Saratoga, California
How does the residency work for this field? How do you get one?
#orthodontist #med #premed #dentist
How would you shadow people working as a therapist?
How would I be able to shadow someone in the realm of therapy. #psychology #therapy
Do experienced surgeons take rookie surgeons in during an operation?
I was wondering if it was necessary for rookie surgeons to experience operations first hand or just watch from afar.
#healthcare #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare
#surgery #surgeon
How much salary can an environmental scientist make? What other jobs can I take like this one?
#environmental #nature #salary #science
What are the educational requirements to become a programmer?
What colleges/courses do I need to take to become a professioal programmer?
#programming #technology #college #computer
What are the odds of a small company actually taking off?
#business # #entrepreneur # #business-management
How would you get practice with child therapist?
Is there anything you need to do to get more experience with this career. #psychology
How long does it take to become a pediatrician? How many years of residency are required?
#pediatrician #medicalschool #residency #nursing #medicine
How long is a work week for a surgeon or someone who delivers babies? Is there time/ is it hard to have a family for your own or be there for them in general?
#medicine #surgeon #doctor #familyTime #workHours
What jobs did you take after a 4 year college to become a Pediatrician ?
#pediatrician #medicine
What skills do you need to be an event planner such as either a party planner or a wedding planner?
#event-planning #management #business
How difficult is it to find a job involving biology or medicine?
When I was little, I wanted to be a marine biologist, but my mom said that it was difficult to find a job for this. So, I decided to shift my attention to the medical field. I know that there is always a need for medical professions, but I was just wondering how much time you have to put into...
When it comes to being an Architect, is there any travelling involved? If so, do these assignments tend to pay more?
#Design #Building #Architect
How many years of college does it take to be a registered nurse?
How much time is spent studying to become a nurse. #RN #healthcare
If you are a neurosurgeon how many hours a week do you spend in a hospital and you have time to have a family?
# medicine #time-management#doctor #healthcare
What type of community classes can I take to help me decide a career?
What are some job options for me if I'm interested about the environment, plastic pollution, climate change and carbon emissions? I am interested in doing hands on work.
#handson #environment #climatechange #carbon
How many hours a week are required for being an orthodontist?
#orthodontist #dentist #doctor #daytoday #medicne #premed
What classes or jobs did you take after a 4 year college to become a Pediatrician ?
#pediatrician #medicine
What is the typical work day for event planners?
#event-planning #management #work
What are the risks of investing in businesses you don't know about?
#finance #business
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