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Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Apr 13, 2017 1005 views

What types of jobs are out there for a bachelor's degree in biology?

I am a junior studying biology as my major, chemistry and education as my minor. Although I have a couple paths I am deciding on once I get my bachelors in biology, I am curious how many others options I have. #biology #chemistry #bachelors-degree

Caleb’s Avatar
Caleb Apr 12, 2017 1717 views

How does one decide upon an interest?

When it comes to careers, I generally want to choose a career that interests me. However, I haven't been able to narrow my interests down to a point where I can choose a career path that interests me. Some of my interests include: Biology, Technology, Music, Programming, Psychology, Philosophy,...

Mia’s Avatar
Mia Apr 05, 2017 4491 views

How can I politely decline an internship without burning bridges?

I'm a college student looking for a summer internship, and I believe I will get accepted to two of the internships I applied to - but I cannot feasibly do both. How can I politely decline one internship while not burning any bridges and maintaining the connections I made there? #internships...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Mar 27, 2017 1191 views

Is there a career and major that pertains to both journalism and science?

As a high school student, on my way to college, I find myself oddly interested in journalism and science. Thus, I am wondering are there any jobs/careers that will allow me to perform tasks in both these areas. Additionally, what majors are be best for these interests? #career #science...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Mar 14, 2017 7393 views

Besides a high GPA, what extracurricular or activities do the big 4 firms like to see?

As an accounting major, my target dream employer is of course the big 4 firms. I was told recently that grades are the first thing that they look at before even considering everything else, so I am shifting gear to focus on that. However, I am now wondering what sort of extracurricular or...

Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail Mar 10, 2017 1244 views

When interviewing for a job, what should you answer when asked about your weaknesses?

Are there answers that show you are thoughtful and honest without ruining the chance of getting the job? What are companies really looking for? #interviews #college-jobs #summer-jobs #interviewing-skills #high-school-jobs

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Mar 04, 2017 1212 views

Does transferring school put you behind the rest of your peers?

I want to plan accordingly to decide if I want to stay or transfer to another school for next semester. However, since a lot of the core classes that I am taking now will not be transferred (I did a little research), I am worried that I will be behind the game if I do transfer. Thus, I hope you...

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly Mar 03, 2017 1077 views

Is it better to go to an art college, or an arts and sciences college?

I'm a freshmen in high school, and I'm currently trying to choose between a college specifically for art, or an arts and sciences college. If I wanted to major in illustration, which type of college should I go to? Is it better to go to an arts and sciences college because I will meet different...

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly Feb 24, 2017 1005 views

What specific factors affect the chance of a freelance illustrator getting a job offer from a client?

I understand that freelancers have to manage their own money, time, daily schedule, as well as their marketing, and various other things. Because of this, I would like to know the specific actions taken by a **freelance illustrator** (who is looking to get an offer from a client in any...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Feb 17, 2017 1413 views

How to naturally navigate a conversation with employers during career fair?

I have attended my first career fair as a freshman last fall. I prepared myself by searching about the main firms that I am interested in. However, after introducing myself, I was struggling to naturally ask questions about the company like their stocks and current events that I have researched...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Feb 04, 2017 1342 views

What is the difference between finance and accounting? Is one more favorable in the job market?

Stuck between Accounting and Finance, I cannot tell the difference between these two majors after visiting so many different websites. All the websites state that both would deal with budgeting and analysis. I am now wondering what are the main differences between an accounting and finance...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Feb 04, 2017 1260 views

What aspects on a college's resume can stand out to employers for internships?

Currently a freshman in college, I am wondering what activities I should be pursuing to appeal more to employers for internships recruitment. Are there some activities that are more heavily weighed than others? #resume #college-jobs #job-coaching #recruiting #resume-writing #college-recruiting...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Jan 18, 2017 7404 views

Does an accountant get to travel a lot?

I am currently an accounting major and one thing that I desire to do is travel and work aboard. Thus, I am wondering if accountants get to travel often? What type/focus of accountants usually gets to travel? #accounting #travel #accountant #financial-accounting #traveling

Talha’s Avatar
Talha Jan 10, 2017 1616 views

How many volunteering hours should any high school student put in to get a decent acceptance to a college?

I am currently in 11th grade and I have put in about 130-145 hours of volunteering work. I was wondering if that would be enough but I am not sure. I know good grades are a factor but I was wondering what the most a child can put in? #college #science #health #school #college-admissions...

Talha’s Avatar
Talha Jan 06, 2017 993 views

What importance does a PhD hold?

