Norton, Massachusetts

what exacly should i email my school counsler?
I am a sophmore in high school I changed my trgectory completly last year i wanted to join the military.I decided that I wanted to become a surgeon. I want to know what classes to take. what after school activites i should do. I want to know if you can get me connected with any volunteer...

How can a shadow a doctor as a sophmore in highschool?
I am going into my sophmore year and i want the exsperince and i would like to see with my own eyes what its like I am intressed in what ever people have to say and show i want to learn

What is the time line for becomeing a peds surgeon in detail step by step?
I need a how to check list how to become a surgeon I am a very visual person and it would help me so much I am a sophmore in highschool and I am willing to do any extra classes

What should i major in if i want to become a surgeon?
I want to know what i should major in when i go to college I am a sophmore in highschool and i want to know what Ap classes i should take in highschool becuse i am taking AP lang this year

Where should i volunteer ?
I am a sophmore in highschool. I am in New bedford Ma I have no clue were to volunteer I would like events that are known that i can volunteer at. I want to volunteer in a medical setting. becuse i want to become a surgeon.

What internships can i do as a sophmore in highschool if i want to become a surgeon?
I am located in New Bedford Ma I really would like to have more exsposer to the medical setting and i would love to grow my network with doctors and become more knolegeable.

How do i be more disaplined?
If there is one personal quality you can concentrate on while you are in high school it would be self discipline, and the best way I know of to develop this is through setting yourself a schedule and sticking to it. Your parents should be able to help you with this. Paul S. Treuhaft, MD, MA I...

when should you take mcat prep courses?
I am A sophmore in Highschool when should I do MCAT prep. Should I start it in high school or should i wait till college. I need help with it asap becuse i dont know

What classes should I take in highschool if i want to become a surgon?
I want to become a surgon I am going into my sophmore year and I want to know what is the best way to go if i really want to become a surgon

Hi everyone, my name is Dante, and I am a 31 year-old University student. I currently in my final year and I am majoring in Criminal Justice & Criminology with a minor in Psychology. I always wanted to eventually get into the law enforcement field but in case that is not a possibility, with my current age (unfortunately) I just want to know what would be some good carrer paths that would best suit me Thanks?
I am an older student (31 years old) majoring in Criminal Justice & Criminology with a Minor in Psychology. For the past 10 years or I have not been that focused on my education. Been through 3-4 different schools and a couple of jobs before being settled now. Currently working part time...

How many people switch majors in college ?
Is it common to be incorrect about what major you think you will stick with? Also, when people do switch majors, is it usually to a similar field? Wondering for the future!

How to choose between making money and wanting to be happy in a career?
I am currently a rising Junior in highschool and my dream job is to be a marine biologist (More specifically an oceanographer), an ornithologist, or a herpetologist but there are little to few jobs available, and if they are available they don't pay enough for me to grow up and be comfortable....

What are some of the academic resources available to international students, in order to succeed at college? How can pursuing A.I. as a minor at undergraduate or graduate level benefit upcoming generations?
What are some of the academic resources available to international students, in order to succeed at college?
How can pursuing A.I. as a minor at undergraduate or graduate level benefit upcoming generations?

Is it too late for me to start an internship as a rising senior?
Will colleges find an internship during my senior year appealing? Should I avoid an internship and stick to maintaining good grades and my sports performance?

How do you find clients as a freelance photographer?
How do you find clients as a freelance photographer? How do you find new clients and keep old ones. I’m struggling to stretch beyond the circle of people I know.

What are some good careers or majors that have to do with AI?
I took a few classes and know I am deeply interested in the analysis of the delopment of AI and helping out in research theories in the future.

Is it wise to take a gap year between college and med school? What are the best majors for pre-med?
I am a student trying to figure out the best course of action for my undergrad! I would love to be able to directly speak to a medical professional who is a physician or PA.

What is the most stressful part of creating a technology consulting business? #Spring24 ?
I am a junior in High School interested in Computer Science and Business. In the future I hope to become an entrepreneur with a computer based consulting business such as IT help, Cyber Security, Web development, etc.

How do I select which major is best for me?
Hi everyone! I'm currently a freshman at a community college with a general liberal arts major. I'm quite interested in both business/entrepreneurship and psychology. The only hesitation in pursuing one or the other is the job opportunities afterward. I'd like to move forward...

How directly does my chosen major impact my career options in the short term and long term?
For instance, if my major isn't aligned with my long-term career interest but rather a short-term necessity after graduating.

What is the most beneficial pre-med major?
Hi! I hear that common pre-med majors are biology, biomedical sciences, kinesiology, etc., but was wondering what the most helpful one was? Thanks!

What are some top colleges I should consider applying to as someone interested in journalism, communications, and media?
I am currently a junior in high school, and am at the point where I am making a college list to prepare for applications. I am open to studying in the U.S. as well as internationally, such as in the U.K. I would really appreciate some pointers or specific schools I should look into to receive a...

#Spring24 - Journalism Question
If I am interested in pursuing journalism, should I begin my undergraduate by studying English? Or should I go directly into journalism/communications? #Spring24

What pivotal moments or challenges did you encounter while pursuing your professional dreams, and what advice would you offer to someone striving to achieve similar aspirations ?
What pivotal moments or challenges did you encounter while pursuing your professional dreams, and what advice would you offer to someone striving to achieve similar aspirations ? What balance of internal work (such as mindset, personal growth, resilience, etc.) and external work (such as...

How do I get an internship in the medical/biology/biochemistry field ?
Hi! I am a junior in high school and want to get an internship over the summer in either the medical, the biology, or biochemistry field. I am totally fine without a pay, I just want the experience. I wanted to shadow a doctor but most hospitals only let college students do that. What can I do...

What are some tips to be successful working as a technologist in a clinical laboratory #Spring24?
I am receiving my Masters in Clinical Microbiology this summer and have no hands on experience in a clinical lab! I am looking for some advice to prepare me for my clinical rotations starting next month!

What should I choose as my college major?
I want lots of money but have no clue what to do.

What are the working conditions in a law office?
Im a 15 year old girl interested in law. What is it like to work in a law office, what are your hours like do they feel long? Is the work draining?

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