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Jeancarlo’s Avatar
Jeancarlo Jan 17, 2018 905 views

What is a skill or quality most people overlook when it comes to interviewing that is actually vitally important?

As a college student, the transition to the workforce is happening really soon. Since I will have to do many interviews, what soft skill or quality should I make sure I have in order to make myself as hirable as possible? #interviews #jobs #computer-science #professional-development #stem...

Jeancarlo’s Avatar
Jeancarlo Jan 17, 2018 1621 views

How should a computer science major keep up with the constant changes in the field and with technology itself ?

I'm a computer science major and I constantly hear about new strategies, programming languages, and technologies that are supposed to be the next big thing. It would be impossible to keep up with all of them, but, in order to stay up to date, how do I tell which new thing is the best to invest...

Fathima’s Avatar
Fathima Jan 17, 2018 887 views

What should I expect when it comes to sexism and racism in the STEM field, because I know it's quite pervasive in the US?

I'm South Asian, muslim, and a woman, and so far I've not experienced a lot of sexist or racist treatment, but I expect I'll run into it eventually. Is there any ideology I should keep in mind, or any resources I should look into?

#racism #sexism #biology #biotechnology #women-in-stem

Fathima’s Avatar
Fathima Jan 17, 2018 751 views

How do I blend visual art and writing skill with my biotechnology degree for a career?

Ever since I was a kid, I was constantly stuck between wanting to be an artist, a writer, or a scientist. There must be some way to have all these things in my life, but I'm not really sure since I want to be a microbiologist or parasitologist. #biology #biotechnology #molecular-biology...

Jade’s Avatar
Jade Jan 17, 2018 821 views

Best Extracurriculars for a Book Editor?

Now that I'm looking at internships, I want to be an attractive candidate for publishing companies. I've just started working as an editor for one of my college's newspapers. My other extracurricular is very inactive now, so what clubs should I approach? Book clubs, maybe? #college #english...

Jade’s Avatar
Jade Jan 17, 2018 924 views

Should I take Music courses in College, even though I don't know anything?

I plan on becoming a book editor - so an English major, basically. Recently I've been watching vocalists videos on YouTube, and have become fascinated with the creative world of vocal technique. My college offers a plethora of Music courses, and I really want to learn about the subject, but I'm...

Kisan’s Avatar
Kisan Jan 17, 2018 1167 views

How to balance romance and studying?

How to balance romance and studying? #work-life-balance #time-management #family

Kisan’s Avatar
Kisan Jan 17, 2018 1220 views

How to make a budget?

What's the best way to go about making a budget? #budgets #budgeting #finance

Kristin’s Avatar
Kristin Jan 17, 2018 787 views

What to do after graduation?

Recently declared a biology major, but not sure what my path should be once I graduate. Should I go to grad school, med school, or start working and see if I want to go back to school later on?
#recentlydeclared, #postbacpath, #gradschool, #medschool, #career-paths

Kristin’s Avatar
Kristin Jan 17, 2018 826 views

How should you go about getting a job after graduation if you have no work experience?

You can't include work experience/history or applications or resumes if you don't have any, so what do you do instead? How does this affect your application process when you're looking for a career?
#job, #career, #noworkexperience

Mike’s Avatar
Mike Jan 16, 2018 578 views

Best skill to improve your worth to a company

What is the skill that has the highest return on investment outside of going to school #engineering

Mike’s Avatar
Mike Jan 16, 2018 746 views

How do I find internships at smaller companies

I want to do service engineering at a smaller company with potential for growth, and want to find a way to contact companies #jobs #engineering

Chris’s Avatar
Chris Jan 16, 2018 938 views

What is the best way to decide which career would be best for me?

I’m in my sophomore year now and I can’t decide what job I want to have when I’m older. I’ve done some research and would like to be either a lawyer or an engineer but I can’t decide which one. What would be a good way to go about deciding which career to pursue?

Jhonatan’s Avatar
Jhonatan Jan 16, 2018 775 views

Should I attend Graduate school after my bachelors degree or should I get some experience first?

