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Kristin’s Avatar
Kristin May 11, 2018 1172 views

Has it become easier for women to get jobs in technology?

Seems like it was a struggle for women to break into the industry for a while. #women-in-tech #web-applications

Kristin’s Avatar
Kristin May 11, 2018 789 views

How did women in technology stay focused and motivated in college?

I'm asking because I will be starting my Freshman year majoring in Information Technology in Fall 2018. #women-in-tech #web-applications

Marco’s Avatar
Marco May 09, 2018 496 views

Where are reliable places I can look for internships?

I just wanted to start looking for some before I started school and was just wondering which websites are the best.

Marco’s Avatar
Marco May 08, 2018 605 views

What are some important skills to have as a film major?

What can I do to position myself as of right now before I go on to film school in order to set myself up to what to expect.

Caroline’s Avatar
Caroline May 06, 2018 699 views

Potential Scholarships

What are some scholarships I can apply to? #collegeisexpensive #wothit

Caroline’s Avatar
Caroline May 06, 2018 970 views

Social Work

What is your best piece of advice for those going beginning their Master's in Social Work? #grad-school #graduate-school #masters #social-work

Caroline’s Avatar
Caroline May 06, 2018 594 views

What are the most important qualities employers look for in interviewees?

I have many interviews coming up for internships and potential jobs, and I want to know how to "wow" everyone I interview with. #employment-opportunities #bethebest

Erykah’s Avatar
Erykah Apr 26, 2018 1077 views

How can I have better professional conversations?

I'm a pretty good talker between friends and in casual settings but haven't really had a chance to flex my professional speaking skills. In terms of future internship employers and professors, what are some good, non invasive topics to carry easy conversation? #professional-development...

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Apr 25, 2018 1001 views

Do transfer studnets adjust to their new college well?

I will being going to my local community college and then hopefully to an four year school out-of-state but I am worried about how I will able to adjust. If anyone has had experience with transferring some advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! #college-transfer #transfer #twoyearcollege...

Erykah’s Avatar
Erykah Apr 25, 2018 1232 views

What college extracurriculars should I focus on?

I'm starting college in the fall and am wondering what type of extracurriculars I should do. I'm aware of the many types that my school offers but I want to know how my time would be best spent as a pre-med student. I will of course do what I find enjoyable but I also want to know of any...

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Apr 24, 2018 740 views

What steps should I take to get accepted into Dental School? Any good recommendations?

I am currently going to Hygiene School. However, my dream is to become a Pediatric Dentist. Due to lack monetary struggles, my first step was hygiene school. I plan to apply for Dental School but I don't know what steps to take, I heard it is very difficult for acceptance. Is that correct?...

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Apr 24, 2018 902 views

Is it true that a Dental Hygienist can open their own practice?

I am attending a hygiene program and I've read many article stating that hygienists can open their own practice in Colorado. I was just wondering if that was entirely true? I
#business-management #dental-practice #dental-hygienist #teeth #business #dental #dentist #dentistry #business

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Apr 24, 2018 732 views

What are the steps to become a Dentist?

I am currently going to Hygiene School. However, my dream is to become a Pediatric Dentist. Due to lack monetary struggles, my first step was hygiene school. I plan to apply for Dental School but I don't know what steps to take.
#dentistry #dds #pediatric-dentistry #teeth #dental-school

Jason’s Avatar
Jason Apr 23, 2018 1320 views

Is it worth it to get a double or even a triple major?

It is theoretically good to have more than one major because it translates into more job opportunities. However, the tuition and time needed increases significantly and for the most part, a job would only require one major.

#college-major , #double-major , #college-advice

Jason’s Avatar
Jason Apr 23, 2018 841 views

How important is it to get a job or internship going into college as a freshman?

I want to decide what my priorities are in college. A job is a good source of money and may even be beneficial towards one's future career. On the contrary however, it may hinder my studies if I am too immersed in my job/internship.

#college-jobs #college-bound

Jericho’s Avatar
Jericho Apr 23, 2018 603 views

What is the relative approximate for out of state tuition

So im thinking about going out of state for college yet pricing has always been a factor. Can anyone let me know a price range for popular colleges outside of illinois? #Tuition

Jericho’s Avatar
Jericho Apr 23, 2018 712 views

What are good colleges in you plan on becoming a teaching pastor

So i feel i have a calling towards teaching the bible, yet i know not what to do! I am going to community college to get gen eds out of the way but im not sure what to do after #collegefutur e

Anisa’s Avatar
Anisa Apr 23, 2018 654 views

Scholarships or educational grants?

