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David Sulli’s Avatar

David Sulli

Manufacturing Engineer and business owner
Management Occupations - Architecture and Engineering Occupations
San Diego, California
25 Answers
42545 Reads
31 Karma

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Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Feb 24 1695 views

How do I get back into Engineering after being a small business owner for the last 15 years?

I have a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering but was a small business owner for the past 15 years+. How can I successfully get back into Engineering?

Jim’s Avatar
Jim Dec 31, 2024 534 views

Hi I'm 28 years old I want start small business. where do I start?

Hi I'm 28 years old I want to start a small business. Where do I start

Zoë’s Avatar
Zoë Jun 08, 2024 1153 views

Can you help me identify careers where both the values and these skills align?

I am exploring the ways that my skills and values align, I value finance, socialization, and being mindful. My strongest skills are related to working with people, these include planning, socializing and selling.

Faith’s Avatar
Faith Jul 13, 2023 551 views

How do I start my own business at 13 with my 15 year old sister?

I am in 7th grade and my sister and I want to start a name designing business.

Analizjoan’s Avatar
Analizjoan Jul 15, 2023 445 views

Where and how do I start my small business?

I want to start a small business when I have the money too but I just don't know where I would start and I would like it to be selling home made jewelry.

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 29, 2023 1132 views

Which roles & responsibilities are required to be able to run a small business? ?

Note: this is part of our Professionals series, where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform.

Livia’s Avatar
Livia Jun 15, 2023 1494 views

Small business owners- how do you not overwork yourself?

How is it possible to start and run a successful small business without working 24/7?

Najib’s Avatar
Najib May 20, 2023 524 views

What should be done to start a successful and reliable small business?

What should be done to start up a successful and reliable small business?

Rydell’s Avatar
Rydell May 16, 2023 512 views

When it comes to being a Head Chef of your own business or elsewhere, when is the best time to invest in your career?

Being Head Chef of your own business or for someone else's business is a big goal. With developing experience, I want to know what is a good way to take those risky step and fall in the decent situation if it goes bad, financially.

keyanna’s Avatar
keyanna May 09, 2023 436 views

How long does it take to be an entrepreneur?

age 18

sophia’s Avatar
sophia May 09, 2023 1065 views

Is starting a small business hard?

I make jewelry and I want to start a small business when I'm older. I want to sell witchy supplies, plants, and jewelry.

Jesse’s Avatar
Jesse Feb 07, 2023 544 views

What are some of the important aspects when wanting to major in technical engineering?

Is everything added to technical engineering, or are there specific areas? if so what are they?

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Mar 15, 2023 2415 views

How important is project management to a career as an engineer?

This is part of our professionals series where we ask professionals what they think students should know

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Mar 15, 2023 1710 views

What are some lower-cost alternatives to a bachelor's degree in engineering?

This is part of our professionals series where we ask professionals what they think students should know

Rosselin’s Avatar
Rosselin Mar 13, 2023 576 views

Is becoming a baker or someone who deals with small cakes a fun job?

I've been really interested in decorating cakes and I want to know if it's fun.