Why are PhD field members get higher pay? Why is it such a respectable stand? Should I aim for a PhD in biomedical engineering? #biology #biomedical-engineering #science-phd

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Jan 03, 2017 860 views

Does commuting strip a person of their college experience?

My sister who is a dormer has always lamented to me how important it is to dorm and move away from home. She emphasized on the key phrase "college experience." Instead of listening to her, I am opting to commute because of the internships available for my major in the city. I am wondering if...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Dec 17, 2016 2508 views

What is the difference between public and private accounting firms?

Whenever I hear the word "accounting," my mind would immediately think of the four big four firms. I never fully understood what is the difference between the big four (public firms) and private firms that makes the big four, distinguished targeted employers. I learned before that private...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Dec 10, 2016 982 views

Does college rankings matter?

I remembered back in high school, rankings was a big thing to me. I would constantly check usnews and other websites to see where a certain school ranked before applying to it. However, now that I'm in a college that is averagely ranked, I am wondering if ranking of a college really does...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Dec 02, 2016 980 views

Can you share your experience on how you determine what type of accounting you want to focus on?

Today while conversing with my school adviser, she asked me what type of accounting I wanted to focus on. It was until that moment that I learned that accounting has three focus: taxation, auditing, and financing. I did a lot of research over the past few days because she wanted me to get back...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Nov 28, 2016 2404 views

What can I do to gain more leadership experience in college?

From the start of college, I have joined many clubs and organizations to get involved. However, lately I've been stressing out because every time I desire to join a committee or become a board member, I never quite succeed. Will not obtaining leadership positions hinder my potential to...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Nov 27, 2016 5131 views

Is taking a semester off for an internship a good choice?

As part of my school's Accounting and Taxation Honor Program, there is a requirement to take the winter semester of our senior year off for an internship. This internship will give me an insight into the accounting field as well as possibly landing me a job after college. All my financial aid...

adanech’s Avatar
adanech Nov 25, 2016 2111 views

When should I start investing my money or ?bounding??

I have been working a lot recent ally and I know that your supposed to start investing or share holding your money at an early age. When would be a great time? #business #education #money #economics #investment-management #business-analysis #savings #economic-research

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Nov 14, 2016 3708 views

Why are accountants usually the first career that people associate with miserable and bored people?

From my teacher, counselor, to my mentor/boss, all have told me that I need to be 100% sure that accounting is the right path for me. They then will go on to cite examples of accountants that they know who are miserable and hates waking up to go to work each day. Why are accountants always...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Nov 12, 2016 1563 views

Is there a better career outlook to double major in accounting and a computer related major (CIS) or accounting and a language major (Chinese)?

I soon have to declare my major in order to sort out the necessary courses with my college adviser for the upcoming years. However, I am stumped. I have always intended to major in accounting and a computer related major like Computer Informational System, but recently I started hearing about...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Nov 12, 2016 2223 views

Does one bad grade like a 80 on my transcript affect my chances with top tier colleges?

I have been freaking out lately due to the constant drop in my AP US History quiz grades. Except for this class, I have excelled in my other classes. Additionally, I have never gotten a grade below 90 before and my overachieving mind hopes to find some reassurance from college counselors and...

Hashir’s Avatar
Hashir Nov 10, 2016 1157 views

Private Loans vs. Federal Loans. What are the pros and cons?

From what I can understand there are many types of loans for undergraduate or graduate school. Can anyone explain why I should choose a federal loan over a private loan or vice versa? #college #finance #financial-services #student-loans #federal-government #fafsa

Hashir’s Avatar
Hashir Nov 03, 2016 916 views

How important is your GPA when trying to get a job in your field?

If I'm trying to get a job in any field, does GPA matter or is having relevant experience more important? #college #job-search #experience #undergraduate #gpa

Hashir’s Avatar
Hashir Nov 03, 2016 1181 views

Should I major in theoretical mathematics or applied mathematics in undergraduate?

I've taken both theoretical and applied math courses, but I was wondering what the different prospects in terms of career paths there are from one versus the other? #career #career-path #mathematics #undergraduate #applied-mathematics #theoretical

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Nov 02, 2016 10966 views

What are some good questions to ask a professional panel?

I have had the opportunity in the past to visit accounting firms and converse with accountants. However, I always found myself at a dead end with an inability to come up with good questions. I had a train of thought, but I could not put them into words. Now I want to get an idea of what would...

Hashir’s Avatar
Hashir Nov 02, 2016 1081 views

What are some good experiences to add when thinking about applying to medical school?

I'm trying to figure out what are the most important activities that will help me improve my candidacy for medical school. #medicine #graduate #research #medicine-school #volunteering #undergraduate #admissions #medcine

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