My guardian's income is less than $10,000 and I know that in order to go to any 4 year college I will need a lot of money somehow. I can't soley rely on my part-time job, financial aid, or merit based scholarships alone. So is it better to invest my time into educational grants or award...

Anisa’s Avatar
Anisa Apr 23, 2018 595 views

Do students from private or public schools have a high chance of getting into selective colleges?

I'm considering transfering out of my high school, a private high school, but I am wondering if it will hurt me later on. I want to be homeschooled and get my education through an online high school to graduate early. But will that affect my chances of getting into a very selective school such...

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Apr 23, 2018 925 views

Going into college undecided?

I am going into college undecided and it makes me worried that I will not be able to find what major and ultimately what type of job to go into. Is there anything that someone found helpful to find the right path to choosing a fitting major? #undecided #major #job #worried

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Apr 23, 2018 2850 views

Is it worth it to participate in the Disney College Program?

I love Disney and I am interested in the Disney College Program but I am not sure if it will help me in the future. If anyone has ever been a part of or knows someone who has been a part of the Disney College Program I would love to just know information about it. #Disneycollegeprogram #DCP...

Cathy’s Avatar
Cathy Apr 22, 2018 680 views

If I plan on going into Social Services, what would I need to study and what exactly does it entail?

#socialservices ##collegemajor

Jorge’s Avatar
Jorge Apr 20, 2018 746 views

What is the best way to pay for my college?

There are multiple ways including bank loans, federal loans, financial aid, scholarships subsidized and subsidized loans, etc and I am not sure which is the best.
#finance #college #financial-aid #scholarships #loans #fafsa

Jorge’s Avatar
Jorge Apr 20, 2018 719 views

How do I find a job after graduating from college?

I have heard that graduates struggle to get hired and work at jobs they are over qualified for. #after-college

Cathy’s Avatar
Cathy Apr 20, 2018 524 views

Which one is more beneficial to devote your time to?

Does having a part-time job matter to #college or do they prefer it if you're more involved in school activities?

Adrian’s Avatar
Adrian Apr 18, 2018 579 views

Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or Computer Science?

I'm interested in all 3 majors, but which one would be best? Which one has more jobs with a better salary? How many years of study would I be needing?
#college-major #college

Adrian’s Avatar
Adrian Apr 18, 2018 480 views

Should I reach for Ivy League schools?

I'm first-generation and minority with parents that don't speak English. If I were to reach for such advanced institution, I will be promising a better future for my descendants... right? Do I really want to overwhelm myself in High School in an attempt to get accepted to one of these schools?...

Kailynn’s Avatar
Kailynn Apr 18, 2018 794 views

How do you decide of the school is right for you?

I have a lot of schools that I'm choosing from some of which are HBCUs and others are PWIs. Some are bigger schools and some are smaller schools. I'm not sure where I would like to go so I applied to many schools. I don't know how to narrow down my schools to one.#collegedecisions

Kailynn’s Avatar
Kailynn Apr 18, 2018 730 views

What are some strategies I can use to use my time wisely, to balance school and a social life?

I want to have fun in college but I don't want to have too much fun and loose track of getting my work done.#learning #sociallife

Aubrey’s Avatar
Aubrey Apr 17, 2018 622 views

How many scholarships would I have to apply to in order to win enough money to cover their entire tuition?

Over the course of the past month I have applied to a lot more scholarships the. I ever thought I would, and I have started looking at the odds of me getting a scholarship being 1 of a hundred on average meaning if I wanted to pay of my tuition that would mean applying to say around 100...

Aubrey’s Avatar
Aubrey Apr 17, 2018 386 views

Why is it that teens are so reluctant to take eight am classes in college when in reality they'll probably end up working at a job that starts at eight am for the next twenty years?

As a perspective college student I have been advised by numerous college students and admissions officers that I won't have to take early classes when it comes to starting college, when college is meant to be for preparing students for starting rigorous and time structured jobs. #8amclasses

CHLOE’s Avatar
CHLOE Apr 17, 2018 532 views



Katie’s Avatar
Katie Apr 15, 2018 788 views

In college what was one of your toughest things you had to overcome and how did you get past it?

I am wondering about something you may have struggled with sometime in college and how you overcame the problem. #college

Katie’s Avatar
Katie Apr 14, 2018 722 views

Do colleges or other businesses offer internship or shadowing programs?

In high school or college, do businesses provide the opportunity to gain hands on experience in the workforce? To learn more about the major we are studying. #business #internships

Katie’s Avatar
Katie Apr 14, 2018 813 views

In the interview process, what qualities do they look for when deciding to give you the job?

