall. What is your best advice related to academics and career opportunities? #college

Allison’s Avatar
Allison May 22, 2020 603 views

What are some careers in the field of environmental conservation?

Hello, my name is Allison and I will be studying environmental science and conservation at college in the fall. What are some careers related to this field of study? #environmentalscience #conservation

Franklin’s Avatar
Franklin May 17, 2020 903 views

what are some main difference between judges in tv and real judges?

#law #attorney #judge

oisin’s Avatar
oisin May 15, 2020 1253 views

How do I find work in my area?

I am 6’2, 15 years old and a hard worker. I like a challenge and im in need of a job #bluecollar #work #career #sports #social-work #job

Lanzheng’s Avatar
Lanzheng May 01, 2020 827 views

Where can I find energy related internship?

New graduated Master's student studying energy market, energy efficiency, and data analysis. Where can I find an internship related to what I studied? #internship #summer-jobs #Energy #Renewable Energy #Analyst

Arisa’s Avatar
Arisa Apr 29, 2020 1367 views

How did you know what you wanted to do for your career?

In what stage of your educational life did you realize what you wanted to do or are passionate about? I feel pressured and stressed about the fact that I don't know what to do because I feel like everyone else does. Are there any suggestions as to what I should do to get a sense of what I like?...

Kyaw Twetar’s Avatar
Kyaw Twetar Apr 23, 2020 613 views

How can I be useful during this volunteering?

#social-work #graduate-school #volunteer

Tejas’s Avatar
Tejas Apr 22, 2020 728 views

How can I do remote volunteering work?

Currently I am a Junior in High School and I am interested in pursuing Medicine as my career. I am a avid soccer player and captain of the VEX robotics team in my high school.
#doctorate-degree #athletics #medicine #career #hospital-and-health-care #medicine

Jared’s Avatar
Jared Apr 22, 2020 688 views

Which type of engineering would benefit me the most: civil or mechanical engineering?

I am a junior in high school and I am looking into becoming either a mechanical or civil engineer. However, I don’t know which one would fit me the best as a person and which one would benefit me the most. #mechanical-engineering #engineering #civil-engineering

Jared’s Avatar
Jared Apr 22, 2020 2024 views

When did you realize that you wanted to become an engineer, and how did you strive to become one?

I am a junior in high school and I am passionate about engineering. I want to know what professionals did in order to become one! #engineering #civil-engineering #mechanical-engineering #career

Jared’s Avatar
Jared Apr 22, 2020 586 views

What are the requirements for a career in engineering?

I have been passionate in engineering, but I am looking for help because I am not sure what I should be looking to do in high school or college. #engineering #college #highschool

Jared’s Avatar
Jared Apr 22, 2020 644 views

If I wanted to become an engineer, what classes and/or skills would you recommend me learn to succeed in college and life after college?

I am a junior in high school and I am trying to get the most of out my high school classes and opportunities to be a successful engineer. Help me out!
#engineer #student #high-school

Jared’s Avatar
Jared Apr 22, 2020 807 views

What does a day in the life of an engineer look like?

I have always been passionate about engineering, but I want to see if the daily work done by an engineer would match my personalities and strengths.
#engineering #engineer #science

chizaram’s Avatar
chizaram Apr 22, 2020 1697 views

What can I do with a bachelors of biomedical sciences major?

Hi, I am a current high school student who would love to major in biomedical sciences next year in college. I wish to work with children, as a pediatrician or something of that field. However, I don’t want to do lab-based work with my degree before attending medical school. I’m still also...

Roger’s Avatar
Roger Apr 13, 2020 715 views

What classes would you take in high school to prepare for collage.

As I said in my last question, I want to do something with computers, PowerPoint or video editing maybe. Those could still change, but for you personally which classes did you take, if you can remember, when you were in high school before you became a video editor or a person that helps with...

