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Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 17, 2017 1146 views

What are some 'remote' jobs college students can do to build skills?

I have noticed that there are a lot of remote jobs available nowadays, like freelance writing or helping out with data. Are these jobs good to build resume skills? If I don't have time for a full-time job, could these be useful for cash and testing professional skills? #college #career...

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 17, 2017 1092 views

What steps can I take to raise money for a cause?

I am very passionate about certain environmental and wildlife conservation causes. I have a few in mind that I would really love to start a charity for, but how would I go about this? How do I raise money and put together a 'campaign'? Are there any legal things I should know about? #college...

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 13, 2017 1405 views

What social media skills can I learn to put on my resume?

I am not a communications or advertising/marketing major. I am a STEM major. But, I heard that many jobs want skills in social media and online resources. I know how to use Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Google Drive/Docs, DropBox, and Mendeley. Can these be added to my resume? What other websites...

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 13, 2017 1076 views

How do I know if studying abroad is for me?

I have never traveled alone or been away from my family for more than a few weeks. However, I love to travel and I am considering getting a degree in Europe or Australia. These programs are also so much cheaper than USA programs and have less requirements. Yet, I am worried that I might feel...

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 13, 2017 4523 views

How do you propose the idea of an independent study with a professor you don't know?

I have an area of interest that builds off of a specific subject matter that a professor teaches. The issue is he only teaches one class on that topic, and I have taken it already (a few terms ago). I would like to ask that professor to do an independent study class with me to build on this...

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 13, 2017 1013 views

Can graduate or medical students stay in dorms?

Are there dorms for upper-level students? #college #medicine #graduate-school #college-bound #living #dorm

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 13, 2017 1062 views

What is a GRE exam? Is it similar to the SATs?

What does this exam actually measure? #college #college-admissions #testing #prerequisites

Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary Jan 12, 2017 2898 views

What kind of questions showuld i ask in an internship interview?

I have some internship interviews coming up soon for internships in transportation management and logistics. Should I ask question to the interviewer? If so what kind of questions? #career #internships #interviews #career-development #interview-questions

Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary Jan 12, 2017 982 views

How do i go about choseing the right college for me?

If I don't have a specific major in mind how do I go about choosing a university or college. #college #university #undergraduate #choosing-a-major #undecided

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 12, 2017 912 views

How to write a statement of purpose when applying to college programs?

I am applying to a post-baccalaureate medical program which requires a pre-application including a statement of 'what prompted your desire to pursue medicine now.' Is there a formula for writing these statements? Should I write it like a cover letter? Should I be creative and tell a story? What...

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 12, 2017 1063 views

How to ask a professor or past-employer for a letter of recommendation?

Is it appropriate to ask a professor who doesn't know you very personally, but you did well in their class? #college #career #internships #resume #recommendation #web-applications #job-application #personal-development

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 12, 2017 1139 views

How do you make a good impression when volunteering?

Where I volunteer is a pretty impersonal place. I just go in unnoticed and barely get acknowledged by any staff. I understand that the staff is both busy and tired (this is an animal ER). I don't want to interrupt them, but how can I make good relations? The program offers letters of...

Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary Jan 12, 2017 1330 views

How do i figure out what to wear to an internship interview?

I am a junior college student majoring in Geography. I am looking to obtain an internship in the field of transportation. I have recently got two internship interviews and am curious what I should wear to them. #college #internships #interviews #professional-development #geography

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 12, 2017 1424 views

Did you choose your career path for money or because it was your passion?

As much as we all want to follow our dreams, I often wonder if I am making the right decision pursuing a career that doesn't have high salaries. #college #career #career-choice #salary #financial-planning #personal-development

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 12, 2017 1381 views

What are some universally beneficial hard and soft skills to put on your resume?

What hard skills and soft skills should everyone have on their resume or c.v.? #college #career #jobs #internships #higher-education #resume #interviews #job-skills #job-application

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 12, 2017 4631 views

Is it appropriate to negotiate a salary or stipend with your potential employer for an internship?

A lot of internships are unpaid, but if you need a salary or stipend of some sort, can you ask your potential employer? #college #internships #interviewing-skills #salary-negotiation #stipend #financial-planning #personal-development #job-application

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 12, 2017 893 views

How do I get a student loan?

