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Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Feb 24 1713 views

How do I get back into Engineering after being a small business owner for the last 15 years?

I have a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering but was a small business owner for the past 15 years+. How can I successfully get back into Engineering?

Sabrina’s Avatar
Sabrina Feb 06 456 views

Im currently working towards becoming an ER nurse but I want to continue my education and go further than that, what career options are there in an ER?

Im currently working towards becoming an ER nurse but I want to continue my education and go further than that, what career options are there in an ER?

Madisyn’s Avatar
Madisyn Jan 28 992 views

Leaving a career to pursue later?

I am thinking of becoming a Vet Technician but initially feel pursuing at this time in my life wouldnt be the best choice. I dont feel emotionally or mentally able to pursue this dream as of right now and feel, maybe I should wait till several years till I make the decision. I feel not starting...

Madisyn’s Avatar
Madisyn Dec 30, 2024 943 views

Are there student exchange or study abroad programs for after high school or a college student?

I was wondering if there are any of these types of programs available to do after I finish high school or when I start college. Do I need to be a student in order to become an exchange or study abroad student? Do I have to be in college at a university or does a community college work as well?...

Madisyn’s Avatar
Madisyn Dec 16, 2024 779 views

Everything to know about a Veternarian Technician ?

I am looking into going towards becoming a vet tech as one of my career paths and would love to know any and everyone's experience on becoming and being one. What defines a vet tech? How can you become a Vet technician? What are the pros and cons? How long does it generally take to become a...

Holis’s Avatar
Holis Dec 13, 2024 593 views

why is evolving important?

why is evolving important?

Vivi’s Avatar
Vivi Dec 08, 2024 495 views

what are the job opportunities available as a video game programmer ?

I'm think on pursuing a career in the video game industry and I can't quite decide on any so I would like to know the all careers available

Madisyn’s Avatar
Madisyn Nov 28, 2024 1250 views

Can I do two careers at once?

Can I become a veterinary technician and an sonographer/ultrasound technician? I wish to work with animals and become a tech in vet med but need something to pay as well and seem to find this career a go idea. Can I be both? If not at the same time, could I still get the career for both at...

Madisyn’s Avatar
Madisyn Nov 19, 2024 526 views

What should I do for my college future?

What should I do? I've been thinking about what I should take in college and really would love to work with animals. A vet assistant to then a vet technician would be my goals. Heres the thing, there salary isnt ideal for my future and I feel I need a second major or career choice. I would...

Janet’s Avatar
Janet Nov 15, 2024 550 views

How do I know if I am setting myself up for better future when I don’t know what career to choose?

I want to know a career that fits my vision

Alice’s Avatar
Alice Sep 17, 2024 1291 views

What sort of careers are there related to Chemistry?

I'm really loving the book 'Napolean's Buttons', and I adore my Chemistry class that I'm taking in high school this year and I loved high school Biology last year. I have never considered Chemistry in any sort of career ideation, because I assumed it was all about numbers and bad smells and lab...

Medalith’s Avatar
Medalith Aug 20, 2024 1326 views

How necessary is it to have a degree in Journalism if you want to become a journalist?

Let me give you context for my question. I've been looking at LinkedIn profiles, and everyone who writes for a big journal usually has a degree in a different field like International Relations, Political Science, etc., and they have done something related to journalism. I'd like to know what...

Madisyn’s Avatar
Madisyn Jul 03, 2024 811 views

Should I choose to be a veterinarian?

I am looking at being a veterinarian as one of my possible career choices. What skills do you need? Any specific personality traits you would need or the type of person you need to be in order to be one? What is being a veterinarian like, day to day and so forth? Is it worth it? How do you get...

Athena’s Avatar
Athena Jul 01, 2024 1109 views

What Did you want to become a teacher?

What Did you want to become a teacher?

Madisyn’s Avatar
Madisyn Jun 29, 2024 904 views

What career path should I pursue based on my interests and goals?

I am in my senior year of high school and am feeling the pressure of picking what to do with my life. My hobbies include art, photography, learning multiple languages, crochet and knitting and other crafts. I love animals and adore dogs as well. I wish to travel the world and live in places...

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