What characteristics are beneficial to exemplify to employers that you have, and that are positive in the workplace. #interviews #jobs

Katie’s Avatar
Katie Apr 14, 2018 813 views

If you could, what would you do differently in selecting a college and a major.

As a high school junior, what advice can you give me in the selection process. #college #college-selection #college-course-selection

Katie’s Avatar
Katie Apr 14, 2018 688 views

With a business degree, how influential is the name on your diploma in the interview process?

On average, college tuition has more than doubled in the last 20 years. Many college students graduate with significant debt, is it worth going to a school that is more expensive with an equal reputation of another school. While still getting the same degree. #business #after-college...

Danni’s Avatar
Danni Apr 12, 2018 1159 views

Is "drafter" a still-used position at engineering firms? What skills does a drafter need?

For example, if you were going to a college with vocational courses, would it make sense to try to pursue something that prepares you to become a drafter? Are engineering firms still looking for people to handle just drafting, or do they only want engineers? If they are, what are the...

Danni’s Avatar
Danni Apr 12, 2018 1220 views

Would someone graduating at 40 with their first degree in civil engineering have a chance in the workforce?

Is it sensible or feasible (or how does the outlook seem in general) to get one's first degree at 40 as a civil engineer? (Entering college at 35, graduating at 40) Would potential employers be biased against an "old" newbie, making it impossible to pay off school debt at such a late date...

Leonila’s Avatar
Leonila Apr 12, 2018 949 views

Can I apply to dental school and hygiene school at the same time?

I have been put on a wait list to dental schools. I am going to reapply again but I am keeping my options open just in case dental school will not accept me again. I am also going to apply at a hygiene school. ( Note I have all the requirements I needed for dental my scores were not that bad....

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Apr 11, 2018 634 views

How do you write a good cover letter?

There are millions of formats online for a cover letter. Some are longer and more specific. Others are short and don't provide much information (i.e., bragging points) about the writer. Some are double-spaced and others are single-spaced. Some are twelve-point and others are ten-point. Does the...

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Apr 11, 2018 722 views

I love school but I've learned that I hate being in the workforce. How can I be sure to get a job I will enjoy after I graduate?

I can't stay in school forever. I graduate with my MFA (yes, I'm going for specialization), but I'm worried that after I'm specialized, I still won't be able to find a job I enjoy. #workforce #career #career-advising #finding-a-major #passion

Alexa’s Avatar
Alexa Apr 08, 2018 683 views

What are the most and least rewarding aspects of pursuing a career in which you are interested in but not great at.

I am going to pursue Engineering, however, I have never taken a physics or calculus class. It is the only career field that I enjoy and have participated in many engineering programs. #engineering #chicago #computer-science

Saomi’s Avatar
Saomi Apr 08, 2018 749 views

Is it a good idea for me to be in a Dual Degree program?

I want to study engineering, but the school I want to go to only has a dual degree program. Will it make a different if I get two degrees compared to one? #engineering #college-major

Saomi’s Avatar
Saomi Apr 08, 2018 475 views

How hard is it to get a full ride from a school?

I see a lot of full rides based on sports but not on merit. #scholarships

Jasmine’s Avatar
Jasmine Apr 06, 2018 553 views

Does obtaining minors to your degree benefit you financially when getting a job ?

Im asking this question because schooling is very expensive , especially for nursing , and I want to know that with me minorin in something useful to my major the job I get will be able to help me pay off my loans. #nursing

Stephen’s Avatar
Stephen Apr 03, 2018 712 views

How important are summer jobs in getting a job after college?

I play basketball and some of my summer is taken up by touring with my team. Is it necessary for me to stop playing over a summer to concentrate on and internship and if so, which year? #internships #basketball

Stephen’s Avatar
Stephen Apr 03, 2018 1184 views

What are some professions that would fit my interests in statistics and probability?

I enjoy math and my two favorite subjects are stats and probability so I'd like to know what career paths are open to me. #statistics

Anacletus’s Avatar
Anacletus Mar 31, 2018 906 views

Is it a good idea to practice the SAT Test with different books from different companies?

I am asking this question because I am getting ready for the SAT, and I have different book from different companies like College Board, Princeton, and Kaplan and I am no sure which book is best for SAT preparation.#sat Practice #college #college-advice

Anacletus’s Avatar
Anacletus Mar 31, 2018 694 views

What are the things that starts to change, when you start paying your bill?

I am asking this question because I want to know what's going on with people who pays bills.#futurelife

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