Roger’s Avatar
Roger Apr 13, 2020 920 views

I want to have a job using computers, but i don't know of any jobs out there that interest me.

I'm not good at coding and editing code definitely ain't happening, I wouldn't even know where to start. I do however love to make videos, even though what I know about editing videos is minimal at the moment I want to do more. I also love making powerpoints that look amazing. #computer #videos...

DeZiah’s Avatar
DeZiah Apr 08, 2020 861 views

What’s it like being a surgeon?

I’m a high school senior. (Class of 2020 :)) I want to be a general or cardiac surgeon when I finish college. I’m 17 years old and I love shopping and sleeping 🤷🏽‍♀️😊 #surgery #medical-education #teenyears #lifeisgood #doctor #classof2020

Christie’s Avatar
Christie Apr 04, 2020 4805 views

What are some best practices for building a LinkedIn profile as a college student?

On a more specific note, should I include my role in an executive board for a student organization in the experiences section or in the volunteering section? #student #resume #job #career #college #linkedin

Franklin’s Avatar
Franklin Apr 02, 2020 3716 views

What are the benefits of a forensic psychiatrist working for the FBI

#psychiatrist #forensic #forensics #fbi

Franklin’s Avatar
Franklin Apr 01, 2020 1669 views

What are the benefits of being a judge.

# #forensic #criminal-justice

Erin’s Avatar
Erin Apr 01, 2020 894 views

How do you know that what you want to do in life you are actually going to enjoy it

Dance , friends,family, animals, babysitting,high school, future, south boston , bccs #school

Tamika’s Avatar
Tamika Mar 31, 2020 536 views

How is dental school structured within the course of 4 years?

I am a senior in high school who is interested in pursuing a career as a dentist and hopefully open my practice one day. #dentistry #high-school-classes

Mariem’s Avatar
Mariem Mar 30, 2020 902 views

what does computer scientists do?

I like working with #computers a lot.

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Mar 30, 2020 1003 views

Why did you end up choosing the career you are in now?

I want to become a pediatric nurse. I want to see what inspired people to go into their career. #nursing

Sabreen’s Avatar
Sabreen Mar 30, 2020 564 views

What’s the difference between Teacher Psychology and Psychologist?

#psychology I am 18 years old. I am a senior in high school. I love science anything about science. I have blue eyes and love writing. In the future I want to become a Medical Oncologist. #science #medicine #psychology

Garrett’s Avatar
Garrett Mar 29, 2020 1638 views

When you were a kid what did you want to be when you became an adult?

what did u want to be when you grow up ??? #any #degree #educator #criminal-justice #college

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Mar 28, 2020 1138 views

Any advice on getting a book published?

I write fiction. My dream is to get published someday. #writing #books #author #fiction #writer #book #published

Cecilia’s Avatar
Cecilia Mar 27, 2020 1741 views

What’s the best career decision you made?

My best career decision I’ve made was getting involved with elderly people (residents) as a cna. #career-path

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly Mar 25, 2020 890 views

What type of marketing careers can be done from home?

I am obsessed with all forms of marketing and plan on studying it. I would like the flexibility to work from home and I am not afraid of hard work. #business #career #marketing #workfromhome #WAH

Christie’s Avatar
Christie Mar 25, 2020 1649 views

Given the increased need to work from home, I was wondering what sort of factors should I keep in mind while finding/working in an online/virtual internship?

I'm specifically interested in finance, consulting, and non profit work

#internship #finance #consulting #nonprofit #COVID-19

Rasya’s Avatar
Rasya Mar 24, 2020 838 views

Is there still a gender bias in finance related jobs on Wall Street?

I was just wondering if it is still harder for women to advance in a financial career since I want to work on Wall Street when I'm older. #finance #job #interviews #career

Rasya’s Avatar
Rasya Mar 24, 2020 2555 views

What is some advice you would give to a high schooler trying to get into the business and finance world?