I am graduating in approximately a year and I am having troubling deciding this. #graduate-school #technology

Jhonatan’s Avatar
Jhonatan Jan 16, 2018 637 views

What are some good scholarships for student who are Latinos majoring in Computer Science?

I am Latino majoring and Computer Science and this interest me.
#technology #latino-students

Jhonatan’s Avatar
Jhonatan Jan 16, 2018 895 views

Should I attend Graduate school after my bachelors degree? Or should I get some experience in the workforce first?

I am graduating in approximately a year and I am having troubling deciding this. #graduate-school #technology

Jhonatan’s Avatar
Jhonatan Jan 16, 2018 716 views

What are some good scholarships for student who are unrepresented majoring in Computer Science?

I am Latino majoring and Computer Science and this interest me.
#technology #latino-students

Hilmi’s Avatar
Hilmi Jan 16, 2018 574 views

In college, am I going to be able speak fluent?

I am international student in America, I studied English so much, and my speaking is not as good as my academic English. I want to be very fluent in English, people around me tell me that as I get to college, I will a lot of time to improve my speaking. Did anyone have experience like that?...

dominique’s Avatar
dominique Jan 16, 2018 846 views

What are some good studying habits as a college student?

I need help. #studying-tips #college #studying #study-skills #time-management

dominique’s Avatar
dominique Jan 16, 2018 556 views

how do you switch your major after being accepted for one already?

Im asking because im indecisive about two majors but im leaning towards one than the other and i may change it. #medicine #college-major #academic-advising

Viridiana’s Avatar
Viridiana Jan 15, 2018 581 views

how do you decide what you want to study?

If you still aren't sure what you want to study in college, what are some ways that can help you figure out what you want to do? #career-choice

Viridiana’s Avatar
Viridiana Jan 15, 2018 620 views

what is the hardest about becoming a lawyer?

Throughout the process of becoming a lawyer, what is the hardest? Is it the LSAT's OR getting into a Law school, or finding a job after? #lawyer

Yeika’s Avatar
Yeika Jan 14, 2018 941 views

How can I stop being nervous about applying for college?

I’ve been looking at colleges for a while now, and thinking about how close it’s getting to having to submit applications worries me. The process of applications and thinking will I ever be accepted? #Anxious #college-applications #college-admissions #college

Yeika’s Avatar
Yeika Jan 14, 2018 712 views

Will applying for colleges be stressful?

I’m a junior in high school and I’ve already looked into applying for colleges and it seems pretty complicated. So I’m just wondering how hard will it get throughout senior year looking for colleges? #stressed #college-applications #college

uj’s Avatar
uj Jan 14, 2018 662 views

best colleges in east cost?

best colleges in east cost? #technology

Kiana’s Avatar
Kiana Jan 13, 2018 631 views

How else should I save up for next term besides applying for scholarships / grants and working part-time?

I need money for the fall and right now work part-time on the weekends and attending classes during the weekdays, I simply won't have enough time to thoroughly search for scholarships and such in time. #college-advice #college-tuition

Nimit’s Avatar
Nimit Jan 05, 2018 1186 views

Seeking an internship for the summer

I am a sophomore majoring in Accounting/Finance, and I have previously studied Accounting in my high-school but with IFRS. I was awarded 2 national awards under Accounting by Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) board when I gave their examinations. GAAP is similar, and I do have a bit of...

Peaceful’s Avatar
Peaceful Dec 19, 2017 587 views

What time do teachers start and finish their day?

#research paper #teaching #teacher #career

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Nov 03, 2017 862 views

how can i become a humanitarian?

what steps should i take to have the biggest impact as possible?
#humanitarian-relief #non-profit #charity

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Oct 20, 2017 1304 views

What career path should I choose ?

I love hearing stories and caring for others. I also really want to positively influence people . #sociology #stories #humanitarian #communications #thought-leadership #college #college-advice #college-majors #positivity #influencing #public-relations

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