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Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 04, 2016 1291 views

Do you have to rely on others?

My parents have provided me with so much all my life and presently, I feel so bad for asking them for help on anything. A semester ago I did not have any money at all in my name and when my friends would want to hang out or if I had an event, I wouldn't go. Since I dorm in college, I also did...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 04, 2016 1091 views

What qualities do you like in a BOSS?

We've all been there where we dislike the manager in our job. So, what makes a manager a good manager? When you are working at a job, what makes you respect this person ? #career #jobs

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 03, 2016 1736 views

How did studying abroad change your perspective?

Going to college, there is an option of going to another country and studying abroad. I want to ask anyone who has gone abroad how their life has changed and how it has impacted the steps you took in the future. #career #money #future

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 03, 2016 1212 views

How can I make my boss impressed ?

I work a minimum pay job, and I want to show my boss that can do well/ better. I want them to know that I am dependable and can do things on my own. How can I impress them? (Considering the fact that the job is a minimum wage job) #career #money #job

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 02, 2016 1273 views

How can I save money?

Working a minimum pay job ($9) and having only 30 hours a week I think is not that much money. I like to spend money which I know is really bad. I need to learn how to stop spending all my money. How can I save money and put it to greater use? #career #jobs #money

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 02, 2016 1459 views

Is there a way not to depend to heavily on money?

This question may be un-attainable to be honest. I wanted to know if anyone out there doesn't rely on money as much. Knowing that our country relies so much on financial aid and currency, how can I rely less on money, if possible? #career #money

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 30, 2016 1257 views

Tips to succeed in life?

Super general, I just wanted to ask if there was something that you have done to impact your life for the better. What made you succeed at what you do, and how did you go about doing this? #career #work #life #success

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 30, 2016 7145 views

What motivates you to succeed?

This is also a pretty general question. In your field of work, whatever you are doing, what pushes you to try and perform better than the other people around you. What's that thing that really inspires you to be the best you? #career #success #motivation #passion

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 29, 2016 1065 views

How can I get better grades?

The question was worded very differently from what I am trying to ask.To clarify, even though I had tried very hard to get a good overall GPA for my second semester in college, I still seemed to get lower than a 3.0 GPA. So, I believe that even when I tried my best I still didn't get the grades...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 29, 2016 1111 views

Are extroverted people the most successful?

Throughout high school, I noticed that most teachers prefer a student that is loud and opinionated. Me on the other hand, would be loud when it came to talking with my friends and family. Are the students that speak up and talk the people who in the future become the most successful? #school...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 27, 2016 1279 views

What is the minimum salary you have to get in order to provide for yourself? for a family?

I think that many of us take our homes as guaranteed, especially if our family still supports us. We don't realize how much money they use to support us. So, what is the salary we have to earn in order to live by ourselves? What is the salary we have to earn in order to sustain a family or 2?...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 27, 2016 1211 views

How do I become the best version of myself?

This isn't really a career question, but I believe it's relevant in all the perspectives of our lives. How can I better myself with family, school, friends? How long will it take to reach my full potential?

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 27, 2016 848 views

How can I get work my way up to my career?

As a college student, I'm worried about the future like many others. As a communications major, how can I get intermediate level jobs when I only work minimum pay jobs at the present moment? #career #job

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 27, 2016 1132 views

What jobs can I get in the communications field?

The subject of communications is a pretty general. What type of jobs can I get in the communications field and how can I get good jobs in that field? What do people who have communication major degrees do? #jobs #major #communications

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 25, 2016 885 views

What is the difference between doing something you love, and doing something for the money?

A big part of our lives is financial security, and it seems as if most people will get a job just for the money although they might not like the job. As a person who works without any love for what you do, are you satisfied with your life ? As a person who is passionate in what you do but does...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 25, 2016 1104 views

How can I give a great impression to a interviewer?

I am applying to jobs, and I (hopefully) will be getting calls back for interviews. How can I stand out, or give a great first impression to the hiring manager? As an anxious person, I tend to stutter and look around a lot. I know that this habit is bad, so what can I do to make up for...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 24, 2016 1089 views

What qualities of a person do employers look for when interviewing?

