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Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly Apr 17, 2018 1061 views

How much extracurricular work is too much?

Graduate classes + a (mandatory) internship + a job = Too much? My graduate program requires me to work an internship. My financial situation requires me to work another job. But after the homework, the interning, and the work days -- will I miss out on school organizations, meetings,...

Antonio ’s Avatar
Antonio Apr 25, 2017 2074 views

Any tips to help ease the worry of a good interview?

I recently got my permission to work in the U.S, but so far I've been struggling my interviews. I have been applying for several jobs and I've gotten call for interviews. When I do the interviews, I always try to give a good impression but after the interview I don't get call back about the...

Elaine’s Avatar
Elaine Apr 04, 2022 3396 views

What exactly is work study/How does it work?

I am an incoming freshman who is potentially going to UCSD in the fall of 2022(majoring in Computer Science). Even though my scholarships and financial aid covered everything for me, I still want to have back ups, like having a job or doing work study. Therefore, I want to know how does work...

James’s Avatar
James Jul 22, 2020 1417 views

What do I bring to a job interview?

#July2020 #interview #job #summer-jobs #jobs #first-job

Isabel’s Avatar
Isabel Aug 27, 2018 1962 views

What is one invaluable lesson you learned at a job or internship?

job #first-job #job #summer-jobs #college-jobs #jobs #internships

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Feb 20, 2018 1304 views

Part-time jobs besides food service or retail?

I'm a college sophomore, psychology major, looking to have a more productive summer than last year (I volunteered once a week with the public library.) An internship or summer research program is my preference, but if not, I may need to resort to part-time work. I enjoyed my time at the library...

Diamond’s Avatar
Diamond Aug 29, 2018 817 views

What are some programs undergrads can apply to, to help with studying and financial needs?

Such as a Part Time Job
#Help #part-time #college-jobs

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 09, 2016 1128 views

Once you reach your career goal, do you aim to go higher ?

Okay so to rephrase, I want to know if after you have reached your dreams, if you do that is, do you climb more into the management ladder of your field? #career #jobs #money

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 02, 2016 1332 views

How can I save money?

Working a minimum pay job ($9) and having only 30 hours a week I think is not that much money. I like to spend money which I know is really bad. I need to learn how to stop spending all my money. How can I save money and put it to greater use? #career #jobs #money

Michelle’s Avatar
Michelle Aug 22, 2018 1474 views

Is it better to do paid internships or just a regular job during university?

I'm looking to go to college in New York City, and that can obviously get really expensive, so I was wondering which job option would be better for both experience and pay. #jobs #job #money #career

Leah’s Avatar
Leah Dec 18, 2017 6533 views

Is it worth it to get a job only for the month of college winter break?

I am home for winter break right now and want to get a job so I am not doing anything after New Years. Applying for jobs is even harder because I can't drive and must be able to walk there and back every day I work.

#job-search #online #remote-work #part-time #college-jobs

Aldo’s Avatar
Aldo Dec 10, 2019 758 views

What's the best way to find out about jobs in this field?

Hi my name is Aldo Labrado, and i wanna know how i can find a job and which is the best way.

Paajcha Julie’s Avatar
Paajcha Julie Dec 16, 2021 3772 views

What is being a remote worker like?

For those you of doing remote work, what is is like overall? 1. What kind of work do you do? (contractor, employee, etc.) 2. In regards to work hours, is it more flexible compared to working on site? 3. How are you compensated? (salary, commission, etc.) 4. What is the earning potential of...

Kelvin’s Avatar
Kelvin Apr 10, 2022 3588 views

What are the pros and cons of working at home?

Remote work has become common among the former office workers, so what has your experience been like?

Gianna’s Avatar
Gianna Apr 05, 2022 958 views

Haas Business School of Berkeley

My career goal statement did not change at all, since I am still planning on entering the business industry. i hope to be able to get accepted into the Haas school of business at Berkeley, to pursue higher and better education.

Dante’s Avatar
Dante May 14, 2016 1081 views

How can I be more organized in college with assignments and sports?

I struggled through high school with being organized and that is where I failed to make the most of my education. I do not want to fall into old habits when I start college in the fall. I need to learn how to manage my time more efficiently so I do not struggle through college....

Emilia’s Avatar
Emilia Jul 19, 2020 921 views

Is an internship the way to go?

I'm a student that lives on their own, without financial support from parents. I was wondering if an internship is absolutely necessary to get my "foot in the door", even though financially, I cannot take on an unpaid internship?

#internships #networking #JULY20

Lessa’s Avatar
Lessa Jul 12, 2018 953 views

What methods of organization have been successful for managing school, work and home obligations?

I have tried everything from lists to sticky notes to keep my life balanced and to remember all my assignments and due dates. I currently use a bullet journal and like what it offers, but I would still love to hear about methods that have allowed others to successfully meet all of life's...

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Jan 16, 2018 862 views

Paper or online calendar?

I'm looking for some advice on organization. Many of my peers use a paper agenda to keep track of assignments and due dates. Others use online applications or calendars. I want to stay organized, but I'm not sure what's best for me. #organization #studying-tips

David’s Avatar
David Apr 05, 2022 472 views

What is something I can do to keep myself organize with all my work from my computer science in the future?

How should organize my stuff so I can easily find what I need.

Blessing’s Avatar
Blessing Jul 29, 2020 846 views

What is the best way to build my network and find a mentor in my field of study?

I am an undergraduate student looking to expand my network and find a possible mentor - someone I can whose mistakes I can learn from and who can show me how to navigate the field as a graduate (which I will be in 2021)

#JULY20 #networking #mentorship

Shaina’s Avatar
Shaina Apr 07, 2022 1319 views

How to politely end a virtual 1:1 meeting?

I attend my mentoring sessions or general talks with my coach and it sometimes gets awkward because I don't know how to end a meeting like I don't know how to signal that "I've asked all my questions and I have nothing more to ask". What do I say or do?

Zongyin’s Avatar
Zongyin Mar 25, 2022 1956 views

is accounting a hard major?

and what's the salary like in accounting

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Apr 05, 2022 349 views

Would taking Calculus 3(multi-variable) during high school be a wise choice for an aspiring engineer?

I’m currently a high school junior and I’m taking Calculus 2. Should I consider taking the next level of calculus at a local college next year? Will this help me progress faster or would it make no difference whether I take it now or later?

Shuk Man’s Avatar
Shuk Man Feb 18, 2022 1336 views

Is extracurricular activity important in college?

#college #college-advice

hannah’s Avatar
hannah Mar 25, 2022 476 views

what grades should i have in 10th grade?

for colleges

Daisy’s Avatar
Daisy Mar 25, 2022 471 views

What can I do to pay for college?

I'm going to college this fall and I fear I may be too late to get scholarships.

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Mar 25, 2022 762 views

What is the most important thing about moving on from highschool to college?

I've heard from multiple older acquaintances that college is more about studying than social life and others have said the opposite. I want to hear from others, that aren't very biased on their college experience, which is more important, or if there's another part of this "coming to age"...

Howard’s Avatar
Howard Mar 25, 2022 761 views

do software engineers use complicated math like calculus ?

There is alot of math requirements in college

Anita’s Avatar
Anita Mar 25, 2022 573 views

Does the college I go to affect my chances of getting into Medical School?

I'm currently a sophomore, but post-high school, I plan on attending a college in the New England Region. Afterward, I aspire to attend Medical School and become a certified Pediatrician :)