Carteret, New Jersey

What programs should I download to help prepare me for engineering?
I'm a Lafayette student of the class of 2018. I'm majoring in Mechanical Engineering and minoring in Civil Engineering. #engineer #mechanical-engineer #mechanical

Is there a career that combines aerospace engineering and environmental science?
I really want to go into engineering, but I also want to have a connection into renewable energy. #engineering #environmental-science #areospace

What is the successful path to becoming an oncologist and having your own practice?
Hi,I am asking this because I want to own my own cancer research by using chemicals to slow down the rate of cancer cells. #doctor #science #cancer-research

Is it better to choose a career you know you'll be good at fulfilling or is it better to choose a career you find the most interesting?
I'm asking this question because I know that I would be good at being a biomedical engineerer, but I find more interest in interior designing. #career

How can I build a successful psychologist practice once I get out of medical school?
I am 18 years old and I am very interested in the major psychology. I have taken psychology classes at other colleges and I enjoyed it so much. I love helping people and dealing with peoples issues and helping them come to a solution about their problems.I feel like psychology is the best...

How can I as a young writer get my work published or acknowledged?
I am a writer at heart, and I'm equally passionate about writing as I am about journalism, and audio/recording engineering. However, writing is a passion that I never want to lose sight of because this is something I'm really good and I have so much potential to grow in this field of work. I...

Do you have to LOVE math in order to do Aerospace engineering?
I want to do aerospace engineering as a major but I don't really like math because it usually feels like I'm not doing anything constructive. Despite this I really want to be an aerospace engineer so I can contribute to the world. #aerospace-engineering

What do you do in Games Theory?
I was told I should take games theory along with business in order to do well in the corporate world, but I don't know what games theory is really about. #business

What are some majors specific to being a Nurse Midwife?
I am looking forward to becoming a nurse midwife. I am about to enter my first year of college and I do not want to waste my time or money by signing up for an unnecessary course. I need support on my journey toward midwifery. #education #nurse-midwife #support

how can I become an international journalist like for BBC World News or something similar?
I am writer and I am passionate about world issues. I plan to double major in journalism and audio/recording/studio engineering. Journalism is a career I am deeply considering alongside recording engineering. However, I like discussing world issues, and I like to explore the context of...

What would a job managing artist and celebrities look like?
Management has always been an expertise of mine and I am just really curious #buisness

Does being a Child Welfare Worker take a huge emotional toll on a person ?
Want to Work with Children & Worried about the emotional relapse. #children #social-worker #childcare #welfare

How did you balance attending graduate school with having a social life?
I am an aspiring law student and I am worried about continuing social and spiritual obligations with attending courses in graduate school and especially studying for the bar exam #graduate-school

What are the best ways to build a professional bond to allow for easier networking in school?
Finding a job after college is a challenge. Networking and building relationships are the best way to increase opportunities in the job market. #networking

What are the best steps to become a successful graphic designer and photographer during and after college? (Success being in terms of happiness and income)
I am a 16 year old senior who is currently also working as a graphic designer and photographer. #art #graphic-design #graphics #creativity #digital-photography
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