Since there are so many people who apply for jobs, what makes a person stand out? What catches your attention or makes you want them as part of your workforce? I am referring to entry-level jobs specifically, but I believe that there are qualities of a person that can get them hired at all...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 24, 2016 1072 views

How do I know If I'm on the right career path?

I have an interest in a few things; fashion, advertising, and other miscellaneous subjects. I have figured out what I want to do in the future (fashion merchandiser) but the problem is that I always have this little doubt in the back of my mind. This doubt pesters me and produces insecure...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 23, 2016 2413 views

How badly can your GPA affect your career goals?

Since I came to college, it was hard adjusting to a new place and having a lot of independence. During my first semester, I took a turn going the wrong direction. I would not go to class, and it hit me hard the end of the semester when I realized I had done really badly. I am trying to improve...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jun 23, 2016 1264 views

How can I make my resume stand out if I don't have much experience since beginning college?

I've recently started school a year ago, and sadly I haven't been as active as I could have been. Now, I am applying for jobs but I am getting no replies. I was redoing my resume and realized that most of my volunteer work come from high school and that the experience is irrelevant now....

zhengyu’s Avatar
zhengyu Jun 13, 2016 1141 views

Where can I get a good chances to learn more tech about the C++ ?

I'm a college student, my major is Internet and Information Technology. Bc I want to be a gaming designer or development That's why I really want to have more experience in C++ area. But my school only have one C++ classes for my major to get the degree. there are other two C++ classes in my...

Kamil’s Avatar
Kamil Jun 01, 2016 1298 views

How do I find relevant work experience if no one is willing to give work experience?

I found that many jobs, even jobs that traditionally were entry level, require previous work experience. Where can one go to find experience when everyone requires experience? #volunteering #career-plan #business-networking

Kyana’s Avatar
Kyana May 29, 2016 954 views

where in New York can i be an intern for the summer?

I would like to be an intern for the summer but don't know a law firm that hires a 16 year old junior. #law #communications #communication #intern #pre-law #new-york #junior

Kyana’s Avatar
Kyana May 29, 2016 800 views

How can i recieve a grant?

I want to get a grant because I know you don't have to pay them back. #graduate #financial-aid #grants

Merazul’s Avatar
Merazul May 28, 2016 1260 views

Is it worth looking into work at home jobs or not?

I have recently been browsing some jobs online as any college student would to be able to do something over the summer. However, it seems sketchy and unconventional that how are people able to work from home and make more than one can imagine. The past year I worked as delivery and it was a...

SENNAM’s Avatar
SENNAM May 28, 2016 952 views

In today's society, being a specialist or a family medicine practicioner, which is more suitable?

I am asking this question because I am planning on becoming a medical doctor but I am not sure if I want to specialize or practice family medicine. #medicine #family-medicine

SENNAM’s Avatar
SENNAM May 28, 2016 1018 views

When is it suitable to plan, implement and conduct research when entering medical school?

I am asking this question because most students planning on attending medical school find it difficult as to what is the right time to engage in a suitable research project without any form of hindrances. #medicine #pre-med

Troy’s Avatar
Troy May 27, 2016 1583 views

Should I drop a difficult class I enjoy but find challenging and might negatively affect my G.P.A?

So, when I was younger I always thought I'd like physics and took a class this semester in college. I would love to learn the material, but had to drop it after it became apparent the class would negatively affect my G.P.A. Now I'm caught in a dilemma, do I take the class again next semester...

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel May 27, 2016 2393 views

What is Mechanical Engineering in the private sector like?

What type of work is usually done by a mechanical engineer working for a company? Is it largely desk-work and modeling? Is there any product testing? How multidisciplinary is your work? Is there a problem with intellectual property between you and a company? Would you recommend staying...

Theresa’s Avatar
Theresa May 27, 2016 986 views

How can I know if medical school is the best career path for me?

I have always been fascinated by the medical profession, and I would like to gain some more insight on how a person can gauge whether medical school would be a good career option. #college #medical-school

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