I'm currently a sophomore in high school with plans to double major in economics and finance. I'm actively looking for internships and job opportunities that can help me gain some real-world experience before college. #business #finance #entrepreneur #internship #networking

Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Mar 19, 2020 628 views

How long does it usually take upon recieveing proper education for a job as a surgeon does it generally take for one to actually begin working in that position?

At school, I am most interested in gross anatomy, microbiology, and biology,
while my hobbies include athletics. A topic that I am passionate about is leadership and "organized chaos". #medicine #doctor #biology #surgeon #trauma #ICU #chaos #busy #medical #premed #med

Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Mar 19, 2020 655 views

Is it still more or less challenging for a woman to hold a position so high up as a surgeon or chief of surgery within a hospital?

At school, I am most interested in gross anatomy, microbiology, and biology,
while my hobbies include athletics. A topic that I am passionate about is leadership and "organized chaos". #medicine #doctor #biology #surgeon #trauma #ICU #chaos #busy #medical #premed #med

Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Mar 19, 2020 654 views

What are the social lives of surgeons throughout the hospital? Do many surgeons not have time to have a very large social life? Do they have time for children / starting a family?

At school, I am most interested in gross anatomy, microbiology, and biology,
while my hobbies include athletics. A topic that I am passionate about is leadership and "organized chaos". #medicine #doctor #biology #surgeon #trauma #ICU #chaos #busy #medical #premed #med

Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Mar 19, 2020 1214 views

Is 12 years of in-depth education really worth it to become a trauma surgeon? It seems like a huge amount of time for one to be in school for a specific job.

At school, I am most interested in gross anatomy, microbiology, and biology,
while my hobbies include athletics. A topic that I am passionate about is leadership and "organized chaos". #medicine #doctor #biology #surgeon #trauma #ICU #chaos #busy #medical #premed #med

Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Mar 19, 2020 651 views

Is there any way to begin your PhD while wrapping up your Med degree? (just to cut down on some of the time spent in getting a secondary education)

At school, I am most interested in gross anatomy, microbiology, and biology,
while my hobbies include athletics. A topic that I am passionate about is leadership and "organized chaos". #medicine #doctor #biology #surgeon #trauma #ICU #chaos #busy #medical #premed #med

Christie’s Avatar
Christie Mar 12, 2020 899 views

How important is my GPA in the subject I want to major in when deciding a major?

#college #major #college-major #undecided #STEM

Christie’s Avatar
Christie Mar 05, 2020 2020 views

As a college student, what sort of experiences would best prepare me for a career in consulting?

#internship #career #job #consulting

jaclim’s Avatar
jaclim Feb 10, 2020 740 views

whats the best way to start a business

#business #investing

Tanu’s Avatar
Tanu Feb 08, 2020 6318 views

I want to be an movie/tv actress and lawyer at the same time!

I’ve been wanting to be an actress since I was 3. I can also dance, I’ve loved it since I was 3. I can sort of sing. Drama is my favorite class at school. But I need something else just in case, so I plan to graduate in law and be a lawyer. I am also passionate in law, but it is a recent...

Thayliz’s Avatar
Thayliz Feb 07, 2020 713 views

what does it take to be certain in your carrer

im the type of person where at first im really into doing something i put my mind to but then as time goes on and tough challenges arise the feelings change and i can completely withdraw all the passion i once had for that something . #career #job #business

Rauliz’s Avatar
Rauliz Feb 06, 2020 972 views

What are good steps on starting up/maintaining a business?

#business #entrepreneur #business-management #finance #management

Diomedes’s Avatar
Diomedes Feb 06, 2020 607 views

What is the college life like?

I'm pretty nervous about college and to see if it's going to be really hard. # #help #college-advice

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Feb 06, 2020 1351 views

What is the most dangerous part of being an electrician?

I am a student in the 11th grade and from other studies about me I have the potential of going into the Electrician range and so I wanted to know what the job is like and how does it work. #job #career #electrician #electrical

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