What are the steps I need to take to get a student loan for tuition? #college #student-loans #loans #tuition

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 12, 2017 1439 views

Will attending an ivy league school guarantee better job opportunities?

Does going to an Ivy League make you more likely to receive more job opportunities? #college #career #graduate-school #college-admissions #job-search #college-bound #undergraduate #ivy-league

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 12, 2017 4391 views

Do all graduate colleges/medical schools accept AP credits?

Some of my course requirements were fulfilled using AP credits, like biology and physics. However, will these AP classes still be considered as fulfilling the requirements when I apply to medical or graduate schools? Or do they not count these classes?

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 12, 2017 6563 views

What information should I include in a cover letter?

When applying to a job that requires a resume and a cover-letter, what information should I include in the cover letter so that I don't 'repeat' what's on my resume? #college #career #internships #interviews #volunteering #cover-letters #job-application

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 12, 2017 990 views

How to manage LOADS of reading assignments?

I taking 19 credits of classes this term, all of which have an astronomical amount of reading homework. Every time I go through my assignments, I've realized that I may not be reading effectively. I tried skimming and underlining, but by upon finishing the text, I realize I didn't quite grasp...

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 12, 2017 926 views

Choosing a post-baccalaureate program vs. masters degree vs. non-matriculation to improve my grades before applying to vet school?

I am in a position where the degree I am receiving (BS, MS) does not directly apply to veterinary medicine. I have taken some pre-requisite classes ("pre-vet reqs"), but in some I have received less than stellar grades. I am also completely missing some pre-requisites like upper level biology...

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 12, 2017 4339 views

What is the best way to approach a veterinarian regarding job-shadowing?

Most veterinarian practices that I have run into or researched do not have a student program which allows for internships or volunteering--they are simply medical practices. However, shadowing a vet can give great insight into deciding if the vet-path is a good career path for a student and...

Kennedy’s Avatar
Kennedy Jan 03, 2017 868 views

Am I able to get my PhD in anything?

I wanted to do psychology but my mom and friends say that maybe engineering is where I need to be. I just don't know anymore. I know for sure I want my PhD but I don't know what topic to get it in. #engineering #psychology #college-majors #phd

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Dec 29, 2016 1291 views

Do job recruiters actually contact all the references I give them?

I have had many small jobs over the summer, including lifeguarding and camp counselor. Many of my bosses in those jobs probably would not have much to say about me and I think that some of my professors at school or my swim coach would be better references. But they are not my boss and I have...

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Dec 29, 2016 2133 views

Am I supposed to change my resume depending on the job I am applying to or is it better to be consistent in my applications?

I am currently working really hard on my resume! I have taken it to workshops on my college campus and formatted it into many drafts. I am wondering if I should be changing it, what it says, or the way it is formatted slightly for each job based off of the context of the job I am applying to....

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Dec 29, 2016 1151 views

Whats better- getting more sleep before your test or staying up all night studying?

I am a student athlete and often crunched for time when it comes to studying! I am usually very tired and opt for sleeping before the test but I always wonder if I should use those six hours of sleep to study more. #college #school #time-management #work-life-balance #planning #studying #time...

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Dec 29, 2016 1683 views

Whats the best way to find internships that help with post-college future jobs?

I am currently a junior in college and its time to get a REAL internship this summer, if you know what I mean. I was abroad this past fall semester and now its time to figure out how to get a job for the summer that will put my studies into action. #career-counseling #internships...

Miles’s Avatar
Miles Dec 14, 2016 1221 views

How should you end a professional email?

I have heard of multiple answers for this question, but not many seem to sync up. Is it more proper to end with something as small as "sincerely," or is it better to just say nothing at all? Also, should you add something other than your name at the end of your emails? #professional #email

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Dec 07, 2016 872 views

What majors do you recommend in order to be an ethnomusicologist?

I am currently enrolled in a World Musics class at my university, and I find the field of ethnomusicology fascinating. However, I'm curious what majors lead to this. There's music, obviously, but this doesn't prepare one for understanding other cultures. It seems that sociology would be equally...

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